How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business – Whether you’re targeting office managers, commercial property managers or homeowners, a cleaning business introduction letter is a great way to let potential customers know about your company and what makes you stand out.

Sending a personal sales letter means you’re willing to go the extra mile to show your enthusiasm and professionalism.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

If you’re not sure how to write a letter offering cleaning services, follow these steps and download our free template to complete your cover letter in no time.

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A catchy headline is one of the most important parts of your sales letter. If you fail to capture the reader’s attention in the first few seconds, the rest of your letter may go to waste.

Pro tip: Emphasize a unique selling proposition that greatly benefits your customer. For example, you could write “Residential cleaning services specializing in pet odor removal” or “Eco-friendly commercial cleaning services” to make your headline stand out.

Always use the reader’s name for a personal touch. However, if you do not know the recipient’s name, simply write a general greeting such as “Good afternoon!” or “Dear Office Manager/Facilities Manager/Homeowner”.

After introducing yourself and the name of your cleaning business, you can mention any important information that makes your company more attractive.

Signs Your Business Needs An Office Cleaning Service

For example, let the reader know if you have a family business and have been successfully running your company for years.

You can then briefly list your cleaning services in bullet points or simply talk about your general services in one sentence.

Pro Tip: Highlight the strengths of your cleaning business. Do you have a list of well trained, highly qualified and properly insured cleaners? Do you have certain specialties that not many cleaning businesses offer? Discuss the benefits your customers will get from your cleaning services.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

Pro tip: Highlight a special limited-time offer or free offer to encourage the reader to call you. You can offer a discount on your commercial cleaning prices for a short period.

Cleaning Industry Analysis 2020

Once edited, you can print a PDF version to email or a physical version to mail.

My name is ________ with XYZ Cleaning Pro, which is a family-owned, local business that has been keeping offices tidy for five years.

To help office buildings like yours stay clean and looking spotless at all times, we provide well-rounded services, from sweeping and mopping floors to cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. We can even restock your bathroom and kitchen supplies so you’ll never run out!

We have a professional cleaning crew with years of experience in office cleaning. Our skilled cleaners know how to clean, dust and disinfect every inch of your office. We pride ourselves on having properly trained, certified and insured cleaners who can handle challenging cleaning tasks.

How To Start And Grow A Commercial Cleaning Business

A clean, well-organized office is a healthy workplace for you and all your employees. At XYZ Cleaning Pro, we will keep your office space thoroughly clean to reduce bacteria, dust and allergens that can affect the health of your employees.

PS Call us now and clean your office building at 40% off! We’re reducing the price this week only, so don’t delay!

Call us at [Business Number] for a free quote today or visit [Company Website] to see our full list of services and packages.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

A well thought out sales letter offering cleaning services will make your company stand out and help you achieve your marketing plans.

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A marketing plan for your house or commercial cleaning business doesn’t have to be complicated. You can successfully get commercial cleaning contracts and stay busy year-round by using smart advertising tactics.

Send your sales letter by email if you want your recipients to receive it immediately, or by direct mail for a more personal approach.

Nelmi Jane Pardo is a senior contributing writer who provides insight into digital marketing methods and business solutions. She writes regularly to help business owners take their online marketing to the next level. Starting/buying a cleaning business is both exciting and scary, but the scariest part is figuring out how to get your house cleaning clients and then keep them. The good news is that your cleaning business already has a specific clientele to appeal to, and there are more ways than ever to advertise and communicate.

Before you get started, there are a few things you should know about how to attract customers for a cleaning business.

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First, figure out who you’re trying to reach and what exactly those people want. Then consider the best ways to reach those people, whether through newer means like social media or just by putting up flyers at your local deli.

Cleaning businesses have a specific clientele, which can include corporate companies, event centers, busy families and homeowners. If you create a Facebook or Instagram business page, you can create affordable ads that cater to any of those specific groups.

Make sure you have a simple approach to every ad you create. Focus on the main selling points in one ad, and focus on customer testimonials in another; the clearer, more creative and simpler your message is, the better.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

Getting cleaning clients also means printing business cards, especially if you plan to attend conventions or trade shows.

Start A Cleaning Service Business With Business Forms

Asking for referrals can be intimidating, but it’s a surefire way to clear clients quickly.

Here’s a secret to getting commercial cleaning clients: Don’t try to be a salesperson. Just be human. We all need help sometimes, and there’s nothing wrong with asking for a favor as long as you’re polite about it.

Referrals can come from anyone you know, such as friends, family, even old clients. But you have to actively seek them out. Knowing how to get commercial cleaning contracts and clients means not waiting for someone to find you and

Referred you. The easiest way to get referrals is to ask for previous satisfied customers. They can refer you with confidence and also detail what your service does best.

Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Invest In An Office And Commercial Cleaning Company

Similarly, you can use these testimonials to create testimonials for your business website. The more positive reviews you have associated with your website, the more likely a potential client will consider your services.

Most people will not try a product or service if they have to spend a lot of money or time.

How to get cleaning customers to try your service means offering a coupon or discount every so often.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

Companies usually offer a discount for a customer’s first service. Not having to spend as much money as a regular customer can make a new customer feel special and more inclined to try it.

Types Of Cleaning Services (you Can Offer)

Many businesses also use a “buy one get one free” or “bring a friend” discount, which encourages people to bring their friends, thus doubling the number of customers.

Some customers are attracted to companies that support worthy causes, such as recycling. Cleaning companies use materials, such as plastic and certain chemicals, that can potentially harm the environment, which is why most cleaning companies promote the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products.

A cute environmental slogan can also be how to get commercial cleaning clients. If a cleaning company can keep a building clean, then they – and their customers, presumably – can help keep the planet clean.

Such a campaign could coincide with Earth Day each spring. You can host a charity event or sponsor a local fun run to not only celebrate the holiday but also encourage participants to consider fun ways to help the environment.

Commercial Office Cleaning

Getting a cleaning contract requires using technology in your marketing strategy. Knowing how to get cleaning clients means first deciding who your ideal client is. Then find out what questions they might have and how you can give the best answer possible. Google Analytics and other SEO tools can help you narrow down the keywords that will bring potential customers to your site. You want to be

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and invites users to interact with it. If you have written content, like blogs, keep it friendly and concise. Most businesses will link to their best testimonials and also have some eye-catching graphics.

Having a robust online presence is also how to get cleaning clients fast. A website that grabs customers’ attention and explains your services is essential, but social media can sprinkle those services all over the Internet in fun and different ways.

How To Start An Office Cleaning Business

One of the advantages of social media is the abundance of communication avenues you can take advantage of. You can blog a video about your daily business routines on YouTube or share pictures on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter. Since most social media have a direct messaging feature, you can also reach out directly to your followers and vice versa.

Tips For Finding The Perfect Office Cleaning Company

Keep in mind where you think you can best reach your customers. If the majority of your clientele does not use a particular social media, it may not be necessary to create a page there.

To keep your online presence fresh, decide how often you want to post new content. Some businesses ambitiously upload new images, videos or blogs every day, while some may only do so two or three times a week. Either way, regularly uploading new content keeps your business fresh in the minds of your followers.

Running Facebook ads is also a great way to expand your reach

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