Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search – IVote, a group that works to elect Democratic Secretaries of State, will spend $5 million on an advertising campaign in Arizona to promote Democratic candidate for Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and attack his Republican opponent, Mark Finchem.

In 2018, the group spent $3 million on the state’s Secretary of State race to help elect Katie Hobbs, a Democrat who is now running for governor.

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

This year, the ad highlights Fontes’ military service and dedication to expanding voting rights. He also highlights Finchem’s position as someone who continues to deny that Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

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Furthermore, Mr. Finchem said that he cannot guarantee the results of the 2024 presidential election if Joe Biden wins.

“If the law is followed, and the valid votes are counted, and Joe Biden ends up being the winner, I have to follow the rules – if there is no fraud – to confirm the election … [but] I think that” “To talk about something that, frankly, is a myth,” Finchem he told Time Magazine.

IVote has also spent more than $2 million in Michigan and $2 million in Minnesota, according to AdImpact, to run ads against those contesting the secretary of state elections in those states.

“Based on our research, I don’t think people are going to vote for someone who continues to lie … what we’re most concerned about is people who have the right information. We think it’s unfair and we think a lot of voters think it’s unfair,” he said. “Ellen Kurz, founder and president of iVote, told NBC News.

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The Arizona campaign is sponsored by iVote, but it was created and is being run in partnership with the Arizona Democratic Party.

“Thanks to iVote’s tough investment in 2018, Arizonans elected a Secretary of State who oversees elections without bias,” said Charlie Fisher, Executive Director of the Arizona Democratic Party.

He added, “We’re proud to announce a renewed partnership, including a $5 million anti-ballot fund that rejects extremists who have volunteered to cast ballots they don’t like in Arizona’s elections.”

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

Kurz echoed the same sentiment, considering what he says is a dire future if Finchem is elected.

Former Maricopa Co. Recorder Adrian Fontes Campaigns For Az Secretary Of State

“I’m going to call the [Arizona] race right now. And, you know, I think this big money and cooperation will go a long way to ensure that democracy is still there [in] the next presidential election,” Mark Finchem tells the story of the manhunt for three men last night who are suspected of taking out a lot of gangs in Kalamazoo , Michigan, thirty years ago.

An officer with the local police department at the time, Finchem stopped a suspicious vehicle but had no evidence to arrest him. .

That’s how he views the 2020 presidential election, which has brought him to national attention and is pushing to become Arizona’s next secretary of state. Something was wrong, he felt.

“People see things that they know are wrong, but they don’t know,” he said in an interview late last year.

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His belief that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump – without any evidence of serious problems presented to the court or enough errors in the investigation several times to change the vote – led Finchem, 65 years old, to take the office of the main election and make him endorse Trump. Given the role of the secretary of state in confirming the results of the elections, Finchem’s representation has led to national scrutiny as one of those who rejected the 2022 elections.

He has amassed a wealth of assets for his supporters to brag about and to confound his opponents alike as his campaign approaches the Nov. 1 election. 8.

Leaders in major changes in the way elections are conducted, from the abolition of the traditional voting system (except for out-of-town voting on Election Day) to sending voting photos online to change to ballot papers included in many “counter fraud”.

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

He believes that elections should be counted by hand and has said that the state Legislature has the power to set aside the results of presidential elections if lawmakers believe there is no law on how the results were taken.

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Along with GOP candidate for governor Kari Lake, Finchem sought a preliminary injunction in federal court to block the use of computerized systems in the November election. The judge dismissed the case, but the couple is appealing to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

He has vowed to ensure Arizona’s election laws are followed, citing court rulings that stopped his Democratic challenger, Adrian Fontes, from changing several election procedures when Fontes served as Maricopa County recorder.

Finchem announced the policy with controversial comments that Democrats are “Marxists,” that Vice President Mike Pence was part of the conspiracy to remove Trump from office and that he saw the U.S. Capitol on January 6, where he was present. , it was a “massive waste of wealth,” but not a coup.

He accuses Democrats of looking to deep-pocketed donors George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, complaining about anti-Semitism. These criticisms are amplified by Finchem’s cooperation with known antisemites, such as his endorsement of a candidate for the Oklahoma Legislature, and the endorsement of Andrew Torba, the founder of the white nationalist platform Gab, who wrote that Jews control the government.

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Won the 2014 legislative seat on a platform of personal and economic rights. He described himself as a member of the Oath Keepers, “dedicated to a stable, legitimate government.” The Oath Keepers are considered an extremist group and were involved in the January 6 attacks in the U.S. Capitol. Finchem was outside the Capitol that day to deliver the canceled speech and reportedly did not go to the Capitol.

Finchem arrived in southern Arizona in 1999, lured by an offer from American Airlines to work in the Southwest reservation center. He retired from public safety as a firefighter and later a police officer in Michigan, where he ranched (“raised horses, cattle and sheep,” he said) on the side.

“It’s a boring life, that’s why I loved it,” he said of ranching, describing it as a “time to reset” because of the rigors of police work.

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

In Arizona, he had a variety of work experiences, from starting a business called that made signs for the backs of cars, to consulting for a clean electronics company at a dealership. He let his real estate license expire last year, records show.

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She also pursued a degree in sociology from Kalamazoo Valley Community College. He earned a bachelor’s degree in public policy from Grand Canyon University in 2019 and recently completed a master’s degree in law and economics from the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. Early last year, he pretended to have a fellowship at the law college, which the college denied.

“There’s always more to learn, more to enjoy,” he said, adding that the 400 economics class he took at the UA “was really tough.”

Along his learning path, he earned a Six Sigma certification in excellence, a record he believes will serve him well as a government minister. Six Sigma is a business process improvement process.

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Finchem said he felt “something went wrong” in the 2016 election, which Trump won, saying everyone was cheating.

Benny White, a Republican running for Pima County Recorder in 2020, said he never heard Finchem talk about the election when he was at the same meeting.

But three weeks after the election, Finchem called a meeting at a Phoenix hotel with Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani to discuss the results of the election. It fell on the same day that state officials confirmed the results of the Arizona election, sealing Joe Biden’s victory.

Arizona Secretary Of State Business Search

ToNov. 30, 2020, the meeting made him a “spokesman for fair elections,” he told The Republic. It wasn’t a time when he put himself out there, he added, but he found a reason to insist that the elections were rigged.

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He says the information he gathered led the state Senate to launch an investigation into Maricopa County’s election review. The analysis of the ballots cast found more votes for Biden than in history and showed that the state’s vote counting machines were not connected to the Internet – which contradicted Finchem and other election skeptics that the government had failed the election.

He held a similar hearing at his home in Pima County in December 2021 and submitted what he said was false election testimony to Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

The Attorney General’s Office confirmed in August that Finchem did not meet with federal investigators, nor did he provide evidence that they predicted would lead to a criminal investigation and grand jury investigation.

During this year’s legislative session, Finchemin filed a motion to remove Arizona’s presidential nominee because he said the election was rigged.

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