How To Open My Own Business

How To Open My Own Business – Governments can undermine opportunities for investment and job creation when companies spend too much time or money on inefficient regulatory processes, or when new business projects are delayed because companies don’t understand how to comply. To meet this challenge, state policymakers can focus on two types of reform. First, they can improve the efficiency of regulatory systems, allowing businesses to comply in a less costly and time-consuming way. Second, they can partner with companies to increase both compliance and economic opportunity. Together, these changes form a powerful economic development strategy by making it faster and easier for entrepreneurs to start a new business or bring an innovative product to market.

Policy makers often focus their efforts on reducing or eliminating requirements. However, they are increasingly finding that business leaders are less interested in doing away with regulation altogether and more interested in helping them navigate the regulatory process and make timely and predictable regulatory decisions.

How To Open My Own Business

How To Open My Own Business

And businesses are not the only beneficiaries. When regulatory systems function properly, they help maintain worker safety, protect public health and minimize environmental pollution. They also create a more level playing field; companies that act in good faith to comply with the rules are not disadvantaged compared to competitors that take advantage of dysfunctional regulatory systems to cut costs – and cut costs.

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In fact, improving how states regulate may be one of the most cost-effective approaches to stimulating the economy. While fiscal stimulus—states’ primary economic development approach—costs billions of dollars a year, the results are inconsistent; better regulatory administration, on the other hand, can make government more efficient and generate savings that states can use to lower taxes or invest in more effective programs.

Government efforts to improve regulation by increasing efficiency and partnering with businesses are still in the early stages. For example, innovative reforms that have been tested for only one permitting process must be approved statewide. States are also just beginning to think about how to set clear targets for and measure progress on improved regulation. However, policymakers seeking a win-win approach to economic development now have a wide range of inventive and proven ideas to follow.

When policymakers asked companies what states could do to improve their regulatory environment, they’ve heard similar responses about increased transparency, simplicity and efficiency.

In 2003, the Iowa Business Council, made up of the CEOs of the state’s largest employers, met to identify short-term actions they could take to improve the economic climate. They identified slow timelines to issue environmental permits as a barrier to growth. For example, window manufacturer Pella Corporation had to delay new product launches due to months of air quality permit approvals. The municipality worked with the State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to map the air quality permitting process, identify bottlenecks and find solutions. “If we can get a new production line up and running in a shorter amount of time, we can produce products and sell them faster,” said Karin Peterson, Pella’s vice president of human resources.

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The DNR reduced the number of steps in the assessment process, revised the form to reduce errors, and set up a hotline of engineers who could help companies calculate air pollution levels.

Air permits that used to take two months to get approved now take two weeks or less and still meet the same quality standards.

Effective private sector companies regularly review their production systems to identify opportunities for improvement. Otherwise, inefficiency and waste can take up resources that are better invested in quality, innovation and expansion.

How To Open My Own Business

Regulatory processes are no different. When bad practices are allowed to calcify, there is an economic cost. The tools Iowa and many other states use to solve these kinds of problems are the same ones used in the private sector. For example, lean manufacturing is being used around the world to improve the way cars are built, how software is developed, and how healthcare is delivered. This approach reduces costs and increases quality.

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A number of states are now using this approach to streamline regulation. In 2015, the Arizona Government Transformation Office under Governor Doug Ducey (R) held a “permit blitz” to improve the way dozens of permits were managed. It brought together officials from 23 agencies to work on 40 licensing processes. At the end of the project, the agency reported that the decision periods for these permits had been reduced by more than 60 percent on average.

Many potential sources of delay and waste exist in regulatory systems. Often only a common sense solution is needed. Minnesota, for example, reduced the time it takes to get a contractor’s license from six weeks to two weeks. One reform that improved efficiency was to allow staff to call the applicant to ask questions about the application rather than requiring communication by mail.

Before 2014, they waited up to five times as long and mailed their applications or stood in line at the commission’s headquarters in Columbus. The Ohio Public Utilities Commission estimated that the new online registration system saves more than 1,600 hours of broadcast time per year and saves companies tens of thousands of dollars by eliminating postage and printing costs.

Previously, if the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources received a water quality permit application on the wrong form, it could take up to 12 staff members to correct the error, including refunding the fee and returning photos by mail. Meanwhile, the company could not proceed with its plans. Since this happened 30 or more times a month, the delay caused problems. Now the state operates an electronic permit portal with a decision tool that helps applicants determine which permits they need and how to apply for them. The portal also allows them to track the status of their application in real time. Now the agency only receives the wrong form about once every six months. Processing timelines have been reduced by an average of 30 to 50 percent.

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In Michigan, approval to build new buildings was delayed as several officials had to review 3-inch-thick architects’ plans one by one. Architects waited for comments from the reviewers by email. After receiving comments from each reviewer, architects made necessary adjustments to their plans. Then the whole process started again. Now the state allows plans to be submitted online and reviewed by the various agencies at the same time, and comments can be sent electronically. As a result, critical projects are completed faster and at a lower cost.

The lean approach can also reveal serious flaws that threaten other public priorities. Colorado improved the permitting process that identifies the routes that overweight or overweight trucks must take. State officials shortened permit processing times and fixed flaws in the system that had routed large trucks through downtown Denver during rush hours or directed wide trucks down narrow roads. The reforms, which included building an online permit portal with real-time road conditions, improved public safety and traffic flow.

Since the introduction of the portal in November 2014, no trucks have driven on bridges and companies are also using the time saved by more efficient permits to improve their operations.

How To Open My Own Business

“We’ve been working better and more securely” since the system came online, said Jeffrey Cummings, owner and president of Duffy Crane & Hauling Inc. in Henderson, Colorado.

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States have used a number of innovative approaches that focus their limited resources on areas of greatest risk to public safety and the environment, rather than treating all businesses equally.

For example, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (OGCC) focuses on inspecting oil wells based on factors such as risk to public safety. Old wells, wells with a history of leaks or wells in densely populated areas are the highest priority for assessment and are visited at least once a year, while others are visited less frequently. The state’s assessment of OGCC’s performance focuses in part on the inspection of high-priority resources.

It can be challenging for states to regulate industries consisting of small businesses such as dry cleaners, gas stations and auto body shops that pose health risks to public health and the environment. At the same time, small business owners often face an unpredictable inspection schedule and a lack of clarity about their compliance requirements. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has adopted an evidence-based approach that reduces both the health risk and the burden on individual entrepreneurs.

First, it identifies widespread compliance issues in an industry by inspecting a random sample of companies. Then the department develops outreach activities, including workshops and tutorials to help companies solve problems. Businesses can use these tools to confirm compliance with government regulations. If business owners discover they have broken a rule during self-certification, they can submit a corrective plan prior to the official inspection to avoid fines.

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This approach has yielded positive results. Peer-reviewed journal articles have documented industry-wide compliance improvements at auto repair shops and companies servicing underground storage tanks, such as gas stations or fuel oil suppliers, compared to traditional inspection-based monitoring.

“We have been able to prove to ourselves over time and through the math that it is worth doing and that we are getting real results in industrial sectors,” said Ronald Gagnon, head of the Office of Customer and Technical Assistance.

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How To Open My Own Business

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