Grants For Daycare Start Up

Grants For Daycare Start Up – Thousands of business owners across Ontario and across Canada are receiving government funding to help with small business startup and expansion costs.

While there are still many unknowns when it comes to government funding for the general public, small business owners who apply and take advantage of the funds available can greatly benefit.

Grants For Daycare Start Up

Grants For Daycare Start Up

The Ontario government has a variety of funding programs including government grants, government loans, tax breaks and tax credits available to help small business owners succeed.

Ontario’s Early Years And Child Care Annual Report 2020

The success story information below comes from an Ontario-based day care start-up center. A business owner who previously considered government funding may not exist.

View the Q&A, a back-and-forth conversation with an Ontario startup expert about the process a business owner took to receive $73,000 in small business start-up assistance from the Ontario government.

We are in-home day care providers. Our kindergarten includes 2 homes that are now connected to give children more space to learn and play. We provide day care services at home for 1-11 year olds, mainly focusing on those living in Milton and the Halton area.

Kindergarten is something we always wanted to do. The idea probably started about 10 years ago, but due to insufficient funds we have to take some time to plan it properly and get all the building permits and everything to ensure that we can actually do something about it.

And So It Begins…

We really got into it after the pandemic started because we realized there were a lot of things going on in the world that a lot of people needed to care about providers and we wanted to be a part of that and help these kids and parents. So we started really digging deep and trying to start small and see where it took us. Our work started at the end of 2020.

We already owned 2 houses, but we had to cover some of the renovation costs to bring the 2 houses together and obviously to buy the necessary supplies and equipment that we would need to actually start the daycare and get the kids ready for come to your place and be safe.

We have estimated costs between $50,000 and $100,000. Both my husband and I were laid off due to the pandemic, and getting those funds in order was a bit difficult at the time, and that’s when we started looking to the government for funding opportunities.

Grants For Daycare Start Up

To be honest, I didn’t think it was possible. A lot of people are talking about CERB and other government funding programs related to Covid and I’ve seen what all the companies are going through so I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t believe there was any government funding other than what was being provided to everyone at the moment. I didn’t think that someone like me would be able to get money to open a kindergarten.

Child Care Facility Start Up Grants

How did you hear about Ontario Startups? We went to the bank to ask for a loan, and they said that because we don’t work, we don’t get money from them. This was quite disappointing to hear as both my husband and I had great jobs, great credit and everything was fine before the pandemic hit. The banks were of no use. We looked online trying to figure out how to start a business without these costs and kept seeing Ontario Startups.

We noticed on the website that they’ve dealt with daycares and other startups in the past, so we just decided to get in touch.

We worked with Ontario Startups on our business plan. Doing this seemed to get us a little more excited about what we wanted to do and almost made it real. Working with Ontario Startups encouraged us to think more about the business and about the small details and all the costs we could think of. This was one of the first steps. Once that was done, our expert actually helped us find the funds. He went above and beyond what I believe is part of what they do and continued to give me ideas and share his past experience working with other nurseries. I think that since the expert was actually a parent, he understood exactly where we were coming from and wanted to give us extra attention.

According to their recommendation, we had to break down the costs we applied for because one of the programs only financed the renovation of small business innovations. To make sure we could do what we wanted, we needed about $25,000. That’s what we signed up for in this program. We used the remaining 53,000 dollars through the other 2 programs that were recommended to us. One program rejected our funding request because we don’t have a business and can’t show incoming income since we’re a startup.

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For the 3rd program, we asked for $35,000 to cover the cost of buying equipment and just to prepare the work, however, due to the rejection of the initial program, our expert recommended that we should ask for more. We have changed our ask to $60,000. We were approved for $53,000. In total we are looking for $85,000 and we left with $73,000 which is more than enough to keep us going.

The applications were a nightmare. If I was doing this alone, I wouldn’t have done it. Luckily I did

A team by my side that helps me every step of the way. I was pretty annoyed about it, asking a million questions, but they helped me and got me the funding.

Grants For Daycare Start Up

The money made us start the business. This ensured that we had everything we needed to actually launch and start promoting our business. After we received the money and it took us 6 months to make sure all the renovations were done and we had everything ready before we opened our doors.

Provide $80 Million In Cares Act Funds For Child Care Stabilization Grants

We are just finishing our first year. We have a lot of staff and we have a lot of kids and a great program that parents like. We are in a great location in Milton and I have to say our daycare business is booming.

Starting a business is never easy. It’s never easy to stop working without income and think how I’m going to start something that won’t make me money for a while. Definitely scary. If it’s something you dream about and something you want to do, there’s no reason to delay. We have been doing it for 10 years and we have kept the delay for no reason. I just wonder where we would be today if we started 10 years ago. Clearly, government funding exists and we’ve benefited from it, and if you have a good business idea and a team like Ontario Startups behind you, there’s no reason not to try

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Supplemental Grants Now Open To North Dakota Childcare Providers

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It takes 30 seconds to find out more about small business funding and whether your business is eligible for government funding. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is tackling Michigan’s child care crisis with a $23 million investment in entrepreneurs who need help starting new child care businesses.

Applications for business start-up grants will open on November 7 and can be used to help start a business or to help newly licensed establishments by taking on some of the financial burden of recruiting and retaining staff and purchasing classroom supplies.

Grants For Daycare Start Up

“As a mom, I know firsthand that high-quality, affordable child care is essential so parents can go to work knowing their children are safe and cared for,” Whitmer said. “Today in Michigan, we have a shortage of child care providers who meet the needs of people in their communities, and I’m proud that we were able to work across the aisle to make a record, bipartisan investment in child care.”

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The startup grants are part of Whitmer’s $100 million Caring for Mi Future initiative, which aims to establish or expand 1,000 new child care facilities by the end of 2024.

Despite the miniscule profits, starting a business with children is not cheap. Application fees start from

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