Business California Search

Business California Search – If you are forming an LLC or corporation in California, the first thing you should do is search for a business name. This search checks all registered business entities in the state to see if the business name you want to use is available. Like all other states, the state of California requires that each LLC or state-registered corporation have a unique business name. So before starting your business, it’s important to conduct a business entity search to see if the name is available through the California Secretary of State before registering your LLC or corporation. There is no search fee.

Select the type of entity you are looking for (Corporation or LP/LLC), enter the name you want, and click Search.

Business California Search

Business California Search

By searching for Sew What Corporation, we get several results, some of which are similar and some of which are not. If the name you’re looking for comes up with a post, be sure to look at the Status column. There are several in this example that have been suspended or dissolved. Depending on how long they’ve been inactive, you may still have a chance to register the name.

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If you click on one of the entries in the “Entity Name” column, you can see additional information about the business. In this example, we’ll look at the latter, Sew What LLC.

Before choosing a name, you want to make sure that your name is not too similar to other names in the database. Also note that registering a business name does not mean that someone else can own property in another state. For this, you will want to research trademarks before choosing a company name.

Another search result is when there are “No matching entries found”. This means that there is no such name in the database. The result looks like the screenshot below.

Status – “FTB Suspended”, “SOS/FTB Suspended” or “Dissolved” means the business is not active in the state. “Active” means the business entity is in good standing and all reports and filing fees are up to date.

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Service of Process Agent – ​​Commonly known as a registered agent, this person is the organization’s single point of contact if the state needs to contact the business or if there is legal action against the business. This is often one of the owners, and their home address is often used, making their home address public information. Many people do this and use a registered agent service, such as Northwest Registered Agent, so their home address is not publicly listed.

Statement of Information – The last area contains the documents for the Statement of Information, which is the annual update of the Articles of Incorporation/ Articles of Association.

The Secretary of State’s Business Organization Database provides information for corporations and LLCs registered in California. The names of sole proprietorships or general partnerships are not centralized and are registered in the county clerk’s office in the county where the business is located.

Business California Search

A sole proprietorship or partnership that conducts business under a name different from the owner’s legal name will register for a fictitious business, also known as “Doing Business As”, DBA, fictitious name or trading name.

How To Look Up An Llc In California

Before starting your business and forming an LLC, be sure to do a business entity search first to make sure the name is available to use. Once you know that an LLC name is available, learn how to form a California LLC.

Although not required in California, the Operating Agreement, which is basically the operating rules of an LLC, is worth considering, especially for multi-member LLCs.

After forming a limited liability company, be sure to register for California business licenses and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This is “social security” for business. There is no cost to get it through the IRS.

In addition to ensuring that the LLC name is unique, the LLC name must include a special designator such as limited liability company, LLC, LLC, etc., in addition to not using restricted words such as bank or insurance. , unless the organization does not have a license. to act as such.

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If you are not ready to form your LLC but want to reserve a name, an available name can be reserved for up to 60 days by submitting a Name Reservation Request. The booking fee is $10.

Welcome My name is Greg Bull and I have over 21 years as an entrepreneur, educator and business consultant where I have worked with over 1600 entrepreneurs to help them start and grow their businesses.

As a small business consultant, I was tired of clients finding inaccurate and outdated information when researching how to start a business online, so I started being a trusted resource.

Business California Search

I’m constantly adding and revising this site, but if you have any questions about starting a business or need help finding something, please ask.

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The rules and regulations for starting a business change frequently. While we do our best to keep this information completely up-to-date, please remember that this site is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice.

The rules and regulations for starting a business change frequently. While we do our best to keep this information completely up-to-date, it is very difficult to keep up with changes from state to state. Additionally, this site is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice. Once you have a unique name for your California corporation or LLC, we’ll help you legally form your business with our quick, easy, and inexpensive CA entity formation. process. To search for California business entities, simply enter your information in the box below and we’ll take care of the rest.

You can search for your proposed business name in California and see if it is available for you to form a corporation or LLC. We will verify your proposed business name against the business registry maintained by the California Secretary of State.

Use our free business name search tool to find out if your business name is available, we’ll handle the entity search.

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We will tell you if your business name is available to the California Division of Corporations. Simply fill in the name of your proposed business and we’ll search the company register for you.

When you check to see if your California business name is available, you’ll need to confirm that it follows certain naming rules.

If your California business is an LLC, it must contain “limited liability company” or an acronym. If it is a corporation, it should contain a word such as “Incorporated”, “Corporation” or similar.

Business California Search

Generally, you cannot assume a relationship with a California state entity or that you will perform activities that are not legally capable of securing your CA business.

How Much Is Llc In California (total Costs & Fees)

In addition to the general rules listed above, the California Secretary of State has some specific rules for naming your LLC business. You must follow these rules if you want to name your CA business properly.

There are additional, special rules you must follow from the California Secretary of State to name your CA S Corporation or C Corporation.

We have a complete guide to starting a new business in California. Learn how to start a CA LLC or CA corporation.

Simply use the California business name search tool above and enter your proposed CA LLC or corporation name. We’ll search the California Secretary of State’s business name database and tell you if there are any matches.

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California business entities must follow some general and specific naming rules. We have described the main ones above.

You can usually choose to do business in California under a different name. This may be known as an “assumed name”, “fictitious name”, “doing business as a name” or “trade name”. We can file your California fictitious business name with the California Secretary of State on your behalf.

You can change the name of your California legal entity by amending your Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization. We can file an amendment on your behalf, including changing the name of your California corporation or LLC.

Business California Search

The perfect California business name can be elusive. We have a complete guide to choosing the right CA business name. you’ll want to choose a name that will:

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The easiest way to protect your California business name is to incorporate your business in California, generally as a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. We can help you do that. just select ‘Include Now’ above to get started.

If you want additional protection, you may want to consider registering your California business name as a trademark. Note that in California, a fictitious or “doing business as” (DBA) name is not enough to protect it.

Businesses are incorporated in California through the Secretary of State. They manage the California Register of Companies and it is their database of business names that we will search on your behalf. Email, link, or fax the California Code form. You can also download, export or print.

Editing documents is simple with our comprehensive and user-friendly PDF editor. Follow the steps below to complete your California business entity search

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