How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine – ORLANDO, Fla. — Health officials on Wednesday recommended Florida men who have sex with other men get the meningococcal vaccine in the wake of one of the worst outbreaks among gay and bisexual men in the world. the American story of a bacteria that causes meningitis.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a statement that there have been at least 24 cases and seven deaths among gay and bisexual men caused by the bacteria in Florida recently. The CDC has also recommended that gay and bisexual men traveling to Florida ask their health care provider about getting the shot.

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

“Due to the outbreak in Florida and the number of Pride events being held across the state in the coming weeks, it is important that gay and bisexual men who live in Florida get vaccinated and those traveling to Florida are talking to their healthcare provider about getting a MenACWY vaccine,” said José Romero, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Meningitis Vaccine Recommendations

Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria, and when the membranes of the brain and spinal cord are infected, it is called meningitis.

Symptoms include sudden high fever; headache; torticollis; nausea or vomiting; or a dark purple rash, according to health officials. As your child grows and enters adolescence, it is important that you take him for the meningitis vaccine and any additional follow-up. Although meningitis is a condition that has decreased considerably in recent years, it has not been completely eliminated and the application of vaccines prevents it from appearing more strongly and becoming a threat to public health.

Before knowing more about the importance of these vaccines, it is essential to know more about the disease itself. Meningitis is an infection of the tissues that line the brain or spinal cord. Teenagers and young adults are at higher risk of contracting the disease, but adults and young children can also develop it. Symptoms in adolescents and adults include fever and headache, while children experience irritability and flu-like symptoms.

Meningococcal disease is a rare disease to which adolescents are most vulnerable. This disease causes bacterial meningitis, which is a dangerous and life-threatening version of meningitis.

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Today, meningococcal disease is the leading cause of meningitis, and there are two primary vaccines that can prevent it.

If MCV4 is not available, your child may also receive a meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4). It is also the only meningitis vaccine approved for people age 55 and older. This vaccine is sold under the name Menomune.

Now that you understand a little more about the seriousness of meningitis and the devastating effect it can have on your child, it should be clear that neglecting to have your child vaccinated is not worth the risk.

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

The information and content on our website should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or the advice of your doctor. Some vaccines are specifically recommended from the age of 16. The 16-year-old visit is the time to see your health care provider to talk and get recommended shots. The vaccination visit at 16 is also an opportunity to review the vaccines you received throughout childhood and early adolescence and see that you are fully up to date.

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Many teens feel invincible, lead very busy lives, and don’t think about disease prevention. It is important to stay up to date on recommended vaccines throughout your life. Sixteen is a critical age for vaccines because vaccines recommended at this age can help extend protection against vaccine-preventable diseases into late adolescence and early adulthood.

Of course, visiting 16 is also a great opportunity to check in with a medical professional for any other health and wellness concerns.

Allison Shaw (Little Rock, AK) survived meningococcal disease at the age of 18. She was on a spring break trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana with friends during her senior year of high school when she started feeling ill and landed in the hospital, where she had a seizure, an accident stroke and was placed in an induced coma. Hospital staff told Allison’s parents that she would probably be dead when they arrived, but Allison survived.

In his own words: “When I was in the hospital and they woke me up from a coma, they said, ‘You had meningitis.’ To which I replied, ‘What is it?’ I had never heard of it before.. I have not received any meningitis vaccine.I never knew there was a meningitis vaccine available.

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Allison got a tattoo on her hand to spark a conversation about disease prevention and vaccination. When people ask what her tattoo means, Allison asks if they’ve heard of meningitis and if they’ve been vaccinated.

Pedro Pimenta (Florida via Brazil) was 18 when he survived meningococcal disease. He was athletic, social and a good high school student living in Brazil. One day after school, Pedro started to feel sick, but a doctor checked him out and told him it was just the flu. But soon he could barely move and his sister-in-law, a doctor, recognized his symptoms as bacterial meningitis.

In his own words: “The last memory I have was of getting into the ambulance, seeing my brothers crying, and a week later waking up from a coma…I watched my figure under the sheets, and my body was different.”

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

All of Pedro’s limbs were amputated above the elbow and knee. He now lives completely independently with prosthetic limbs (no wheelchair) and works as a motivational speaker. Before he got sick, he had never heard of bacterial meningitis or the vaccines that can help protect against it.

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Caitlin Brison (Tennessee) had started her freshman year at Middle Tennessee State University on her way to her part-time job and started throwing up. She developed a fever and a purple rash, prompting her mother to rush Caitlin to the emergency room. The doctors there confirmed that she had bacterial meningitis.

In his own words: “I was so sick. Dialysis was so hard on my body that I hated it. I hated every second. I had to grow up very quickly. And I didn’t want to.

“I think back on it, and it makes me want to rack my brains because I can still, quite simply, like it was yesterday, remember that the doctor asked me if I wanted the vaccination. My first question was, “Do I have to have it? He said no. I said no. And that was a big, big mistake.

Meningococcal disease, commonly known as bacterial meningitis, is caused by meningococcal bacteria. It includes an infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord, called meningitis. Meningococcal disease is relatively rare, but it can be fatal, killing 1 in 7 to 10 people who catch it. It strikes quickly, often within 24 hours. Adolescents and young adults are among the groups most vulnerable to the disease, particularly those of college age and/or attending college. Meningococcal disease is transmitted through the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions that can occur during kissing and sharing drinks. It should be noted that people living in close quarters — like college dorms, overnight camps, military barracks — may be at higher risk.

Meningitis (meningococcal) Vaccines: What To Know

Vaccines are essential to your health at any age. Meningococcal meningitis vaccines are recommended specifically at age 16, and it’s also important to check during adolescence to make sure you’ve been fully vaccinated as recommended.

Many people are afraid of needles. Needle phobia prevents many people from getting vaccines that could protect them against preventable diseases or reduce the severity of an illness. Don’t let the fear of needles compromise your health! According to Patsy Stinchfield, senior director of infection prevention and control at Children’s Minnesota, there are strategies you can use to cope, such as breathing through your mouth, letting your arm hang down “like a spaghetti noodle,” and imagining your place. favorite. Although the vaccination process may not be pleasant, the quick pinch and usually mild, short-lived pain and discomfort associated with vaccination are worth it if they can help protect against a serious and life-threatening illness.

The “adolescent vaccination platform” refers to the vaccines (primary and catch-up) recommended during the vaccination visit at 16 years of age. The term “platform” refers to the recognition that vaccines are important at any age, and at each stage of your life, your healthcare professionals should check with you about your vaccination history (what you have received) and make sure you are up to date on vaccines recommended by the CDC.

How Often Should I Get A Meningitis Vaccine

Presented as a public health service by the National Meningitis Association, Inc. (NMA). The NMA does not endorse specific products or brands. NMA policies prevent funders from controlling content.

About Meningitis B — Meningitis B Action Project

We are not here at the moment. But you can send us an e-mail and we will reply to you as soon as possible. The meningococcal vaccines MenACWY, MenB and MPSV4 protect against a bacterium that causes meningitis (inflammation of the brain). The vaccine is recommended for all adolescents at 11 or 12 years old.

The meningitis vaccine protects against meningococcal meningitis, a serious infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The disease is caused by several types of meningococcal bacteria. The infection can usually spread to the bloodstream. Even with treatment, 10 to 15% of

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