How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe – If you don’t have a plunger, you can sometimes get things working with some common household items.

The best way to handle a clogged toilet is to use a plunger, but there may be situations where you don’t have access to one. If If the toilet is clogged and you don’t have a plunger, don’t be afraid. There is more than one way to clear the toilet and some of these ways include common household items that you probably already have.

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

If a connection is particularly troublesome, you may need to use a drain snake to unclog it. But these home remedies will help get through some of the smaller bumps you’re likely to encounter.

Ways To Unblock A Clogged Toilet

Flushing a clogged toilet is no fun, but there is a better way. To unclog a toilet without a plunge, head to the kitchen for some dish soap. The slippery soap can help lubricate the clogged pipe and allow the lodged debris to slide down more easily.

Pour about half a cup down the toilet. If you’re out of dish soap, chop a bar of hand soap into small pieces and drop the pieces down the toilet.

If dish soap alone doesn’t do the trick, adding water might stir things up. Fill a bucket with hot bath water (boiling water could cause a porcelain toilet to crack) and pour the water into the toilet from waist level. The force of the water could remove the cause of the blockage.

A more severe blockage might require manually moving the object. To do this without a plunger, unravel wire clothing until it is straight. Push one end of the wire into the plugged area. Poke the debris until it becomes free and flows down the drain. A drain is a better choice, but the wire hanger will work in a pinch.

How To Unblock A Toilet

As an alternative to using dish soap for those situations where you’re out of a plunger, try this all-natural solution. Pour one cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar down the toilet. Let it simmer for half an hour. If the clog doesn’t break up, try the hot water trick.

Start by removing as much water as possible from the toilet; you can do this repeatedly by filling a small container with toilet water and pouring the water into a bucket. Next, fill a large plastic bottle with hot water.

Place your thumb over the top of the bottle and fit the top end of the bottle into the outlet at the bottom of the toilet. (You’ll want to wear rubber gloves for this step.) Remove your thumb and squeeze the bottle so the water inside shoots out the pipe. The added pressure could dislodge whatever was causing the blockage.

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

If you decide to flush your toilet before dealing with the clog, here’s a unique tip to get the water out.

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“When you repair or replace a toilet, you have to get rid of all the water. Simply turning off the water supply and flushing won’t do it. A sponge works, but it’s a little slow. So I use an old spray gun to suck up the water and spray it into a bucket, leaving just the last drops to sponge up.” – reader Dale Conklin.

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We no longer support IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide websites for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. There is no better person to teach you how to unclog a toilet drain than an experienced blocked drainer. Local plumbers specializing in drainage know all the tips and secrets to quickly fixing a clogged toilet. We can also tell you how to identify the cause of the blockage, which is essential to know how to fix a blocked toilet properly.

A toilet that backs up is a very unsanitary problem. A toilet backup can be defined as a toilet that fills with water and overflows with dirty sewage when the flush is pressed. This means that there is a blockage somewhere in the line preventing the water and waste from traveling through the sewer pipes. Alternatively, the toilet may be slow to drain. The water level rises when flushed but then it slowly descends again. This means that there is a blockage in the line but it is not absolute. There is still a small amount of room for the sewage to pass through.

Ways To Unblock A Drain

Each of these situations could be the result of one of two things. The first is a blockage in the S-bend or in the pipes immediately attached to the toilet drain opening. The second possibility is that there is a main sewer line blockage.

If there is a blockage in the main sewer line, no amount of instructions on how to unclog the toilet will be enough. This is because blocked drains are complex and require special tools to fix. Your best bet is to call a local clogged drain plumber as soon as possible. It is probably a blocked main drain if:

If it’s a localized clog that only affects the toilet, here are a few things you can try to fix the blocked toilet.

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

In most cases a drain plunger can unblock a clogged toilet quickly. A drain plunger is most effective on clogs caused by excess toilet paper, sanitary items, or items such as tissues and wet wipes that are stuck in the S-bend. If the toilet is filled to the brim with water and waste, use a bucket to remove as much as possible. You do want a small amount of water in the bowl to help with the suction though.

Ways To Fix A Clogged Toilet

Place the plunger securely over the drain hole and press firmly up and down. You want to be strong with both the pushing and pulling movements for the greatest chance of success. If it doesn’t work right away, don’t give up. Sometimes a stubborn blocked toilet requires a little more determination.

You will hear a gurgling suction sound as the plug is pushed off and moves down the pipe. The water levels should decrease in the bowl. It is very important not to flush the toilet during this process until the blockage is gone. If there is still a large amount of water inside the toilet, flushing it will only increase the likelihood that it will overflow onto the floor.

We recently wrote another article dedicated entirely to this topic. You can read the full article here. In short, there are a few household items that can save you if you’ve accidentally blocked a toilet and don’t have access to a sink. You can try using either a string or a toilet brush with a plastic bag tied over the end. Use your tool of choice just as you would a plunger, trying to get the best seal over the toilet drain as possible. Alternatively you can unwrap a metal garment and secure a rag around the end. Again, use it just like you would a plunger.

As stated, this is not a skill learned by a layman. By law, you must call a licensed plumber to perform any repairs or maintenance of sewer infrastructure. It is better to call the local plumber sooner than later because a severe sewer blockage can cause a backup not only through the toilet, but all of the drains inside your home. This means dirty, unsanitary and untreated sewage coming out of the sinks, the floor drains and the shower drain. Raw sewage is full of harmful diseases and bacteria that can harm your family.

How To Unclog A Toilet Without A Plunger

A clogged drain plumber will perform a CCTV pipe inspection using plumbing cameras that are specifically designed to inspect the inside of drain pipes. This way the plumber will know exactly how to unclog the sewer drain based on the video evidence. Every clogged drain is different, so video diagnosis means faster and more accurate repairs. After the plumb camera inspection is done, the technician will most likely perform a drain cleaning with a jet blaster. Powerful water jets clear the pipes of clogs and do not need drain cleaning chemicals.

If the plumbing inspection uncovers damaged pipes, the plumber may have to recommend other repairs such as replacing the damaged section, re-lining the pipes, or installing a new sewer system.

We unlock toilets and sanitation every day of the week. It’s our specialty. If you are dealing with a clogged toilet and want it dealt with quickly our friendly local plumber now. We look forward to helping you.

How To Unblock A Toilet Drain Pipe

JAB Plumbing Solutions is Sydney’s leading team of blocked drain plumbers. We specialize in drain installations, drain cleaning and all other drainage. There is never a good time for a toilet clog. Whether you’re hosting family for the holidays or hosting a neighborhood party, a clogged toilet creates an embarrassing problem.

How To Clear A Sewer Without A Snake

Flushing a toilet backup can be difficult, and it’s even more difficult when you don’t have a plunger. If you find yourself in this situation, there are still a few

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