How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

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This article was co-authored by Laura Martín. Laura Martin is a licensed cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hairdresser since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013.

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

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If you have very long hair and are thinking of cutting it short, there are buyers all over the world who could pay a good price for hair that they can use to create wigs, extensions, jewelry, and other products. Buyers are looking for hair that has not been colored or otherwise treated. The longer and healthier your hair, the higher the price you will get.

This article was co-authored by Laura Martín. Laura Martin is a licensed cosmetologist in Georgia. She has been a hairdresser since 2007 and a cosmetology teacher since 2013. This article has been viewed 736, 815 times.

Before you try to sell your hair, keep in mind that you may not be able to sell it if it’s damaged from being dyed or chemically treated. You will also need to let it grow to at least 10 inches and keep it at an even length with no layers. Once your hair is long and healthy enough, look for opportunities to sell it on third-party websites, where you can earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars for your hair. Or, you can sell directly to a wig company, which is usually easier but less profitable. For more tips from our co-authored cosmetologist, like how to avoid scams, keep reading! After I got married, I started wearing my hair exclusively in a bun. I was out of my way. It didn’t matter how long my hair got because it wasn’t in my way.

This past March (2016) my hair reached a point where it was really hard to manage. Washing and brushing it had become a chore. Mr. In The Mid-west offered to cut my hair and I accepted the offer on a Saturday morning.

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The longest strand of hair I had was about 38 inches. Once Mr. In The Mid-west cut my hair, I was left with about 14 inches. I was not sad to see him go. It had become incredibly cumbersome. I was so ready to cut it off and start over!

After cutting it, I started thinking about selling it. I called a couple places that sold wigs in our area. They did not deal with raw hair.

I started looking online. I found a site called I paid for an ad and waited 30 days for a buyer. The only responses I received were from scammers who wanted my address so they could “mail me a check” or “have a friend of yours pick up the hair.”

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

I was a little disappointed that my hair didn’t sell. 🙁 I put it in a box and forgot.

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It occurred to me last week that I should try listing my hair on eBay. I looked to see what the human hair market was like on eBay. It seemed decent. I took some photos and listed my hair last Friday night. On Saturday afternoon it was sold! I was surprised and very happy! 🙂

(Next time I plan to list the number of inches of hair I’m willing to sell with some photos of the hair I still have on my head.)

Buyers may be concerned about scammers selling horsehair as “human” hair. You can offer to film your hair being cut to give the buyer some reassurance that what you have for sale is genuine human hair.

#2. Virgin hair is the most valued. Virgin means that you have not used dyes, perms, drugs, do not smoke or drink. Also, if you haven’t heat treated your hair (blow dryer, flat iron), that can be a selling point, and you should mention that in your ad.

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#3. Thick hair is desired. To qualify as thick, your hair must be at least 2 inches in circumference. If you have long, luxurious locks, short, curly locks, or something in between, you may be able to make extra money selling your hair. You can sell your hair online and locally by following a few steps.

If you want to expand your hair sales operation, the best way to do it is to offer a variety of hair types. Here are two things hair shoppers are looking for:

Many buyers want different types of hair, from something that looks like Virgin Remy to Indonesian, but the length they need is often the same. Buyers want hair that is at least 10-12 inches long.

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

They are also interested in thickness, which is measured in inches. The thicker the hair, the higher quality it is considered. Buyers are not interested in stringy hair that falls out easily.

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All of the websites we list for selling your hair subscribe to similar best practices. For the greatest success in selling hair, make sure you:

Once you’ve taken your photos, you’re ready to start selling hair. Here are some of the best ways to make money selling your hair:

At, you can earn up to $700 selling your hair. This hair selling marketplace even has a hair calculator tool to help you see how much money you can make from your locks. only sells what they call “craft quality” hair, which can be used in bows and such. The price and shipping cost depends on the length, color and weight. Prices may change.

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At, you can post ads that sell your hair for you. This is one of the most effective advertising platforms for selling hair.

If you go to, you can also post a listing to sell your hair. There’s also a Hair Calculator so you can see what your locks are likely to achieve. is a great resource that allows you to buy and sell your hair in the United States.

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

Becoming a seller may be too much for you. You may be wondering if you can sell your hair for wigs.

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Many people may not know this, but you can sell your hair directly to companies that make wigs. Here are some companies that buy hair to make wigs.

Many wig companies require different lengths of hair before purchasing. The company will list the requirements on their respective websites.

As we mentioned earlier, if you have hair that is around 10 inches long, you will have no problem selling it. If it’s shorter than that, there will be fewer people interested in buying the hairpiece.

You can make good money selling hair if you are committed to it. On the other hand, if you just want to make some extra money, selling hair will allow you to do that too.

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The beauty of selling hair is that it grows back, so you can resell it as many times as you want.

If you are interested in generating additional income, do not miss How to make money at home and How to quarantine and make money. 17 Places to Sell Your Hair Locally and Online for Extra Cash Updated on: November 15, 2022 by Amy Kennedy

Today, you can sell just about anything online, from used clothing to larger items like vehicles and even houses.

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

It’s true! And there are actual websites that specialize in the process of matching people who want to sell their hair with those who want to buy it.

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You may be surprised to know that there is quite a large market for real hair, as people use it to make wigs, extensions, and other products that require real hair.

And you don’t have to sell it just for pennies. A woman sold her long, bright blonde hair for $1,000.

Although many people avoid cutting their hair to sell it, it shouldn’t be something to be nervous about.

If you cut your hair to sell it and you hate having it short, you can still grow it back, so it’s not a permanent loss.

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People buy hair for various reasons. They may not grow the type of hair they want and prefer to have extensions or a weave that is more like what they are looking for with their own hair.

Cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy may lose their hair during treatment, so their hair could be turned into a beautiful wig.

Some people just like to experiment with different hair colors and textures, so they will buy a variety of real hair to make different wigs.

How Much Can You Sell Your Hair For

Maybe you are ready to go with a shorter cut. Of course, you can donate hair, but maybe you’d rather make a little money from the hair you’ve grown for so long.

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Some women (and men!) continue to grow and cut their hair for the sole purpose of making money from it. It takes years to grow to the length they want, so it’s no surprise.

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