Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt – Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have already improved our lives as consumers, now it has gained great power in supply chain management and delivery.

In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has boomed out of high-tech labs to become something that people use every day without even realizing it. In addition to supporting many apps and other digital products, AI stands to help in all industries, including supply chain and logistics.

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

In fact, many companies are already benefiting from AI investments. According to the report, The State of Artificial Intelligence for Business, Supply Chain and Operations is one of the top areas where businesses are driving revenue from AI investments.

What Is Supply Chain Management Process? In 2022

With the volume of information in the supply chain and delivery growing every day, the need for technical solutions is faster. That’s why many companies are adopting AI techniques including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.

These ideas make it easy to analyze large data in a good way to provide a good analysis, cause a function or an event based on the results of the analysis , send requests, and do many complex tasks.

The increase in the value of data is not the only incentive for the development of AI. In fact, there are many other factors that make the difference, including computer power and speed, algorithmic advances, and increasing AI system access to big data.

These three trends are driving the spread and use of artificial intelligence in business and supply chain management… #bigdata #processing #algorithms – and its impact on supply and supply chain … Click to Tweet Power and Speed

Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence

The rapid development of computers leads companies to incorporate AI in their work because the latter must have a significant impact in processing power and performance. For example, one of these breakthroughs is the development of GPUs (Graphical Processing Units), which expand the functions of CPUs.

Shipping and logistics companies can generate, and use, a lot of data, and AI needs to have a significant amount of it to show its full power. In the last few years, some new information has appeared, and in addition to the increasing amount of information generated, they finally give AI, and especially machine learning algorithms, enough juice to work to its full potential.

They have improved in recent years as well, allowing the search for patterns and the discovery of relationships that are difficult or impossible to find by humans or modern technology. . For example, smart algorithms can provide important information such as the number of trucks available for delivery in advance so that customers know the price and estimate the delivery time in the future before.

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

Together, these factors lead to progress in AI and make it possible to perform well in many fields. But how exactly can technology change supply chain and logistics management?

Machine Learning/ai Based Supply Chain And Materials Management

6 Ways AI Can Change Business Management and Marketing 1. AI allows for greater intelligence that provides the knowledge needed to reduce labor and inventory costs, and respond to customers faster.

Machine learning and other AI technologies provide new insights into many areas, including transportation and warehouse management, collaboration, and supply chain management.

According to Artificial Intelligence in Logistics, a report by DHL and IBM, described several technologies that can do just that. Some of them include:

AI can provide an unparalleled analysis of product management, which, in turn, helps determine new factors affecting performance.

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According to a report by DHL and IBM, AI offers the potential of three technologies – supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and supported learning. addition – to identify the important and the problems related to the operation of the equipment.

For example, monitoring learning and can detect self-deception and make informed predictions, while further learning can support decision-making in real time by providing information affected.

IBM’s Watson is one example of AI used to support understanding and productivity in supply chain management, One Network’s Neo is another.

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

Any shipping or logistics professional will tell you that it’s a heck of a job, riddled with uncertainty, with everything in flux. Before AI, previous technologies couldn’t deliver value because they didn’t include many of the things that consumers of people want.

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Now, AI allows the tracking and measurement of everything needed to improve demand forecasting accuracy. In fact, it provides an endless cycle of forecasts, continuously adjusting the forecast based on sales times, weather and other factors. Having all this information can easily improve warehouse management, with self-driving forklifts, automated sorting, and self-management of products using drones and automous ground vehicles. . Amazon has already established a path in this area with its advanced electronic distribution centers.

“Risk related to inventory is a major consideration for logistics professionals,” says Darrin Mackay, logistics expert at A-Writer. “Just one mistake on the part of the seller, and the company’s reputation can be seriously damaged.”

AI can analyze product-related information such as on-time delivery, reviews, ratings, and credit scores and provide information for future decision-making about some suppliers. As a result, the company can decide the supplier better and improve its customer base.

AI changes the relationship between service providers and customers through personalization. A great example of personalization is DHL Parcel’s partnership with Amazon. The delivery company has provided a voice service to track packages and receive delivery information using Amazon’s Alexa-powered Echo.

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A customer can ask Alexa to find out the current location of their package by asking “Alexa, where is my package?” or “Ask DHL where is my package.” If there is a problem with the delivery, Echo users can also ask DHL for help and be referred to the customer service of the company.

Before technology such as machine learning, companies did not have smart tools to improve production planning and factory scheduling. With the arrival of AI, they can now do that because the technology allows them to identify various constraints and optimize them.

This works especially well for developers because AI helps them balance the constraints. For example, by using AI technology, the business can reduce product latency for products in the most popular products or customized products, using AI to predict the demand and optimize the flow of critical components to keep the product moving.

Artificial Intelligence In Supply Chain Management Ppt

Leaders must discuss the key, operational and business aspects of AI. The interest in AI has been well developed and useful, while lacking in some areas, is evident in other areas (such as pattern recognition and machine learning). Technology is already playing an important role in some of today’s business and transportation solutions, for example the use of artificial intelligence in the production process effectiveness, efficiency, and multitasking for managers and planners.

Artificial Intelligence Powerpoint Presentation Slides

With recent technologies in big data, algorithm development and increasing workloads, we are likely to see an explosion of AI technology driving more complex solutions in the supply chain to speed up and improve delivery and customer service. Companies relying on manual processes and simple solutions will not be able to keep pace with their more competitive competitors. AI can be a great decision maker in many industries, determining the best products, driving the best customer experience and continuously improving operations. Logistics and supply chain managers should pay close attention as more AI-enhanced solutions emerge.

Lucy Benton is a business consultant, marketing consultant and author. Lucy writes about topics in technology, business, and economics. Visit his blog Pro Writing where you can read about his services and publications. The supply chain management model in PowerPoint format includes three slides. First we have a slide explaining the SCM timeline. Second, the PowerPoint template is for SCM Business Process integration with symbols. The third part consists of nine aspects of SCM. In the same series, you can find our Data Mining, Machine Learning, Block-chain technology, cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint templates.

Although Supply chain management PowerPoint templates have three slides. Meanwhile you can check the detailed information about SCM in Wikipedia.

It is well known that, supply chain management (SCM), the management of the flow of goods and services, including the movement and storage of raw materials, then of the work in the process standard, next to the finished product from the source to the point of consumption.

Six Key Trends Changing The Supply Chain Management Today

It is known that there are six stages to the development of SCM. First is the Creation era. It is in the early 20th century, especially with the creation of the assembly line. The second is integration, from EDI through ERP systems. The third is the Globalization era, the international system of relations between suppliers and the expansion of the supply chain across national borders and into other countries. Fourth and fifthly are Specialization eras, meaning outsourced manufacturing and distribution and supply chain management as a service. Finally is SCM 2.0, describing both the changes in the supply chain themselves as well as the changes in processes, procedures, and tools to manage them in this new “time”. You can do it

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