How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For – Get a great price on your farm-fresh eggs at the farmer’s market using these seven clear (and easy-to-implement) tips.

The ongoing trend toward raising backyard chickens has had an unintended negative impact on those who sell extra eggs.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Due to the constant supply of fresh eggs from backcountry flocks and small local farms, egg prices are being kept artificially low at markets, roadside stalls and feed stores.

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When you start calculating your expenses – including egg cartons, labels, business cards, feed, accessories, supplies, the chickens themselves, plus their coop and run, not to mention a little something for your time and gas to get to market. – It is often difficult to sell a dozen eggs for a high enough price to simply break even.

Oftentimes, local eggs sell for the same price as store bought, despite being fresher and more nutritious AND laid by happy hens.

And when you sell your eggs, you’re not only competing against low grocery store prices, but also against other local vendors.

Research has shown that shoppers are more likely to make a purchase when you engage more than one of their senses. So by appealing to potential buyers’ sense of touch, sight, sound, and perhaps even taste, you’ll have a better chance of making that sale.

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So here are some things you can do to help sell your fresh eggs for a little more money.

It’s here to appeal to the senses, make your eggs stand out from the crowd, and possibly fetch a premium price.

If you’re selling at a farmer’s market or fair, put an egg in a bowl to show potential buyers what your eggs look like.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Eggs from chickens that eat lots of herbs, grasses, and grasses will naturally have more vibrant yolks and will be fresher than store-bought eggs from caged chickens.

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But you can increase the wow factor of your chickens’ egg yolks even more by feeding them foods that contain xanthophyll, a carotenoid that contains the natural orange pigment.

Some foods rich in xanthophyll include basil, carrots, corn, marigolds, parsley, squash, red cabbage, and the leaves of most green plants.

Adding a pop of color to your cartons can draw shoppers to your table. Plant some blue, green or cream egg-laying chickens in your cartons to create eye candy!

Chicken eggs can be a dime a dozen due to the large supply available, but there are other types of birds that lay eggs.

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Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs and are thought to be better for baking because of their higher fat content.

Small quail eggs are considered a delicacy and are often pickled by five-star chefs or used to top burgers or salads due to their smaller size and relative rarity.

There may be a market for turkey and goose eggs in your area, and you can probably set your own price.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Research shows that someone is more likely to buy an item if they have touched or held it.

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Consider placing an egg basket on your table and handing an egg to anyone who stops by your table.

Give Free Samples: Let people take home an egg to try for themselves. Hopefully, that will force them to come back next week, unless they buy a dozen eggs on the spot.

Make your own unique wrapper. Instead of packing your eggs in cartons and piling them on the table, why not tie some pretty ribbon or baker’s twine around the carton and a wildflower or a sprig of grass?

Or order some colorful egg cartons from a site like There are many sizes and colors available these days.

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Or fill large baskets or metal bowls with eggs and let your shoppers hand-pick a dozen to fit in their carton.

And don’t forget to hand out business cards. Sending each customer with your contact information is essential to make it easy for them to find you when they are ready to order.

Studies have shown that pasture-raised chickens produce more nutritious eggs than chickens that don’t see the light of day or step on grass.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Pasture-raised chickens have a more varied diet, including plenty of forage and insects, which can lead to increased levels of vitamins A and E and omega-3 fatty acids.

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Other studies have shown that chickens raised on grass lay eggs with lower cholesterol levels than those raised on a commercial feed diet.

Share this information with your potential customers by printing a nutritional comparison on cards or handouts they can take home, and be sure to include your contact information on the handout too!

The sound of happy chickens will serve to appeal to another sense and hopefully make your shoppers want to bring home some farm fresh eggs!

And in just a minute, pictures of your chickens or a large poster happily running around the field can help reinforce a positive image of your farm and your eggs: you’re putting faces and even names to the producers!

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Using a little creativity will give you a leg up on your competition and hopefully fetch higher prices for your delicious, fresh eggs!

A note about selling eggs: Before selling your eggs, be sure to check with your local municipality about obtaining a business license.

Also, check your state Department of Agriculture’s egg laws or field food regulations for egg grading, handling and storage requirements, carton recycling rules, and carton labeling regulations, including the use of terms such as organic, free range. and grown in the pastures.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Your local extension service can point you in the right direction for this information or you can find it online. Egg laws vary from state to state. Having trouble selling your extra eggs? Today I’m sharing how to sell your farm fresh eggs and build a list of returning customers.

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There are several ways to sell your farm fresh eggs. Including eating conventional eggs, hatching or incubating them yourself to sell the chicks. I’ve tried just about everything and been frustrated at how hard it is to get the most out of our chickens.

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Today I want to share one of the ways I am able to finance our farm by selling farm fresh eggs. I’ve tried selling a half dozen or a whole dozen eggs at a time and have had a hard time getting consistent buyers. When I had a dozen more I would ask them around, but usually they were already on their way to the store. We also live outside the city and people didn’t mind going out just for the eggs. I was offering to drop them off, but with 3 kids it wasn’t always worth it.

We feed our chickens an organic feed which quickly adds up to 19 hens plus a rooster. When I was constantly going into the feed store I was desperate for feed, grain and treats. I thought how nice it would be if we just covered the cost of the feed. We may not be able to afford the eggs, but our food bill was adding up fast.

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For most, it’s much easier to pick up a dozen or two at the store and then buy from a local farmer. There are those few who don’t mind going out of their way to get local farm fresh organic eggs. I feel that it is often difficult to find in your home journey. At least at first.

I decided to try a different approach to selling our farm fresh eggs. I believe this may be the secret to making a profit from your extra eggs. First is to sell more than a dozen at once. Considering that the eggs you get from the store can be up to 3 months old. Like where you collect eggs every day. I’d say it’s safe to collect a few dozen before offering them to customers.

Next, consider where you want to spend your earnings. I want to be able to feed my chickens without having to go out of our personal account. Most chicken farmers live in an area with a lot of greenery. They are able to forage their own chickens, allowing them to feed their flock at little or no cost. We, on the other hand, live in the desert, so that is much more difficult to do. I prefer that the money we spend on organic feed go towards building another aspect of our home life.

How Much Do Your Eggs Sell For

Now that I know I want to cover feed costs, I can market my eggs around that idea. Most family and friends who buy your eggs don’t buy them because they are better for them. Rather they are supporting what you are doing for YOU and your family. I decided to test this theory. I asked if they would be interested in including organic farm fresh eggs

Caring For Your Eggs

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