Customer Service Jobs Immediate Start

Customer Service Jobs Immediate Start – A customer support job is a great career choice for you if you want to solve problems, help others, and directly influence the bottom line at your company. If you’re looking for a customer support job but aren’t sure if the career is right for you, we’ve got you covered. When I started at HubSpot, I worked with the customer support team, so I have first-hand experience in this area. In this post, you’ll learn the skills and experience you can gain from a job in customer support – and how the experience will benefit you for the rest of your career. Why work in customer service? Working in customer service can be very rewarding. You help people achieve goals and play a direct role in customer success. The professional skills you develop in this field can be applied to any career you pursue. Is customer service a good job? Customer service is a great job. It is unfairly viewed as a “fallback profession” because customer support reps can enter the industry with any experience level and background. But customer service is at the core of a company’s success, making it one of the most vital roles you can play beyond product and sales. It allows you to influence the bottom line in your company while establishing meaningful connections with your teammates and clients. In fact, customer service may be the most important function in a company. According to Microsoft, 90% of consumers choose to do business with a company based on the quality of customer service. You yourself may feel this way. How many times have you stopped doing business with a company because of a bad customer support experience? As a customer support representative, you will directly influence how much profit your company makes from returning customers. You may have preconceived notions about customer support from your own service experiences. These interactions can sometimes make you think that a customer-facing role is not right for you. But, I’m here to tell you that a customer support job can be a great first step on the path to a successful career – in almost any business job you might be interested in. Are you curious about what these benefits are? Read on for a list of reasons you should work in customer service. Top Reasons to Work in Customer Support 1. You will develop your emotional intelligence. It is recognized that you will develop people skills whilst working in a customer facing role. And while there can be challenges working on phones with clients all day, the skills and strategies you’ll develop far outweigh those challenges. You will assist clients with a variety of different issues, which can have a significant impact on their personal or professional lives. Your ability to empathize and use social skills will be critical to building rapport with clients and getting the information you need to help them. In the face of difficult customers or combative language, you will need to utilize your sense of self-organization to calmly and effectively dispose of customers so that you can better assist them. During those tough days when you don’t feel like you can make another phone call (we all have), you’ll step into your senses of motivation and self-awareness to keep yourself on track and positive so you can take control and get it all done. Studies have shown that these people’s skills are more closely related to success in the workplace than cognitive intelligence – especially when it comes to management. Starting your career in customer support puts you on the right track to build and grow these skills. (Plus, they’re useful for effective interpersonal communication and collaboration, too.) 2. You’ll learn your product or service, inside and out. To be successful with customer support, you need to understand every aspect of your product or service so you can quickly answer questions and solve problems for your customers. But this isn’t just a benefit for people who will get the information they need as quickly as possible – it’s a big win for you, too. Learning about your product or service helps you become an expert on the subject – which can open many different doors for you as you advance in your career. For example, by practicing teaching your customers how to use your product or service, you will be able to specialize in training new members of the customer support team and take on a leadership role. If you prefer writing, you may be able to start writing knowledge base articles or posts for your organization to supplement one-off customer support interactions. Or, you can use your creative side to create step-by-step product videos to help your customers and build your online presence. Whichever path you decide to take, an in-depth knowledge of your product or service will help you become an expert—on your team, within your organization, and in your industry. 3. You will create transferable skills. Building your subject matter expertise will help you grow within your customer support team – but you’ll also learn valuable skills that you can use to snag a new role if you want to expand beyond that. Sales Skills Working with customers will teach you exactly how customers can use your company’s product or service to achieve their goals. You can use this knowledge and experience if you decide to move into sales. Social proof is an effective selling tool, and if you can tell potential customers over the phone exactly how your product or service has helped other customers, they may be more interested in closing a deal with you. Marketing Skills Product knowledge is extremely valuable to your marketing team, too. Whether you like writing, conducting product and market research, or managing social media support channels, in-depth product expertise and killer communication skills can help you land a role on your marketing team. Product development skills If you know the product inside and out, you might be able to build it too. If you put in some pieces of product development—whether that includes software engineering, outreach, or vendor management—you may be able to use your wealth of knowledge to ease the transition away from phones. You can then work behind the scenes to build the product you serve. 4. You can educate customers without selling. One of my favorite parts of working in customer service was being in a position where I could teach the customer something about the product without having to sell them on the solution. For example, HubSpot offers a platform of products in various subscriptions and tiers. In some support cases, the best available solution was to use a product that the customer did not have. This left us with two options: to review the benefits of purchasing the add-on or to find an alternative solution. The first option allowed me to lightly show off my selling skills without having to pressure to close a deal. The farthest I would have to do was hand it over to the salesperson who would carry on the rest of the playing field. The second option encouraged me to be creative. Between the customer and me, I was the product expert – which means the customer was looking to me to find a solution. Whether I was using a product in a new way or considering an out-of-the-box alternative, I always felt like a therapist whenever I found a solution to a problem that I couldn’t solve directly. 5. You develop a side project. Here at HubSpot, we make sure our customer support reps spend time away from phones – on purpose. This time away from the queue gets a few things done. It gives customer support reps time to eat, take breaks, attend meetings, walk their dogs, etc. But most importantly, giving customer support reps time away from the call queue gives them time to spend working on side projects and other initiatives can bring a lot of value to our organization – and to the reps themselves. For example, a HubSpot customer support representative specializing in social media decided to start a social media channel dedicated to quick customer support on Twitter. They took the ideas they learned on phones with clients to do research and start an initiative they thought would make an impact – and they were right. You will learn a lot about your company’s customers as you use phones. So make sure you track those ideas and dedicate them to a side project or initiative that can bring a lot of value to your organization and to you. Plus, someone with a pulse in the customer’s voice has a lot of value to bring to their team and other teams – so that’s another benefit you can bring to the promotion or transfer discussion table with your manager. 6. You will learn how to solve problems effectively. At its core, customer support is all about interactively helping your customers and resolving their issues

About shelly

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