How To Reply What Do You Do

How To Reply What Do You Do – Summary. Answer “What do you do for fun?” By mentioning one or two of your hobbies and why you enjoy them. Hiring managers ask this question so they can narrow you down as a candidate, so consider telling a story that highlights how this activity will help you succeed in this job. Don’t insist though.

During the interview, “What do you do for fun?” You may ask. This is one of the most common interview questions, and knowing how to answer it will help you make a good impression on the hiring manager and set you apart from the crowd.

How To Reply What Do You Do

How To Reply What Do You Do

Here’s why hiring managers and recruiters ask this question in job interviews, tips on how to answer it (and how not to), and round up all our tips with some sample answers.

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With most interview questions, the hiring manager is trying to get a sense of who you are as a person and if you’re a good fit for the position.

When they ask what you like to do for fun, they don’t want to know more about you. They’re trying to see if any of your personal interests align with the job, if you fit in with the company culture, or if you’re just a baseline interesting person to talk to.

Here are some things the hiring manager or recruiter is trying to figure out about you by asking this question:

Unlike some interview questions, you don’t really need to prepare a full answer to this question, and doing so can work against you.

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You’re looking for common ground with your audience, or a way to portray your unique interests in a way that makes them understand what you value about your hobbies.

While we’re sure there are many things people do for fun, here are some great hobbies to mention:

Remember, you can try to tie an aspect of your hobby with a job-related skill or quality, but don’t force it. Simple answers to this question can be effective.

How To Reply What Do You Do

None of these answers try too hard to jam in job-specific keywords. Nevertheless, they all indicate good qualities for the job they are applying for.

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Think about where your hobbies and your career overlap, and you’ll be on your way to a winning answer.

When talking about what you enjoy in an interview, be honest and passionate about what you enjoy, your answers are professional, and be careful that you gauge how much detail you want your interviewer to go into.

You might think that this question is very difficult to puzzle out. You’re right – even if you don’t give a stellar answer, it’s not the most important part of a job interview.

That said, a truly terrible answer will stick in your interviewer’s mind and could cost you the job. If you and another candidate have similar skills and qualifications, but they are the more interesting person to talk to, the hiring manager will hire them.

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Here’s a twist. During the interview “What do you do for fun?” If you’re not asked the question, don’t make the mistake of not sharing something about yourself that will give them a glimpse of you beyond work. Yes, it is a common mistake to simply answer their questions and talk about what you do for fun. A good way to give them a glimpse is when you ask, “So, tell me about yourself.” Use this as an opportunity to weave in an item or two, whether it’s volunteer work, a hobby, or just doing something in general with your loved ones.

Especially for jobs with a company that prioritizes work over work-life balance, you might say that you find certain aspects of the job particularly fun. For example, “I really enjoy work. For example, distilling research into a short article or a two-minute presentation is much more fun than my hobbies, for example, playing basketball or the video game Stardew Village.

To prepare for this question, it is important to understand the company you are interviewing with. Does the company engage in any community-based activities that match your interests outside of work? For example, if the organization participates in volunteering and it’s something you also do, you might answer “Volunteering for X organization has a lot of things I do for fun. My experience has allowed me to meet people, use my skills to help others, and contribute to our community. Does the company encourage wellness or work-life balance activities, and which ones do you like or want to do? Many companies have programs for employees to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you’ve done your research and found that they have these, you can add “I also like to exercise by doing Y at least three times a week. I’ve been doing it for Z years and it helps me get better physically and I enjoy my challenge.

How To Reply What Do You Do

When it comes to talking about what you do for fun, remember that happiness – like beauty – is in the eye of the beholder.

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What you find fun isn’t necessarily what other people find fun, but that doesn’t really matter. The point is that you enjoy things outside of work, and you have some way of communicating that, even if other people don’t share that interest.

While this is kind of a softball question, if you can tie your hobby to a job-related skill or quality you can knock it out of the park. At the same time, don’t feel compelled to do so if your answer seems strange.

At the end of the day, communicate what you like and why you like it and you’ll be fine.

Ryan Morris is a writer for an advice blog who tries to make the employment process a little more entertaining for everyone involved. He received his BA and Masters degrees from Appalachian State University. October 11, 2018 mike macdonald how to prospect strangers in network marketing, how to respond when someone asks what you do for a living, network marketing prospecting, network marketing prospecting scripts, network marketing success secrets, network marketing tips, network marketing tips for beginners, what are your best answers, what do you do for a living what do you do for a living answers what do you do for a living network marketing

Weird Interview Questions And How To Answer Them

Do you ever get the question of what do you do for a living and don’t know what to say as a network marketer? Are you looking for a “what do you do best answer” for network marketing? Well in this post you will be asked “What do you do for a living?” You will learn how to respond if someone asks you that. And they want to learn more.

One thing network marketers struggle with when talking about their business is attracting people to them. Most people in the network marketing and home business industry do it wrong.

Most people really shy away from people when it comes to how to respond when someone asks what you do for a living. Many network marketers try and come across as superior or do nothing to attract people to them.

How To Reply What Do You Do

So many times you will run into people who will say things that are annoying until now. “I help people break through their limiting barriers and achieve the life of their dreams!” You will hear things like

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Or maybe it’s something like, “I have the most amazing cleansing product in the world. People are dropping 60 pounds in two weeks and it’s life changing!”

Even worse they often say, “I’m a network marketer.” or “I’m a network marketing professional.” or “I am a representative of xyz company.” These responses are overused and make you sound like a robot and create no curiosity.

If your reaction to what you do for a living is superficial, or if it’s so bland that it doesn’t spark any curiosity, it hurts you.

So what are some phrases that attract people in response to what you do for a living? There are also a couple of things to note.

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The first thing to understand when it comes to how to respond when someone asks you what you do for a living is to talk about how you help people. Think about your typical response to this if you were working a regular job.

Most people would say “I am a teacher”. or “I’m a nurse.” or “I’m a lawyer.” Good careers, but those responses create a “so what” feeling or reaction in someone’s mind.

The only real reason anyone dives deep from it is to make conversation or be polite. Those kinds of responses don’t actually create curiosity or draw people in.

How To Reply What Do You Do

Create a format that you want to use to respond to what you do for a living

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