Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints – Scams are becoming more sophisticated. Learn what to look for so you don’t fall prey to an Apple phishing email.

It’s the end of a long day, and you open your email for the last time. There, waiting at the top of your inbox, is a message from Apple asking you to confirm a purchase.

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

, you might think as you click on the link in the email to find out what they bought. Unfortunately, you may have just become the latest victim of an Apple phishing email.

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What is phishing? It is a type of scam in which fraudsters try to trick you into giving out personal information. Often, the scam arrives via email, text message or phone call that appears to be from a legitimate company but really isn’t. If you click through the link, you may soon find yourself Googling “How to tell if my computer has been hacked” or wondering if your login credentials are on the most used password list with common way.

Even if they are not, it is easy to fall prey to phishing schemes, which have quickly become the most common type of internet-related crime. In 2021, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center received 323,972 phishing complaints—a 34% increase over 2020. Worse, the people who fell for these scams lost a total of more than $44 million. Read on to learn how to avoid online scams, then find out how to avoid Facebook Marketplace scams, Amazon scams and phone scams.

When hackers phish, they try to trick you into revealing personal information, such as passwords, banking information and Social Security numbers. They do this by sending emails, texts (one of several types of texts that you should delete immediately) and other types of messages that appear to come from a legitimate company, such as Amazon, your bank or your email provider .

These messages typically advise you of a problem with your account and ask you to click a link to remedy the situation. If you click, you may land on a website that looks like the real deal but is actually a form of spoofing. That website may ask you to enter your personal data, which bad actors will then steal with malicious intent. This type of scam is so common that one out of every 99 emails sent is a phishing email.

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In an Apple phishing scam, the fraudulent message appears to come from Apple, which is the second most prominent brand (coming in just behind eBay). Sometimes Apple’s phishing email looks like it’s from the App Store; other times, it may be associated with your Apple Pay account, your iTunes account or some other area of ​​the Apple ecosystem.

One common type of Apple phishing email tries to get you to reveal the Apple ID and password, which you need to access Apple services such as the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage and FaceTime.

Your Apple ID account contains all your contact, payment and security information, which you can use to buy music, movies, apps, subscriptions and more.

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

If hackers know your ID and password, they can dig even deeper, and obtain private information, either for their own nefarious uses or to sell on the black market. “The bad guys have access to your iCloud email and your app, music and movie purchase and rental history,” says Chris Hauk, consumer privacy champion at Pixel Privacy. They also have an entry for all the documents, photos and files stored on your iCloud drive. They can even use your account to watch your movies and, in the latest scams, steal your money.

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With over 1.8 billion Apple devices currently in use, targeting Apple IDs can be a lucrative hustle for scammers.

Scammers have become very sophisticated and will use any method available to them to get your attention and try to phish for your information. Hauk says spoofed emails and texts are the most common methods. “They are the easiest to pull off and require no real programming skills on the part of the bad actor.”

But scammers will also target you through browser pop-up notices, phone calls and even calendar invites. Usually, they try to entice you to click on a link or call a phone number for legitimate sounding purposes but in reality they are trying to either steal, or trick you into revealing personal information. Often, scammers create a sense of urgency, says Russell Kent-Payne, director and co-founder of Certo Software, “so that their victims react quickly to the message and then they are less likely to notice that it is fake.” They can even create fake apple virus alert.

Hackers are constantly inventing new scams and reviving old ones. Some of the most common Apple ID phishing scams now include the following:

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Running an Apple support scam is just one thing hackers can do if they have your phone number. Here’s how it works: You’ll get a call—or often several calls in less than an hour—from what appears to be Apple’s real support phone number. Instead, the number was spoofed. If you answer the call, the scammer claims to be from Apple and says that your Apple ID or iCloud account has been compromised. To fix things for you, they say, they need your password or other sensitive information. Sometimes, rather than talking to you directly, scammers will leave an automated voice message directing you to call a specific number for “Apple Support”.

If you call the number, everything sounds legit, including updates telling you the anticipated hold time. When you finally connect with a human, they will ask you for compromising information. For reco, Apple will never call you to notify you of suspicious activity. In fact, Apple doesn’t call you for any reason—unless you request a call first. Such telephone scams are also known as vishing.

This scam, which Kent-Payne says was discovered earlier this year, relies on the growing popularity of cryptocurrency and NFTs. In this case, scammers target MetaMask, a popular digital wallet for crypto, which is typically backed up on iCloud—a useful security measure if your device is ever lost or stolen, says Kent-Payne.

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

This scam usually starts once the scammers know the email address associated with your Apple ID. They make multiple password reset requests, and you receive text alerts on your phone each time, raising concerns that your account may be compromised.

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Next, Kent-Payne says, similar to the support scam, you get a phone call that appears to be from Apple, warning you about suspicious activity on your account. Since this corresponds to the activity you have been seeing, it is easy to believe that the call is legitimate. With you on the line, the scammer asks for another password reset, this time sending a six-digit verification code to your phone and then asking you for that code, all under the guise of verifying the your identity.

Once they have that code, however, they are able to reset your Apple ID passwo. They can gain access to everything stored in iCloud, including your MetaMask wallet, and steal your cryptocurrency. One user lost $650,000 earlier this year as a result of this scam.

In this Apple phishing email scam, you’ll receive an email that appears to be from Apple, stating that your ID was used to make a purchase, usually with a PDF receipt attached as “proof. ” The email will either ask you to confirm the purchase or submit payment for it.

In either case, you’ll typically see links that, if clicked, will take you to a fake Apple account management page. “It tries to trick you into giving your Apple ID and password,” says Hauk.

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This scam often works in conjunction with the fake receipt scam. If you follow a fake email to a fake Apple page and then enter your information, you may see a notification telling you that your account has been locked due to suspicious activity. It then shows you an “unlock” button, which requires you to reveal personally identifying information, such as your name, Social Security number, payment information and answers to common security questions.

Sometimes, this scam arrives via an iMessage alert stating your Apple ID has been locked because your ID is about to expire. The message may ask you to fill out a form to open your account. This, of course, gives hackers access to sensitive information.

It is true that Apple sometimes locks IDs if the company suspects fraudulent activity, but you can unlock your Apple ID by making a phone call directly to Apple. It’s worth noting, however, that Apple IDs do not expire, says Kent-Payne.

Apple Customer Service Email Complaints

If you get hit with a Find My iPhone scam, you’ve probably already fallen for at least one other Apple ID scam. If hackers have already gained access to your iCloud account, they can activate the Find My feature and put your device in “lost” mode, which locks it remotely. You will then see a pop-up message on your phone saying that it will remain locked until you pay a ransom.

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In this scam, which Hauk says is becoming increasingly prevalent, people who use Apple Pay in their digital wallets can

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