Creating A Google Business Page

Creating A Google Business Page – Google is the number one place for people to search for local businesses. If you have a local store, you should make sure that customers in your area can find under the category that you provide services. E.g. If you are a hairdresser in the center of Helsinki, make sure your business is visible under its correct address and displayed in search results as well as on Google Maps.

Once you have set up a Google Account for your business, you should set up your Google Business Database so that your customers can see it.

Creating A Google Business Page

Creating A Google Business Page

If you do not already have a Google Account for your business, go to the Guide to do so first.

Ranking Google My Business [case Study]

If you have not yet signed in with your Google Account for your business, do so first.

Since your business is not yet on Google, now you need to click “Add your business to Google”.

Now type in the name of your business or the name you would like your business to list (eg Tom’s Hair Salon) and click “Next”.

Now you need to choose the category for your business. That means if your users search for it or something related (Google understands how those categories are relevant) your business will show up.

Simple Steps To Create A Free Google Business Page And Tips To Optimize The Google Business Listing

This step is important. You will be asked if you would like to add your exact location for customers to find you. If you are a real business with customers coming to your place, you should click “Yes” here. Otherwise, customers will not know exactly where you are and will not be able to come to your store.

Now you need to type your address. Be sure to be as clear as possible. Remember, this is not necessarily your post office, but your visiting address.

If the address is not clear enough, you will have the option to add an extra line to it.

Creating A Google Business Page

Based on your address, Google will show you a map of where it thinks your business is located. You can correct the needle if you do not think Google’s guess is correct.

How To Completely Delete From My Account And Remove It From Google Search?

Google now asks you if you serve customers outside of this location. If you e.g. A restaurant that also serves food, you will want to click “Yes”.

However, if you e.g. Hairdressers who provide services only in your premises, you should click “No, I do not”

In this step, Google asks for your phone number and website. If you have a business phone number, it is best to keep it so that customers can contact you directly.

If you have a website, you should mention it here so that customers can find out more about your business.

General Information Required To Create A Gmb

Now you can still sign up to receive regular referrals on Google for Business. This is a newsletter. It is up to you if you want to receive those emails. However, they can also have useful information on how to better position your business on Google. And you can always unsubscribe from those emails in the future.

This is it. When you click “Finish” your business will be listed under the category and location you selected in Google. If you are a business owner and you do not have a website because A) it is too difficult to create it yourself. Or b) You were quoted funny money for someone to create one for you. Well, Google My Business has just come to the rescue with solutions to those problems and more.

Now all it needs is a Google My Business account and three easy steps for the new Google My Business website in less than 10 minutes.

Creating A Google Business Page

This is not a detailed solution – it’s free after all – but you get a basic one-page website with some features that go beyond just getting started:

Simple Steps On How To Setup Your Google My Business Page

Your GMB website is mobile-responsive, so it’s easy to use and looks great on all devices without having to change any codes.

When you are ready, you can add custom domains so that your URL and website reflect your business. If you do not already have a custom domain or a preferred supplier of custom domains, you can purchase one right in your GMB account when you create your website.

When you update your Google My Business account, your website will automatically update with your new information, so your details are always up to date.

Your website complements your Google My Business listing and displays the same attractive features to entice customers to join your brand.

Google My Business Tests New Home Design For Edits

You can run ads with AdWords Express to get more customers to your site and drive customer activity.

If you have a Google My Business account, you can easily create a website directly from your account. If you did not request your Google My Business registration, then you will have the option of creating a website as part of the registration process.

Just click through the installation wizard. Google will process your information, images and other details to include your Google My Business website. You can then change your look as well as add some Google Posts, business descriptions and photos up to nine (9) sheets. If you are a restaurant or bar, you can add a menu. Here are some other items you can add to your site:

Creating A Google Business Page

* You can purchase domains from Google Domains or add them to your own domain if you already have one when you publish your website.

Add Your Business To Google Maps

While we know that a business like yours is likely to have a website, there are several benefits to having a Google My Business website:

This does not replace your website, but rather an asset that, when done right, can motivate your customers to turn to your business as their first choice.

Here we are always happy to assist you with your digital marketing needs. Contact us today for a free consultation so you know the best strategies you can implement to grow your business online.

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Tips To Optimize Your Google My Business Page

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Creating A Google Business Page

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Google My Business Toolkit

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Create Post From Google My Business Dashboard

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Creating A Google Business Page

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Google Business Profile Setup Guide With Tips

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