How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For – My friends and I, as a proper middle-class clique, often lament the fact that we can’t afford things that upper-class people can. God may have forbidden you to covet what belongs to your neighbor, but you can’t help but drool over their new Omega (and maybe their wife, too).

My friends and I may come from different faiths (or lack thereof), but we more or less

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

But we can never have enough of everything, so we covet what belongs to our neighbor. So we tend to feel like we need more money in order for us to get… what’s theirs. But how?

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It does provide the much desired money. There is only one problem. That it’s not exactly legal in… pretty much everywhere, bar Iran.

Suppose this guy, let’s call him “Willie,” needs a kidney. Willie must wait for a willing kidney donor with a matching kidney to come along. Now how do we get this kidney donor?

If we play by the rules, in Indonesia, the standard case is of a brain dead individual. So, you have another man who has an accident, was hit and loses his brain function or is brain dead. His head might have been affected, but his kidney, by the way, was intact. This fresh kidney will go to the guy at the top of the queue. So if Willie is number 5 in the queue, he better hope there will be 4 more happy accidents.

According to the regulations, a living donor must be both willing and voluntary. Voluntary meaning, not receiving any compensation. A donor must also pass an interview, then a health screening.

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An interview, according to Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo (RSCM, State Hospital), is conducted by Forensic Psychiatry to establish that the donor made the decision to donate the kidney while being “cognitively, intellectually and emotionally capable” and without external pressure. In short, to determine whether he is paid or bound in it or not.

Then comes the health check where they do tests to see if the donor is compatible or not to avoid health complications due to an incompatible organ. Among other things, it usually cannot be spouses (a mother with a child develops an antibody for proteins inherited from the father, or something along those lines), people of different blood types or people with a different body type.

Note that according to a study by Nemati et al. (2014), although the short-term survival rate for a living donor and a cadaver donor is almost the same, there is a higher chance of survival for those receiving a kidney from a living donor than a cadaver donor. In another publication, it is mentioned that live kidney donors allow more extensive testing which allows for a better match rate. Therefore, ideally, we should strive for more living donors.

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

Presumably, there are several other sources to look for a kidney, the black market let’s say. You can do it the hard way by using draft brokers. Or, you can browse through several Facebook Groups offering kidneys for sale. The process would be so obscure that even if Willie declared that he would give IDR 1 billion to the donor, the donor would only receive IDR 300 million and the rest goes to the middleman. If Willie is lucky, he can find his own donor and broker the deal on his own.

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For the recipient, Mr. Willie. Finding a donor is difficult. There is always a long queue for kidneys. In the current state of affairs, there are many Willies dying waiting for the donor who never arrives. The demand for kidney always exceeds the supply. If Willie is rich, he might have a better chance because at least he can afford the kidney and the operation (the operation itself costs IDR 300 million at RSCM). If Willie happens to be poor, he might have a harder (and shorter) time. The kidney, indeed, according to the law of supply and demand, is very expensive due to its scarce nature. People who can afford the kidney are more likely

(they don’t really care about the price as long as they got the kidney). The black market participants knew this and can demand a higher price for the kidney because people will buy them anyway.

First, since this is not exactly legal, there is no proper channel for the kidney donor to be matched with the recipient. If we want blood, we can apply to PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia, some Indonesian volunteer organization) and pay a “blood quality maintenance” fee, but for a kidney, there really wasn’t any organization advocating that.

Interestingly, the regulations mentioned that all donors and recipients must be registered by the National Transplantation Committee (Komite Transplantasi Nasional), but a quick Google Search returns… nothing. Just a news item stating that “Indonesia will establish a National Transplant Committee” with no further news or mention of it actually being established. There is, on the other hand, one piece where it was mentioned that while the commission was established since 2016, there is yet to be any regulation to their name. We can conclude that this topic is still not properly regulated.

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So they go through various black market intermediaries who we can safely assume will demand their very handsome cut of the transaction.

Negotiating a deal, with or without a broker, can also be bad. Since they may not have a formal agreement (remember, it’s illegal), all parties can be easily deceived. Say Willie agreed to pay IDR 500 million for Indra’s kidney after the procedure. The procedure is done, Willie pays half of the agreed amount and promises to pay Indra the other half later.

Now Willie can easily refuse to pay the other half. Indra couldn’t sue Willie because what he did isn’t exactly legal.

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

Second, there is the healthy aspect. Normally, a kidney transplant follows a strict procedure where donors must be tested to see if they are compatible, that they are compatible with the intended recipient. A prospective donor must also be interviewed by forensic psychiatry to ensure that the prospective donor can make a decision voluntarily without coercion.

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Of course, all of the above will not happen if Indra goes through the black market. It is unlikely that the donor will receive post-transplant treatments to help their body adjust to having only one kidney. So, it is a very risky health for the prospective donor. There is also nothing to ensure that the prospective donor makes the decision of his own free will.

In short, doing it legally consists of waiting for a donor who never comes (living/brain dead, compatible and voluntary, but it’s free!) and that causes a lack of kidney supply. Doing it in an illegal way opens risks to fraud on both sides, health risk due to uncontrolled practice, and middlemen raising the price. Also note that not all offered kidneys are sold. Only kidneys that match a patient can really be sold. This lowers the effective supply even lower.

The problem we face is a lack of kidneys. How, one may ask, do we fix this situation and prevent people from dying waiting for a kidney that never comes? So very simply, we increase the supply. How then should we increase the supply?

Before you start pointing out how immoral and what a bad idea that is, let’s at least try to entertain the notion.

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1. Getting kidneys legally is hard. Only a fraction of corpses can be a kidney donor (as, not all the recently deceased can become a donor). While living, a willing and voluntary donor is difficult to find. Finding a cadaver kidney is a matter of pure luck having a cadaver that can still be harvested for kidneys, while finding a living donor is a matter of pure luck finding someone altruistic enough to donate a kidney to you.

2. Even if you somehow manage to get a kidney or someone is willing to give you one, the kidney must pass several medical tests to be evaluated whether it is compatible or not.

If one country were to legalize the sale of a kidney, it is thought that it would alleviate cause number by increasing the supply. Becker and Elias (2013) argued that when the donor or their heir has a right to compensation, donor supply is likely to increase. Cash payments would increase the total cost of a transplant, but a higher price would elicit a higher number of organs.

How Much Can You Sell Your Organs For

Note that legalizing kidney sales will only address the cause number by increasing the pool of potential supply (kidneys on offer). It does not necessarily increase the effective supply (kidneys offered that is a match with a patient). Remember reason number two? Legalizing the kidney market could indeed let more people sell their kidney, but that does not guarantee that the kidneys offered will match the patients.

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Of course, it wouldn’t make much sense to legalize something and not regulate them properly. For the donors, in a properly regulated market they would undergo appropriate testing to ensure compatibility and receive appropriate post-transplant treatment to ensure control of

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