How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For – It’s so much fun to collect fresh eggs every day! It is even more fun to sell your chicken eggs and make a profit in return. I hope this blog post gives you the tools you need to start selling your eggs!

In this blog post we will cover several things related to selling eggs. Read on to learn more! Here are the things we will cover

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

You can use my Egg Sales Log to keep track of your monthly/weekly sales and it’s all on one sheet! At the end of the year you will have everything neatly organized on one page.

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5 (Average number of eggs laid/day. Chickens don’t lay an egg every day, so if you have 10 chickens maybe 5 will lay. Again, these are just averages)

6 (Average number of 1/2 dozen eggs you get. I only routed up to 36 eggs to make it a uniform 6 1/2 dozen)

That’s enough money to cover all of your chicken expenses plus some! SO fun right? This is only with an average of 10 chickens! Imagine if you were 20! You can double the income for the year.

Below is my favorite printable to keep track of how many eggs your chickens lay in a year! It’s all on one page and an easy way to get kids involved. They can help you keep track of egg production. Sometimes in the winter your production drops, but the girls will make up for it in the summer months!

Body Parts You Can Sell For Profit|plasma, Hair, Placenta, Whole Body For Clinical Trials, Sperm, Eggs, Skin, Kidneys, Womb

There are many options for selling your eggs! I mostly sell mine to friends at work. I have a sig up sheet and it is first come first serve. People sign up and since the eggs are available I bring them in and take their names off the list. Then they can sign up again. It’s a fun and easy way to do it! Usually it is word of mouth and friends and family that promote your eggs for you! Once someone tastes farm fresh eggs it is hard to go back to the store bought type!

When selling eggs it is best to use a black carton with no branding on it (except yours) You are not selling Kirkland eggs so do not use their packaging. I get my egg cartons from The Egg Carton Store. They have a wonderful variety and a great price compared to others. I like to get a card that I can stamp with my custom stamps. This simply makes them more special and personalized.

Wildfeatherfarm- custom egg stamps- CLICK HERE Caroline designed our beautiful logo and I love her egg carton stamps!

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

Boxwood Avenue- custom egg stamps – CLICK HERE My friend Chloe designed the cutest stamps too!

Faq: Common Questions For Egg Donors

I hope this gave you more insight! If you want more information on raising chickens you can get my “How To Raise Chickens Course” for all things chicken! CLICK THE IMAGE FOR THE COURSE

Thanks for following along! IF you are looking for more chicken blog posts check out the ones below!A basic primer on how to sell chicken eggs, whether you have a small amount each week or a more significant amount for a Farmer’s Market.

Although we will touch on this briefly, it is up to you to know what to do in your area.

And if you play your cards right, you can make a profit. Profit from poultry eggs (food or hatching eggs) requires the right marketing plan. So let’s dive into how to sell eggs…

Water Is Your Secret Weapon When Frying Eggs

Dirt and grime on eggshells are not acceptable to the general public or the USDA – although your Aunt Maud may turn a blind eye and declare that it’s natural!

Friends and neighbors are likely to turn a blind eye to those slightly shaped eggs too, knowing they are fresh and healthy.

As far as I can tell, there is no law against selling ‘visually unappealing’ eggs if your customer doesn’t mind.

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

Depending on where you live, you may or may not have to clean your eggs before selling.

Egg Donor Compensation

In the UK, eggs do not need to be cleaned unless they are dirty and can be sold unrefrigerated. In the United States, eggs must be cleaned and refrigerated before sale.

Both of these approaches mitigate the possibility of salmonella in the eggs. The UK/EU vaccinate chickens against salmonella. The USDA prefers to rely on clean eggs and careful handling to reduce the chance of contamination.

The UK started vaccinating chickens in 1997 and saw human salmonella cases drop a whopping 96% over the following years! The FDA has been considering this idea for several years but believes the data is inconclusive.

If you have a couple of chickens that like to sleep in the nest boxes at night, it’s time to graduate to the roosts – close the boxes at night if necessary and park them on the perch.

Storing Fertile Chicken Eggs: 5 Steps To A Successful Hatch

According to the USDA Farm to Table website, “It is not necessary or recommended for consumers to wash eggs and it may increase the risk of contamination because the wash water can be “mired” into the egg through the pores in the shell.

Government regulations require that USDA graded eggs be thoroughly washed and sanitized using only compounds that meet FDA food processing regulations.”

Depending on your local laws, you may prefer not to wash the eggs you are selling. Some chicken farmers have begun advertising their eggs as “dirty eggs” to educate consumers to understand the benefits of keeping the bloom intact.

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

Some consumers prefer to wash their eggs because they can do it before eating (after leaving the protective bloom intact) and pass it based on their preferred cleaning method.

How To Tell If Eggs Are Bad

With that being said, you probably don’t want to sell extremely dirty or poopy eggs to your customers. Those should be washed and kept separately or thrown away.

The egg industry has defined what is ‘acceptable to the public in egg size and shape, and many consumers believe that all eggs are precisely the same.

The industry’s eggs are graded, and for the most part, only ‘grade AA’ eggs reach the supermarket for general consumption.

These are sent to food manufacturers. ‘B’ eggs are not sold to the general public because they do not conform to the industry standard.

Fresh, Old, Good, Bad: How To Test Your Eggs For Freshness And Safety

Also, you don’t have to fill the carton with eggs of the same size. For example, you can vary the size with two large, two medium, and two small.

If you plan to make this a regular occurrence, you might consider putting a label on the carton with your name, address, and phone number.

Also, don’t forget to put the ‘best before’ date on the carton, so people know the eggs are fresh.

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

If you have a small number of eggs to sell each week, the customer base can be friends and family.

Body Parts You Didn’t Know You Could (legally) Sell

If you have a neighbor who is a bit ‘iffy’ about having chickens next door, bribery usually works, so ‘tell’ them some eggs once every few weeks.

Campgrounds, local farm shops, and farmers markets are great places to start your sales pitch. If you sell beyond the ‘farm gate’, you will generally need a licence. However, if the campsite owner comes to you – you don’t need a permit!

If your eggs are tasty, reasonably priced, and local, you’ll probably get more customers than eggs, especially in the winter months.

Did you buy from them? Why did you buy from them – more importantly, why didn’t you buy from them?

Facts About Fertile Chicken Eggs

A tatty makeshift stand held together with a couple of nails and duct tape will not attract customers! People realize that you can’t be bothered with ‘good looks,’ so what else can you not be concerned with?

You can either build your own stand or use a small garden shed for the task. Unless you have a lot of other things to sell, a small homemade frame will probably suffice. Make it simple and suit your needs.

A freshly painted frame, a good presentation of your products, and even some whimsical decorations all help to attract people. You have to put some time and effort into production – even if it’s just a sign that says “eggs for sale.”

How Much Can You Sell Your Eggs For

If you are in a position to have people come to the door and ask for eggs, you need to make sure you are available at all reasonable hours.

How To Improve Egg Quality After 40

If you want customers to come to your door, make sure you say something like ‘knock on the back door’ – it gives the idea that they are welcome and gives direction! No one wants to be looking for someone to buy eggs from!

A sign showing your chickens and pasture will let people know that your chickens are free range. A couple of close-ups of your girls will probably bring a smile to the faces, and they will remember you for the future.

Make sure your products and prices are displayed so there is no room for confusion. Always check your spelling.

If you rely on people’s honesty and use an honesty box, do so with caution. Make sure your money box cannot be split and bent in the stand. Unfortunately, people can and will take your product

Sell Chicken Eggs From Your Small Farm

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