Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization – Interpersonal communication is a process in which feelings, ideas, thoughts and information are exchanged face-to-face between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal means. Body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, listening, gestures, expressions and individual messages are part of interpersonal skills and can be improved with the help of feedback, knowledge and practice.

Interpersonal communication skills add inherent value to a conversation, improve communication and take it to another level. In today’s competitive times it has proven invaluable, powerful and necessary in improving employee relations in the workplace.

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization

When people communicate face-to-face or through a telephone with the help of spoken words, it refers to verbal communication. It is a fact that only 7% of human communication or information exchange is done through verbal means while 38% is through a para-verbal means such as pauses, tone of voice, rhythm and intonation etc. What someone is saying, how it is. say, what he is talking about, where he emphasizes and the context is an integral part of verbal communication.

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When you communicate with the help of written words or symbols, it refers to written communication. Information exchange in a business or workplace may include text messages, reports, memos, emails, letters and quick notes etc. In some cases, people include emojis and information to convey the appropriate emotion in the statement. As the written word is legally binding over the spoken word business entities prefer this type of interpersonal communication skills in the workplace.

Listening is sometimes more important than speaking during a strong interpersonal conversation. Remember that hearing is not the same as listening because the former is involuntary while the latter is an intentional and voluntary action that requires full concentration. This type of interpersonal skills requires more effort and concentration to accomplish a specific goal.

Actions speak louder than words. When you communicate without the help of spoken or written words, it refers to non-verbal communication. This type of interpersonal communication information can be easily achieved through posture, facial expressions and body language. It is a proven fact that non-verbal communication messages are as effective as verbal ones in the scheme of things as 55% of human communication is through it. In an online conversation, it can be further categorized into two types. In Synchronous communication, people respond in real time and the communication takes place as soon as the receiver receives a message. In Asynchronous communication, a person will not respond in real time. The receiver can respond later at his convenience.

Communication can only happen when two or more people are involved. Communicators in a conversation refer to the person sending a message and the receiver on the other end. Interpersonal communication skills help to replace the one-way process of communication with the two-way process where both the listener and the sender participate in an interactive process and can send feedback through a smile, nod, tone voice and gesture.

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An important part of interpersonal communication skills is the message that must pass between a sender and a receiver. Important indicators include verbal connotations such as voice, speech or words and non-verbal communication that shows emotional attitudes such as body language, voice, facial expressions and gestures.

Noise in the theory of interpersonal communication refers to the distortions that occur between different people and make the communication void. Sometimes what the speaker says is quite different from what the listener hears and understands and this is due to noise. The message simply loses its original meaning or intent and disrupts the relationship between two people or employees in the workplace. In the context of interpersonal communication, noise includes the use of unnecessary jargon, language barriers, inattention, cultural differences, disinterest and incorrect body language.

The message must be interpreted correctly by the receiver because any inconsistency can spoil employee relations in the workplace. It is the feedback that helps the sender know if he succeeded in his mission and if he needs to control it in future communications. Feedback tells about the accuracy of the message and the resulting reaction. Types of feedback can be favorable or unfavorable verbal statements such as good job or It is not up to the mark as well as non-verbal expressions such as a nod and a smile or a rigid posture.

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization

If two people are interested in effective interpersonal communication then it becomes necessary to pay attention to the context. How a message is received and how the receiver interprets it depends on contextual, situational and environmental factors. It includes environment, culture, gender, relationship, time, place, personal interest and expectation quotient of the participant in the interaction.

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Channel in interpersonal communication theory refers to the means through which a message is sent and received and how the communication occurs. Important channels for employees in the workplace are face-to-face communication through vision and speed, intranet, email and telephone conversations.

As we keep on reading in many articles and blogs that a clear channel of communication is very important for an organization. It results in the best of growth strategies and ensures long-term success. Hence, it is very important for the company’s management as well as its employees to understand the importance of interpersonal communication. It helps the organization to grow in leaps and bounds and also helps the employees to give an edge in their career graph. It also helps them expand their horizons in various fields of industry.

When the company’s management and its employees understand the importance of interpersonal communication, there is a free flow and exchange of ideas and thoughts during formal and informal sessions. The results can be wonderful as you never know which ideas will click and do wonders for the overall success and growth of the organization.

When the company and its management realize the importance of interpersonal communication in the workplace and promote the same in its work culture, the result is increased levels of team bonding. And team bonding results in improved teamwork when they share the workload during tight deadlines and have each other’s backs in tough and difficult times. The aspect of teamwork is very important for the organization as it is always a ‘We’ and never an ‘I’ that helps the company grow and climb the ladder of success. And the same can be applied to employees as well, as they get to learn something or another from their peers and contemporaries at work that helps them improve their career graph.

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When there is an increased level of communication between the employees and the management of the company, the communication channels are open and clear. And again the factor of working in a team and discussing all the problems and problems and finding the solid solutions together results in the highest level of productivity. And with improved productivity, the company is able and capable enough to achieve its short-term and long-term more effectively and efficiently.

In the organization when the structure consists of many levels and hierarchies, problems and problems between people are bound to happen. And they can range from competition, insecurity, jealousy and personal bias. When the employees of the company understand and follow the Importance of Interpersonal Communication, they behave rationally and maturely and solve all the problems and problems that exist. Plus they can also avoid problems that may occur in the future as well. And this feature and quality are beneficial for both, the company as well as the employees.

Whenever there is a lot of quality work going on in the organization in between meeting the strict deadlines and strange requirements from the customers or investors, bottlenecks must arise. They are the challenges that help the organization and its people grow, evolve, and flourish. With interpersonal communication between employees and between employees and the management of the company, the bottlenecks are fixed with ease, perfection, and many learning experiences. With good flow of communication, thoughts, and ideas; The organization finds some amazing solutions to the most difficult problems and bottlenecks. Hence, a dialogue is quite necessary in the team and culture in general.

Importance Of Interpersonal Communication In An Organization

Right from adequate roles and challenges and responsibilities to the appropriate appreciation for the quality of their work, internal employees of the company are also looking for effective interpersonal skills with the management. If the management follows the open door policy to hear their problems, suggestions, grievances, and problems, if any, they feel valued and motivated. And this results in long-term association with the company. With the retention of quality and expert workforce, the company can grow in leaps and bounds in a very short duration. Hence, effective interpersonal skills are a vital key to success.

Importance Of Interpersonal Skills: How To Improve

When the company realizes the Importance of Interpersonal Communication and maintains a fair and transparent communication with stakeholders including investors, vendors, and customers among others; it shows the company in a positive light. The company needs to have a strong and experienced spokesperson who understands all the details and

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