How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

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Do you want to start a blog, but don’t want to spend money? In this article I will explain how much it costs to start a blog, what you need to spend money on when starting and what to wait for later (and why start at free blogging is a very bad idea!)

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

This is a question I get asked frequently, it’s annoying and there is no easy answer.

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But it’s a simple question – if you’re thinking of starting a blog, you want to know what’s going to cost you and what you really need to spend money up front and what to wait for later from

Unfortunately most of the blog posts and articles on this topic are very simple or give you an answer… “in scenario A, you want to spend money on X, but if B, C or you want to spend money on it. Y’. Not very helpful.

I know if you have ever searched ‘How much does it cost to start a blog in 2023’ what you really want is an accurate answer.

I’ll explain how I got to that point below, but first I want to talk about starting a blog for free – because yes, technically, it is possible to start one. blog for free… why…

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The answer is yes, it is possible to start a blog for free. However, starting a blog for free is not a good idea.

There are many major problems with starting a free blog (also known as a ‘hosted’ blog). For example:

Tough love, I know. But I’m telling you all this because I don’t want you to make a mistake before you start right.

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

OK, so now that you know for sure that you need to spend money to start your blog the right way, the next question is how much?

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If you do a Google search for ‘How much does it cost to start a blog’, you’ll get tons of different answers… and many of those answers are vague, vague, irrelevant, or long-winded. many different modifications and options for what you can spend money on.

This is what I would spend my money on if I were starting a new blog from scratch today.

Your domain name, also known as your URL, is the web address of your blog. The domain name for this blog is .

If you want to start a blog, buying a domain name is very important and there is no way around it.

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The good news is that buying a domain name is cheap. You can buy a domain name from a company like SiteGround* for $15.

The bad news is that you can only buy it once a year. You have to pay that $15 every year… if you don’t, you lose the domain name and someone else can buy it – eeek!

However, if you do it right, you should be making more money from your blog after the first 12 months than $15 in 12 months sounds a lot.

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

Getting a domain name is a good start, but now you need a place for your new blog to ‘live’ and for that you need to buy web hosting.

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Yes, you can do it, but this is what I said in the above section about the so-called ‘free blogs’ – you want to avoid this, so you have to buy hosting .

Also, the good news is that web hosting is cheap – you can get it from $3 a month…

If you read a lot of articles about starting a blog, you will see the name of a blog hosting company come up again…

If you spend the money and go with a reputable company, like SiteGround* you will have a much better experience and spend less time banging your head against the wall in frustration (I know for this fact because I have used two hosts!)

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(Yes, all told, I am an affiliate of SiteGround… but the difference is that I really like SiteGround – I recommend them even though I don’t get a commission AND I use SiteGround… if there is I’m only in this for commission and I don’t recommend them.***)

The cheapest plan with SiteGround is $6.99 per month* and yes, you have to pay upfront for a minimum of 12 months of hosting, so the total cost is under $84.

(Note that the WordPress I’m talking about here is – which is completely different from is free software that allows you to create a blog. WordPress .com is a free blogging platform – see above for why you want to avoid ‘free blogging’ – see this article for a full explanation of the difference.)

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

To continue the car comparison, the project is similar to the body work on your car – and in some cases, the paint and finish.

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While it is possible to get free programs, I would never really recommend it… free programs tend to be useless, have a lot of bad features, and may end up hurting you down the road.

There are many great professional themes, but the ones I use and recommend are from the theme design company Recovery 316 (check out their website * for more of their beautiful themes or take the quiz at below to find your perfect match).

For more information on choosing the right theme for your blog (and why getting a free theme is a bad idea), check out this blog post: How to Choose the Right Theme for Your Blog

Basically, you don’t need to have a blog for your blog, but it will make your blog look more and improve your blog’s index.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Business

The good news is, you don’t need to spend money to hire an expensive designer. You can design a simple, clean, text-based logo (like mine!) using free design software like Canva.

If you really want to make money from your blog, you need an email service provider. Being an email service provider allows you to grow your email list, send newsletters and sell products and services down the line. (Products and services are one of the main ways blogs make money and the best way to sell products and services is through email marketing.)

There are many good email service providers out there, but the one I use and recommend is ConvertKit*.

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

ConvertKit’s ‘Producer’ plan (the one I use) starts at $9 per month, but the good news is that ConvertKit also has a free plan!

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The Free Plan doesn’t have the same bells and whistles as the Developer Plan, but you can create a sign-up form (to collect subscribers’ email addresses), send newsletters, promote multiple offers and grow your list. up to 1000 subscribers – after that (or if you want to access their digital views and series) you have to pay.

But if you have 1000 subscribers the money might be more than worth it! (A popular rule of thumb is that for every subscriber on your email list, you should earn $1 a month.)

Social sharing buttons allow readers to share your blog posts on social media: for example Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. And you definitely want to give your readers an easy way to share your blog posts with their friends!

The social sharing icons I use are recommended by Social Warfare* (you can find them on this website at the top and bottom of each article).

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Social Warfare Pro costs $29 per year, but you can get the basic version for free! Personally, I think the basic version is better when starting out, but if you want to compare the Pro and the basic version side by side, check out the Social Warfare website*

(Note: I also use Grow Social Pro on my Easy Peasy Foodie food blog, which I love and highly recommend – it’s $34 a year, a little more expensive, but well worth it. )

Again, it’s not very important, but I strongly advise you to invest in a course that teaches you how to start a blog if you are serious about blogging, especially if you want to to make money from your blog.

How Much Do It Cost To Start Your Own Business

There are many good ‘start blogging’ courses out there, but the one I recommend is my own, called The Blogging Jumpstart Method.

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