How To Sell Your Organs

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How To Sell Your Organs

How To Sell Your Organs

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Human Organs Images, Stock Photos & Vectors

In monetary terms, your physical body is worth more than you think. People will pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for certain body parts.

Note that “selling” a body part is not the same as listing a futon for sale on Craigslist. With the exception of selling advertising space on your skin, most forms of giving body parts are technically a donation, but it is common practice to be compensated in cash.

It is legal to receive compensation for all of the parts listed below, but it is not necessarily recommended. There are other – more common – ways to increase your income.

But if you’re wondering how much your hair, plasma, and other body parts can be worth (or looking for some Halloween relaxation), read on to find out.

In A First, Surgeons Attached A Pig Kidney To A Human

If you’ve ever seen your blood separate after being drawn by a nurse or doctor, according to, almost all of the clear substance left at the bottom is plasma.

It is used in all kinds of treatments, including genetic diseases such as hemophilia and autoimmune disorders. Some blood banks will pay anywhere from $25 to $50 depending on your weight – the more you weigh, the more you’ll be paid, as you’ll be able to donate more plasma.

Hair, like blood, is easy enough to donate to a good cause (like Locks of Love). But it is also possible to sell them at a very favorable price.

How To Sell Your Organs

The trick is to keep it as long and “virgin” as possible. This means no harmful hair dyes or other chemical treatments that could harm the quality. Buyers probably want to make wigs and won’t be interested in your split ends.

Kidneys And Keys

According to Wisebread, one woman made as much as $1,000 from her locks in just one week by posting an ad on

Hospitals and researchers rarely advertise for clinical trials — a way to test drugs or other treatments for various conditions — so determining a salary range is difficult. While the price range varies widely, Consumerist Commentary estimates that one trial could earn up to $1,000 per person.

Note that it’s not necessarily easy to get into them – or through them – and it’s important to consider the potential risks beforehand.

The going rate: $125 for each acceptable sperm sample — which can add up to about $600 a month — according to the California Sperm Bank.

Essential Facts About Your Gallbladder

First, you’ll need to meet some very specific qualifications. Here is a list of requirements for potential donors at SBC:

According to the Center for Human Reproduction, where you can request to donate your eggs, eggs can be sold for as much as $8,000 for each completed cycle.

This is probably because the egg donation process is much more invasive than what men go through and involves self-injection of hormonal drugs.

How To Sell Your Organs

Some companies will pay you good money to advertise on your skin. One single mother sold her forehead to an online casino that paid her $10,000 to have her URL tattooed on it, POPSugar reports.

Interdependence Of Human Organ Systems Explained

That’s chump change from what one website designer earned when he sold his forehead to SnoreStop for ad space: $37,375 for one month of advertising.

Surrogacy – carrying a child for nine months – is still a controversial issue in the US and not recognized by all states. It’s an arduous and deeply emotional process, but women can earn between $25,000 and $55,000, according to Circle Surrogacy.

A woman holds her mother’s hand as she dies of cancer in her final hours at a Winnipeg palliative care hospital Thomson Reuters

It is illegal to sell or buy organs in the US, but there are exceptions in some states when it comes to bone marrow. The body replenishes bone marrow like blood, which means that selling bone marrow is not the same as selling, for example, a kidney or any other organ.

Kidney For Sale’: Iran Has A Legal Market For The Organs, But The System Doesn’t Always Work

And because bone marrow is so sought after, you can make up to $3,000 selling it, The Wire reports.

The process is notoriously painful — and there’s about a 1 in 540 chance you’ll be a genetic match and actually sell it.

Kathleen is a senior investment reporter at Insider, covering the path to financial freedom. She began her career as an editorial intern at Business Insider in 2015, covered personal finance at CNBC Make It for four years, and returned to Insider in 2021. She graduated from Williams College in 2014 and currently resides in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter at @kathleen_elk. Organ trafficking, a lucrative global illicit trade, is often a less-discussed form of trafficking among anti-trafficking stakeholders due to its complex and often covert nature. Human trafficking for sex and/or labor are the most common forms of human trafficking among public policy leaders and general awareness campaigns. However, organ trafficking is critical for transnational organized crime groups due to high demand and relatively low levels of law enforcement.

How To Sell Your Organs

Organ traffickers serve in the shadows, while their destructive medical footprint is the only thing that can be felt. It leaves vulnerable populations called “donors” and first-world beneficiaries called “recipients” open to serious exploitation and lifelong health consequences.

Organs You Can Live Without

This form of illicit trade also makes the private sector, particularly the financial industry, susceptible to becoming unwitting facilitators of it. Although, with the right training and increased awareness, financial institutions can play a key role in exposing organ traffickers based on the financial trail they leave behind.

When describing organ trafficking, there is often confusion about how this crime can occur. Global Financial Integrity (GFI) estimates that 10 percent of all organ transplants, including lungs, hearts and livers, are performed with trafficked organs.

However, the most heavily trafficked organ is the kidney, with the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating that 10,000 kidneys are traded annually on the black market worldwide, or more than one every hour.

These numbers in themselves can be harsh; however, when compared to average waiting times for authorities in developed countries, we can better understand the demand being diverted to black markets. In Canada, the average wait time for a kidney is estimated to be 4 years, with some as long as 7 years.

Growing A New Type Of Organ Donor

According to the National Kidney Foundation, the average wait time for a kidney in the US is 3.6 years.

Once acquired, they can be transplanted into recipients in the most prestigious hospitals in major cities around the world, but makeshift operating rooms in houses have often been secret locations for such transplants.

Traffickers orchestrate donor recruitment often from a place of vulnerability, and victims are not necessarily properly screened to be qualified as a healthy donor. Desperate patients in need of an organ can fall prey to a trafficker posing as a “reputable” representative of an altruistic organ search organization. Financial exploitation plays a key role on both sides of this scenario. In addition, organ traffickers may also be involved in other forms of human trafficking, such as sex and/or labor. There are cases where the organ donor may have been a victim of sex and/or labor trafficking as well as organ trafficking, creating a multi-level equation of exploitation. The term “transplant tourism” as defined by the Istanbul Declaration is often used to describe this crime:

How To Sell Your Organs

“…transplant travel involving organ trafficking and/or the commercialization of transplants, or where the resources (organs, experts, and transplant centers) devoted to providing transplants to patients outside the country undermine the country’s ability to provide transplant services to its own population.”

Body Parts That Can Be Sold For Profit

How does organ trafficking fit into the broader definition of human trafficking? As stated in the 2000 Palermo Protocol, which is the basis for most national laws on human trafficking, organ trafficking is broadly defined as:

“Trafficking in human beings” means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or reception of persons by the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, kidnapping, fraud, deception, abuse of position or vulnerability, or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to obtain the consent of a person who has control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation includes, at a minimum, exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, slavery or organ removal.”

Buying and selling organs in most countries

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