How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors

How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors – I have tile in a large part of my house. This includes the dining room, kitchen, entryway and hallway, which are high traffic areas. As the tile gets a lot of use, the grout lines start to look seriously dirty. It doesn’t help that both tile and grout are very light in color and show dirt easily.

There are many pins on Pinterest that tell you how to clean tile and grout. I used a mixture of 7 cups water, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/3 cup ammonia, 1/4 cup vinegar and a lot of elbow grease. I mixed everything in a spray bottle and sprayed the mixture one grout line at a time. I scrubbed the grout with an old toothbrush and then wiped the grout off with a rag. I keep a small cup of water nearby to periodically rinse the toothbrush. I repeated the spray, scrub, wipe routine for each grout line. Yes, it was time consuming and tedious work, but I did a small section at a time and was able to do it in a few days. If anyone knows of a better or faster way to clean tile grout, please let me know!

How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors

How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors

The tile floor looks so good! Now that I’ve cleaned the grout, I’m wondering how to keep it. I’ve heard that the grout needs to be sealed. When I went to Lowes, the only grout sealer I could find was in a small teenage bottle that didn’t seem to cover all the grout lines, and for $13.00 a bottle I didn’t want to buy multiple bottles. Does anyone know how to seal the grout and keep it clean? If you have any tips or suggestions I’d love to hear them! Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair and DIY. Tried, true, trusted home advice

How To Clean Bathroom Grout

8 Ways to Clean Stained Grout Using common household products, some elbow grease, and these time-tested tips, you’ll be cleaning the spaces between your tiles again, no matter how dirty they are.

Tile is beautiful, durable and generally easy to clean, but cleaning grout? That’s a different story. Because it is usually light in color and has a combination of holes, grout is prone to staining. In a tiled entryway or mudroom, dirt and grime are common culprits but in the kitchen, leaks are more likely to blame. In the bathroom, homeowners must contend with grout damaged by mold and mildew.

The good news is that the best way to clean grout doesn’t come with a big price tag. It is possible to clean and restore your grout using common household products and, of course, a little elbow grease.

Before you begin your grout-cleaning efforts, understand that it’s best to start with the first cleaning option on this list, which is a gentler, less damaging method. If that doesn’t work, you can work your way up to increasingly more intense, smelly, and potentially time-consuming options on this list. If you’re in doubt about whether a particular grout cleaner is suitable for your surface, test it in a hidden spot first—under kitchen appliances, say, or behind the toilet in the bathroom.

Tile & Grout Cleaning

There are several types of grout, and most types come in multiple colors. It’s important to take both type and color into consideration before you stock up on cleaning supplies and make a cleaning plan. The two most common types of grout these days are traditional cement grout and the newer standard, epoxy grout. This type of grout can be classified as follows:

Some types of grout are pre-tinted and as a result are able to resist staining and fading. There are also grout formulations that add polymers to provide helpful features such as moisture and mildew resistance. Finally, when you’re figuring out how best to clean your grout, it’s important to know if the grout is sealed or needs resealing. How well it holds the grout and what solutions you can use to clean it.

If you don’t already have a grout scrubber, most home centers and hardware stores carry several products designed specifically for the purpose of cleaning tile grout. To avoid damaging the grout, choose a medium-bristle nylon brush, not a stiff steel one. Simply spray warm water on the grout lines and scrub in a circular motion, then let it dry. Do not use too much water or let it sit on the grout too long. Remember: Porous cement grouts absorb water, which can lead to mildew.

How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors

If you know your grout is sealed but has accumulated heavy dirt or mild stains, turn to vinegar, that trusty old household staple. Fill a spray bottle with a half-and-half solution of vinegar and warm water. Spray the mixture into the grout, let it sit for 5 minutes, then scrub the surface with a stiff brush. Avoid using vinegar on unsealed grout.

Easy Steps = How To Clean Grout With Vinegar And Baking Soda!

Cleaning the grout with baking soda brings more energy to the party. Here’s what to do: Cover the grout lines with a paste of baking soda and water, then spray on the vinegar solution listed above (remember, only apply vinegar if the grout is covered). After the mixture stops foaming, scrub with a brush, rinse with plain water and pat dry. If the grout is not sealed or needs resealing, apply a baking soda solution and scrub carefully.

For moderate stains you may need to use hydrogen peroxide, which is available at most drugstores. You can use the product directly or as part of a homemade grout-cleaning paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This mixture is generally safe for both sealed and unsealed grout.

For really tough stains on white grout, use oxygen bleach as a grout cleaner. You will find that this cleanser is often sold in powder form; Best-selling brands include OxyClean and BioClean Oxygen Bleach Plus.

Before using oxygen bleach to clean grout, make sure the room is well ventilated, and then carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s directions for application. Soak in the oxygen bleach solution for 10 or 15 minutes before washing. Always rinse with clean water and then wipe the area dry so dirt doesn’t resettle in the grout lines.

How To Clean Floor Tile Grout In The Bathroom

Applying one of the best grout cleaners on the market can make quick work of removing mold and mildew and restoring bright white grout lines. These products work in one of two ways: (1) spray and wipe, or (2) scour with a brush. Spray-on products claim to work without scrubbing. Although they save time and energy, they can contain harsh acids, solvents or chlorine bleach.

Scoring with a soft brush and cleaner takes some work, but this method is especially effective on floors and heavily soiled grout. Before you start using one of these products, read the active ingredients carefully and follow the instructions—especially the safety precautions.

The best steam mops are efficient and environmentally friendly tools for cleaning grout – or, for that matter, many hard surfaces throughout the home. Bissell, Oreck, and Hoover all make steam cleaners for residential use.

How To Clean Grout In Tile Floors

Chlorine bleach and commercial cleaners containing chlorine bleach can be used sparingly in extreme cases to clean grout. It’s not a good idea to use them as your go-to grout cleaners because long-term use of caustic cleaners can erode the grout. When all else fails, a bleach product like Clorox Clean-Up can be effective.

How To Clean Floor Tile Of Every Type (and Grout, Too!)

If you try any or all of the above methods before you apply chlorine bleach, be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly before proceeding with any chlorine bleach products. This is especially true for vinegar, as traces of vinegar mixed with bleach emit highly toxic chlorine gas into the air.

Once you’re done cleaning your grout, spray it with household vinegar or a mild grout cleaner and wipe it once a week to keep it stain-free. Wiping the grout with rubbing alcohol will keep mold and mildew at bay. In any case, a few spritzes and wipes per week will save you a lot of cleaning time and effort and help preserve the attractive appearance of your tiled surfaces.

Cleaning grout starts with good prevention, resealing grout as needed, cleaning up kitchen spills promptly, and using a mild household or commercial grout cleaner regularly. Once the grout starts to look stained or dirty, refer to the steps above. An important reminder on how to clean grout is to start with a gentle method because it is less likely to damage or discolor the grout. If the grout stain persists, move on to progressively more intensive methods. Always ensure adequate ventilation and wear rubber or nylon gloves when cleaning grout.

Finally, be sure to seal and maintain the grout according to your tiling professional or manufacturer’s recommendation, and avoid harsh cleansers or scrubbers if the tile and grout are damaged. Keeping the grout clean and sealed with beats

The Official Guide On How To Clean Grout And Tile Floors

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