How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine – The meningococcal vaccines MenACWY, MenB, and MPSV4 protect against bacteria that cause meningitis (meningitis). The vaccine is recommended for all teenagers aged 11 or 12.

The meningitis vaccine protects against meningococcal meningitis, a serious infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The disease is caused by several types of meningococcal bacteria. The infection can commonly spread to the bloodstream. Even with treatment, 10-15% of meningococcal infections are fatal, and 10-20% of people who survive suffer permanent complications or brain damage.

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

There are three types of meningococcal vaccines: MenACWY, MenB, and MPSV4. These vaccines protect against infections with several different serotypes of Neisseria meningitidis, the bacteria that cause meningococcal meningitis.

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Some people should get the MenACWY and MenB vaccine. Other people only need MenACWY. Adults over the age of 55 should receive the MPSV4 vaccine against meningococcal meningitis.

Two doses of MenACWY are recommended for young people aged 11 to 18, with a booster shot given at 16. A third shot may be needed for high-risk groups.

One shot of MenB is recommended for some high-risk groups, but it is not a routine vaccination because Serotype B is so uncommon.

The recommended immunization schedule for meningococcal disease is one dose of MenACWY at age 11 or 12 and a booster shot at age 16.

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Up to 50% of people who get meningococcal vaccines have mild side effects, such as redness or pain where the shot was given. These symptoms usually last 1-2 days and are more common after MenACWY than MPSV4.

To learn more about the side effects associated with the meningococcal vaccine and/or meningitis, visit this page: Meningococcal Vaccine Side Effects.

The risk of serious meningococcal vaccine side effects depends on the type of vaccine, the patient’s age and risk factors, and whether other vaccines were given at the same time. Some reported side effects include:

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

When meningococcal vaccines are injected too high or too deep into the shoulder area, patients can develop Vaccine Administration-Related Shoulder Injury (SIRVA). It causes severe shoulder pain, limited range of motion, muscle weakness, and sometimes permanent disability.

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If you or a loved one has suffered a vaccine side effect, you should contact a vaccine lawyer experienced in this type of complex litigation.

We have recently partnered with Schmidt & Clark, LLP; nationally recognized law firm handling vaccine lawsuits in all 50 states.

The firm’s lawyers offer a Free Confidential Case Evaluation and may be able to obtain financial compensation for you or a loved one by filing a vaccine lawsuit or claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Contact Schmidt & Clark today by using the form below or by calling them directly at (866) 223-3784. As a runaway petition approaches 700,000 signatures, it’s time to consider what’s practical – and what’s right

A picture is worth a thousand words. And as the preferred currency of social media, photographs have unprecedented power and reach these days. For the migrant crisis, the central image was three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, three years old, washed up in a peaceful sleeping spot on a beach in Turkey. For meningitis, it was two-year-old Faye Burdett, smiling one moment and slumped in a hospital bed the next.

Mandatory Meningitis Vaccine For 7th And 12th Graders

Faye died of a preventable disease: meningitis B. MenB, a bacterial infection that can lead to blood poisoning or inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, kills about one in ten of those who it infects them. And it can cause significant and permanent disability in around one in five of those who survive.

Back in September, a new vaccination against MenB – GlaxoSmithKine’s Bexsero – was introduced as part of the UK’s child immunization programme. But it was only available for babies under one year of age, as it was considered too expensive to give to all children. Unfortunately, although cases of the disease peak at 5 months of age, MenB continues to be a problem among children under the age of five, and flares up again in the teenage years.

It is rare: there are around 1800 cases a year in the UK. Faye Burdett’s death was tragic, but it was also a lesson about the difference between statistics and real people.

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

The sharing of Faye’s story, first on Facebook by her parents and then via front page news, sparked an existing but ill-advised petition on the Government’s website to offer the injection to all children under 11. A few days ago that petition broke the parliamentary Record for the number of signatories and continues to climb well past 650, 000. It is now said that stocks of the vaccine (beyond what was allocated for the program limited NHS) are largely depleted, with GSK unable to provide any new vaccine to private clinics until the summer. So at the moment, we cannot vaccinate every child even if we had the budget and the political will to do so.

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To give an idea of ​​what restricting the vaccine means, in terms of human life, we can look at the exact numbers. Although rare, MenB is now the leading cause of death and disability from an infectious source in previously healthy children in Britain. Sue Davie, CEO of the charity Meningitis Now, said there were 101 cases in babies under the age of 1 in the period between July 2014 and June 2015, and 139 cases in children aged 1-4. Since mortality is 10%, you would expect about 14 of those 1-4 year olds to have died and about 28 to be disabled, due to amputations or deafness or other serious complications. The number of cases varies from year to year, and last year’s numbers were at the low end of the range.

What the petition tells us is that for many people, even a small number of preventable childhood deaths and disabilities in the 21st century is too much for our society to tolerate comfortably.

Should NHS priorities be changed to vaccinate all children under the age of 11? In 2014, a Lancet editorial made the case for routine childhood MenB vaccination (without any reference to age) based on two main arguments: its high morbidity and mortality, and the fact that it is difficult to diagnose in time to save children, as the initial symptoms are similar to common and relatively benign viral infections. We will mention three additional arguments. Firstly, teenagers are believed to be a significant carrier population, spreading the disease to more vulnerable members of the population; vaccinating more younger children could lead to a reduction in this carrier pool. Secondly, vaccination would likely lead to herd immunity, which would benefit all ages. Finally, there has been some suggestion that components of the Bexsero vaccine would protect against other remaining meningococcal strains, including the rarer but even deadlier W subgroup, which is currently on the rise.

Once GSK gets its act together and replenishes its stocks, many thousands of parents will flock to get the vaccine privately. As in all cases where people go privately for preventive healthcare, this could free up minimal resources for the NHS. These privately vaccinated children will also provide some herd immunity. But a poorer subset of our society will remain vulnerable.

Are You Protecting Your Adolescents And Young Adults From Contracting Meningitis B?

If vaccinating all children is truly unaffordable across the board, one possibility would be for the government to consider offering Bexsero on a means-tested basis on the NHS for those who cannot afford to go privately. The NHS Low Income Scheme already offers support for prescriptions and some services, so the infrastructure is there. As with all low income benefits, it is inevitable that there will be a section of the population who would not be eligible and who would still struggle to go private. But it would be a start.

Jenny Rohn researches the cell biology of infection at UCL, and can be found on Twitter as @JennyRohnORLANDO, Fla. — Health officials on Wednesday recommended that men in Florida who have sex with other men should get a meningococcal vaccine following one of the worst cases among gay and bisexual men in US history of bacteria that cause meningitis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement that at least 24 cases and seven deaths among gay and bisexual men have been caused by the bacteria in Florida recently. The CDC also recommended that gay and bisexual men traveling to Florida ask their health care provider about getting the vaccine.

How Often Do You Need Meningitis Vaccine

“Due to the outbreak in Florida, and the number of Pride events taking place across the state in the coming weeks, it is important that gay and bisexual men living in Florida get vaccinated, and’ those traveling to Florida talk to their health care provider about getting vaccinated. MenACWY vaccine,” said José Romero, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Meningitis: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria, and when the lining of the brain and spinal cord become infected, it is called meningitis.

Symptoms include a sudden, high fever; headache; stiff neck; nausea or vomiting; or a dark purple rash, according to health officials. As your child grows up and reaches his teenage years, it is important that you take him or her to get the meningitis vaccine along with any additional vaccine

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