How To Get Migraines To Go Away

How To Get Migraines To Go Away – Even if you avoid triggers and practice healthy habits, you may still experience migraine attacks. Here are some home remedies that might provide relief.

When a migraine attack hits, all you want is relief, and that’s where medication comes in—for some people. But is there anything else you can do to help shorten the attack or make the symptoms more bearable until the medicine starts working?

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

If you need migraine first aid, try the following measures. Most are free and do not cause side effects.

Ways To Treat An Ocular Migraine

Many people with migraines report sensitivity to light and sound, which can make things worse. Light-induced pain can be traced to a group of light-sensitive cells in the eye called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), according to a review published in July 2021 in The Journal of Pain. They help maintain sleep-wake cycles and pupil response to light.

Light exposure activates ipRGCs and pain-transmitting cells, lasting several minutes. Research suggests that this could be why headaches get worse in the light and improve after 20-30 minutes in the dark.

Go to a room that’s dark and quiet, says Janine Good, MD, associate professor of neurology at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore. Better yet, try to get some sleep. “Not all headaches respond to sleep,” notes Dr. Good, but chemicals released in the brain during sleep can help reduce pain. Plus, she says, if you’re sensitive to sounds, blocking them out might help.

“Many of my patients prefer cold compresses,” says Lawrence C. Newman, MD, director of brain health at Atria Senior Living in New York and chairman of the Migraine Foundation of America.

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Cold can have a calming effect. “It distracts the brain from the migraine,” says Good. “You stimulate other nerve endings where you put the compress.”

To protect the skin, hold a cloth between the skin and the ice pack. According to the University of Michigan Health, if you use a commercial cold pack, make sure there are no leaks where the chemicals could escape and potentially harm your eyes.

Dr. Newman says you may prefer a warm compress. Heat can help relax tight muscles, so you can also try taking a warm bath or shower.

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

According to the Migraine Foundation of America, dehydration is the trigger for about one in three people who get migraines. If you’re one of them, staying hydrated can help prevent migraine attacks.

Headache Locations And What They Could Mean

Do you have trouble drinking enough water? Try flavoring your water with a lemon or lime wedge or adding a small amount of fruit juice. When your water tastes better, you can drink more.

Plus, if you feel a migraine coming on, aggressive hydration can help shorten an attack, says Roderick Spears, MD, chief of migraine and headache at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Massage can relax muscles and reduce stress (another migraine trigger), which is one reason it has been studied for pain relief in several conditions, including headaches, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

However, massage may not work for everyone, says Newman. If you are very sensitive to touch during a migraine attack, massage may make it worse. This is especially true for people with allodynia, a fairly common migraine symptom that causes sensitivity to touch and other stimuli that are not usually painful.

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According to the Migraine Foundation of America, allodynia can make even normal activities like brushing your hair or resting your head on a pillow very painful.

About 8 out of 10 people with migraines report stress as a trigger, says Rebecca Wells, MD, associate professor of neurology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and director of their Comprehensive Headache Program.

Mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress because it forces you to focus on what’s happening now, rather than what might happen in the future, she says.

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

“One example that’s available to everyone is focusing on a sensation, like the breath,” she says. It’s natural to still have thoughts and feelings when you practice mindfulness meditation, so notice them, but then bring your attention back to your breath, advises Dr. Wales.

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Researchers are trying to determine whether this type of mindfulness can change a person’s ability to respond to stress and help manage migraines. In a 2021 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, Wells and her colleagues found that mindfulness meditation can help treat overall migraine burden, improving disability, quality of life, and depression.

The scent of lavender can have a calming effect, which can also help reduce stress. According to a research review published in September 2022 in the journal Molecules, lavender essential oil helps reduce stress and anxiety and improves symptoms of depression.

Lavender oil has been specifically studied as a migraine treatment. A small study published in European Neurology evaluated the effects of lavender essential oil on people with migraines. In a placebo-controlled study, those who inhaled lavender oil for 15 minutes had fewer migraine attacks than those who did not inhale lavender.

Exercising during a migraine attack can make the pain worse, but exercising between migraine attacks can help reduce the number of migraine attacks.

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Contrary to popular belief, exercise won’t trigger migraines in most people, says Dale Bond, PhD, director of research integration at Hartford Hospital/HealthCare in Connecticut.

“When it comes to aerobic exercise, we would usually recommend to our patients to start with walking—it’s easy, it’s safe, it’s cheap, it’s practical, and you do it regularly,” says Dr. Bond.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity can also help reduce stress and improve sleep.

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

When used in conjunction with medication, these home remedies and lifestyle strategies work for many people, Newman says. However, if these tips don’t relieve your pain, talk to your doctor about changing your treatment plan. It only takes one or two full blown migraines for a person to be willing to try almost anything to make them go away.

Migraine Headaches: Causes, Treatment & Symptoms

More than 37 million people in the United States suffer from migraines. Nearly 5 million experience at least one migraine attack per month, while more than 11 million blame migraines for moderate to severe disability.

A migraine is a severe, severe headache on one or both sides of the head. Among the many factors that cause migraine headaches, changes in the amount of a chemical called serotonin in your body are important.

When serotonin levels are high, your blood vessels constrict. When serotonin levels are low, your blood vessels swell. This swelling can cause pain and other problems.

A 2015 study published in the American Headache Society reports that the prevalence of migraine headaches is high, affecting about 1 in 7 Americans each year.

How To Do A Migraine Massage, According To A Neurologist

Migraines and headaches are one of the main reasons people go to the doctor, including outpatient and emergency department visits. It remains an important public health problem, especially for women of reproductive age (1).

Additionally, a 2016 report from the World Health Organization indicated that between one-half and three-quarters of adults aged 18-65 worldwide have experienced a headache in the past year, and of these individuals, 30 percent or more report migraines (2). .

In addition to severe headaches, migraines also cause symptoms including sensitivity to light and sound, blurred vision, visual auras, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

Living with migraine headaches can be very difficult. Although medications can help treat migraines, you can control migraines with healthy habits and simple non-medical remedies as well.

How To Deal With Migraine Headaches. On Top10homeremedies

If you suffer from migraine headaches, apply cold compresses to your head and/or neck. Ice packs have a numbing effect that can reduce pain.

A 2006 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reported that cold alone may be effective for some patients who suffer from migraine attacks. However, its combination with traditional medicines needs to be investigated in future studies (3).

Its anti-inflammatory nature helps block prostaglandins, which are chemicals that promote muscle contractions, affect hormones, and regulate inflammation in the blood vessels of the brain.

A 2014 study published in Phytotherapy Research found that the effectiveness of ginger powder in reducing the severity and duration of migraines was statistically comparable to the prescription drug sumatriptan and with fewer side effects (4).

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Drink ginger tea up to 3 times throughout the day until you feel relief. To make ginger tea:

Massage helps relieve migraine headaches by blocking pain signals sent to the brain. It also increases serotonin activity and stimulates certain serotonin receptors, which in turn relieves pain and also reduces the frequency of migraine attacks.

A 2006 study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that massage therapy is helpful in treating migraines (5).

How To Get Migraines To Go Away

Magnesium can help reduce migraine attacks. This is especially beneficial if the migraine is associated with a woman’s menstruation or in people who have abnormally low magnesium levels.

How Long Do Migraines Last? Complete Timeline, Causes, Treatment

A 2001 study published in the journal Headache suggests that 1 gram of intravenous magnesium sulfate is an effective, safe, and well-tolerated medication for treating migraine attacks (6).

A 2013 study published in Headache reported that taking daily magnesium supplements can be

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