Business With Facebook

Business With Facebook – Facebook offers all advertisers the ability to organize and manage all of your business’ assets such as Facebook Page, Instagram Business Profile, Ad Account(s) and the people who handle them, in one central place – Business Manager.

Managing multiple Facebook Pages and ad accounts can prove to be a tedious task, especially when you have multiple people working across multiple accounts and different accounts and Pages, which translates to different levels of access. If you’ve been in the Facebook ads game for a while, chances are you’ve heard of Business Manager. In this tutorial we will go through the process of creating Facebook Business Manager and explain the various options it offers to Facebook advertisers.

Business With Facebook

Business With Facebook

The Business Manager will serve as a central point where all your assets will be organized and can assign permissions to stakeholders. You will need one in which case:

How To Verify A Business In Facebook Business Manager

Enter your business name, preferably your username and enter your full name and email and click the “Finish” button.

Upon providing information you will be directed to the Business Manager Dashboard. Here, you can set up all the important things (Pages and Ad Accounts) and also assign and manage the access levels of the people you will be working with. To add other features you must do so through your Business Manager settings.

Add anyone who works on your business Facebook Page or ad account. You must provide an email where the invitation will be sent again. Consider two things: The email should not be a personal email. It can, and would be great, if you use their email service. The second thing you need to have in mind is that the person must have your own Facebook Profile., if they don’t have one they will be prompted to create one before accepting your invitation. This helps Facebook to verify their identity. Once they accept your invitation to join this Business Manager you can give them to your business’ things.

Use this option to add any Pages related to your business. You must provide the name or URL of the Facebook Page(s) you have. In the case that you are not your own you can create through the “Create Page” button or request access to it by clicking a separate button. Adding a Page is required as needed to run most types of ads on Facebook.

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Here you have the same option as Add Page. You can create, add or request permission to access an ad account.

If you run ads on Facebook for your business, you can add your existing ad account or create a new one in Business Manager.

Note that if you are working with multiple ad accounts they should be fine. Having other ad accounts in bad standing or under review may not allow you to create any new accounts.

Business With Facebook

If you have an app that you would like to upgrade, you need to add it to your Business Manager. By clicking on the “Apps” tab you can “Add a new app” or “Request Access to an App” by clicking a separate button.

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Next, enter the Facebook App ID. Note that if you don’t see this it means that the app has been added by another Business Manager or you are not an admin on Facebook for Developers.

Once you have successfully added your app you can assign an ad account and run ad campaigns for it.

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code placed on your website to report changes, build an audience and get information about how people use your website. Bear in mind that there is a limit of 10 pixels per Business Manager account.

Go to Business Manager settings. Under the “People and Assets” tab find the Pixels tab. Click on the “+ Add” button and choose to create. When creating a pixel you will be prompted to stop it you can do so now or choose to continue managing your business.

How To Delete Facebook Business Manager

In this tab you can also assign the Ad Account you want your Pixel to be associated with or who will receive it by clicking on “Assign Ad Accounts” and “Assign Partners” respectively.

In the case that you will be running Dynamic Product Ads you need to create a product catalog. The product list can be suitable for e-shops, or businesses that offer flights, houses and accommodation, cars or transportation facilities. Even if you are not working in any of these areas, you can find a creative way to use DPAs if you are willing to try.

For more instructions on how to create a New Product Catalog check out my detailed tutorial on Dynamic Product Ads.

Business With Facebook

Depending on the business role you work in you may find that having a presence on Instagram makes sense. In that case you will have to add an Instagram account for advertising. To do so, go to the Instagram Accounts Tab, click the “Add” button and fill in your account credentials. Once you’ve added your Instagram account, you’ll want to link it to your ad account. To do so, click on the desired Instagram account and then “Add Ad accounts”. Note that both Instagram and Ad accounts must be under the Business Manager for you to make the connection. If you wish to turn it off at some point in the future here is the place where you can do it. Find and click on your Instagram account and then click on “Delete”.

How To Set Up Your Facebook Business Manager

Domain Verification is a way for you to take ownership of your domain in Business Manager. By doing this, you will be able to control the editing rights of your links and other content to prevent misuse of your domain.

Click on the “Domains” option on the left and select “Add Domain”. Once added you can choose the method you want to use to verify your domain: DNS Verification or the HTML File Upload.

Although it is not required to verify your domain, you may want to do so as  starting Q1 2018, only verified domain owners will be able to edit their submissions.

Here you can find and see all the audiences that are yours or shared with you. You can share Custom and Lookalike Audiences between two marketing accounts as long as the sharer and recipient are linked to Business Manager.

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Offline Events is a way for you to track and measure the performance of your marketing in the offline world. To do so,  you need to upload data about your online activities and customers to Facebook.

Select Offline Events from the left menu and click “Create Offline Event Set” to create a new offline event. Fill in a name and description for your event set, then click “Create”. Select the ad accounts you want to give your event exposure to. If you don’t have an additional account you will get the following screen.

Once done, you can share ad accounts, add people and share partners. Check out our tutorials on how to use Online Events for your business.

Business With Facebook

Facebook allows you to set up and track changes on your website in order to measure and optimize the performance of your ads. Besides following the 9 standard events, you can create up to 100 custom events. You definitely need a Pixel in place before you can make a custom change.

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Click on “Custom Conversions” and then on the “Add” button. Next, select the Pixel you want and set the appropriate rules for your custom event. Fill in the name, category and value (optional) and click “Create”. Like everything else we’ve reviewed, you can share partners and ad accounts or choose to remove them.

Block Lists are one of Facebook’s features that help Facebook advertisers gain more control over what they advertise. In order to create a Block List you must first have an ad account in place. Before creating a block list you should create a .csv or .txt file containing the URLs of the websites, or Facebook Pages you want to exclude. Then head to the Block Lists tab and click the Create Block List button.

Enter your list and click Create Block list under Manage block list. Find and select your file.

Once the file has been uploaded you will see it appear under the Manage block list. You can name it or click on it to reveal its contents. Here, you can export it or choose to replace it with the latest version.

How To Share Your Facebook Pixel With A Business Partner?

It is important to note that to use this feature you must be an admin in Business Manager. Event source groups are ideal for anyone who has multiple websites and/or multiple applications that use different IDs and need to consolidate their data.

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