How To Do Business With Facebook

How To Do Business With Facebook – A well-designed Facebook page can not only add more credibility to your business, but it can also help you reach new customers you might not have met otherwise. If you’ve only been using your personal profile to promote your business, you may be missing out on powerful tools that can help you grow your presence on Facebook. Follow the steps below to get a brand new site up and running in just a few minutes.

Although they all have the same capabilities, not all Facebook pages are built the same. There are big things that can make a difference, like making sure your page name is the same as your business name or using the right size images for your profile picture and cover photo. If these basic articles are not aligned, it can create confusion about whether your page is the right one for your business.

How To Do Business With Facebook

How To Do Business With Facebook

But even small tweaks can have a big impact on the success of your Facebook page. For example, you can create a custom username in the page information settings to make the page URL more identifiable and easier to remember:

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You should also consider adding as many photos as possible that are related to your physical business space, services and/or products. The more images you add, the more visual references your customers will have when interacting with your business.

Then, once you have the foundation of your Facebook page, commit to posting regularly and responding to your customers’ comments and inquiries. Creating the page is only half the job – if you’re not actively engaging your new audience, you’re still likely missing out on powerful revenue opportunities. Thankfully, you can add additional admins to the page to help manage posts, respond to comments, and help with regular page maintenance.

While it’s easy to think of your Facebook Page as its own independent marketing channel, it’s important to prioritize growing your owned audience. Otherwise, you risk being cut off from the customers you worked so hard to reach in the first place.

During the recent Facebook outage, businesses that had no other way to contact their customers were shut down until Facebook could get back up and running. It’s a cautionary tale: growing your presence on Facebook is important, but how does that growth ultimately benefit your business outside of the platform?

The Do’s And Don’ts Of How To Use Facebook For Business [infographic]

Kaiti Norton is the editor of Small Business Computing. She is passionate about creating relatable, research-based content that helps small businesses thrive.

Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales. To meet the needs of these small businesses, Small Business Computing offers detailed coverage of cost-effective technology solutions, including lists of top vendors, product comparisons, and how-to guides that offer specific tools to solve problems.

Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the products displayed on this website are from companies that TechnologyAdvice receives compensation from. This compensation may affect how and where the products are displayed on this website, including, for example, the order in which they are displayed. TechnologyAdvice does not include all companies or all types of products available on the market. You’ve heard all about the importance of using Facebook to grow your business. You know it has a large user base. You realize that it can help you find new customers. But actually doing marketing on Facebook is a completely different story. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little pocket guide to navigating Facebook? To help you break through all the clutter on Facebook and actually start seeing results, we’ve put together the infographic and tips below. Check them out. How to Use Facebook for Business 1. Do: Use a Recognizable Profile Picture Recognizing yourself on Facebook is important to being found and liked. Since your profile picture is at the top of your page and is used as your thumbnail for all of your posts, you need to make sure it’s something your fans will actually associate with your brand. Usually, it’s best to just go with your company logo. 2. Don’t: Leave Your Business “About” Section Blank A preview of your “About” section appears below your profile picture, and it’s one of the first places people will look when they scan your page. Make sure yours shows relevant information about your business — what you sell, your website, what hours you’re open, etc. — to help answer people’s questions right away. 3. Do: Coordinate your cover photo, pinned posts, and profile CTAs to promote marketing campaigns These three things are the most immediately visible parts of your page. If you want to maximize engagement with your marketing campaigns, try matching your copy and creative across all three. So, for example, if you’re promoting an e-book, you can create a cover photo with an image of your e-book, publish an organic post on your page that includes a link to your landing page, and make sure the profile’s CTA has a link to the landing page as well . 4. Don’t: Use a dummy account There is no way around this. Dummy accounts violate Facebook’s terms – so don’t create them. To avoid post-publishing mishaps, set different publishing settings for different employees on your page. Check out this help document from Facebook to see what roles you can set up for different members of your team. 5. Do: Tailor Your Organic Posts Targeting on Facebook isn’t just for paid content – you can use them for organic posts too. Instead of blasting out all your posts to all your fans, consider how you can use Facebook’s targeting tool to segment your organic posts by age, gender, education, etc. By being more specific with your targeting, you may be able to generate more with better commitment. 6. Don’t: Post Too Often According to one of our previous studies, businesses with fewer than 10,000 Facebook followers get 60% fewer interactions per post when they post 60+ times per month. So don’t overwhelm your customers by posting more than a couple of times per day. Instead, spend more time creating higher quality Facebook posts and, you know, getting to the other thousands of things on your to-do list. 7. Do: Use tracking URLs and Facebook insights to analyze your page’s performance. You can’t improve your Facebook page if you don’t know how your posts are performing in the first place. Use tracking URLs with UTM codes to identify which posts drive traffic and conversions to your website. And for page-specific information like your engagement per post, go to Facebook Insights. Once you gain insights from these analytics, you can tailor your content strategy to post more of what works—and less of what doesn’t. 8. Don’t: Forget about multimedia posts You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: visual content is essential to social media success. And don’t just take my word for it. Research has shown that using visual content in Facebook campaigns can generate 65% more engagement after just one month. 9. Do: Post at Strategic Times of Day While the best time of day can vary from page to page and audience to audience, some data has been released that shows that posts are published between 1pm and 4pm. have the best click-through rates and shares. Use this as a starting point to discover what time of day works best for you. 10. Don’t: Be slow to respond Did you know that 42% of consumers who complain on social media expect a response time of 60 minutes? Whether your audience posts negative or positive comments, ignoring them only creates possible anger or disappointment. So take a few minutes out of your day to monitor your Facebook page and respond to any issues that pop up. 11. Do: Try using paid budget to boost successful organic posts Get better ROI for your ads by promoting content you already know works. Putting budget behind organic content that performs well can expand your reach and attract more people to your site. 12. Don’t: Make Assumptions The last thing you want is for your posts to blend in with the rest of the clutter in a customer’s news feed. Just because a strategy works well for one industry doesn’t mean it will work well for yours. Test your assumptions—even the ones we’ve outlined in this post—to see what actually works for you. What are the do’s and don’ts of following on your Facebook page? Share your best tips with us in the comments. Editor’s note: This post was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.

How To Do Business With Facebook

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Learn how to maximize the value of your marketing and ad spend on the Facebook and Instagram meta platforms. Potential customers are already looking for businesses like yours on Facebook. A smart Facebook marketing

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