Importance Of Social Science Research Pdf

Importance Of Social Science Research Pdf – 2 About Me PhD Candidate and Services Cyber ​​Safety and Security Group and Communication Science Group Research in Communication and Psychology Contact: Tue + Wed: Cubicus C212 Thu + Fri: Zilverling Z4039

To be a participant (3 times for +/- 20 minutes): 1st questionnaire: experiment + 2nd questionnaire: 3rd questionnaire

Importance Of Social Science Research Pdf

Importance Of Social Science Research Pdf

2. Basics of Social Sciences Research Methods : Introduction to Research : Basics of Empirical Research : Data Collection : Data Analysis [Bha2012] Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Studies of social sciences. Principles, methods and practices. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida. PDF

Because Social Science Makes Sense Of The Institutions That Shape Our Lives — Why Social Science?

Alcohol sales to underage buyers in the Netherlands  mystery shopping  public opinion poll (survey) 2016 US election Spokespersons for a persuasive campaign  experiment Reflections on privacy and security in mobile computing  expert interviews

How would you rate the reliability of these studies? How would you rate the validity of these results? Actual behavior can be observed  you have the least bias here  real facts  direct measurement Intention  talking about your intention can be somewhat difficult  does intention ultimately mean actual behavior?? Watch the US election: Trump is the president, even though most did not believe it until the very date of the election… The persuasive effect of the campaign, you can measure people’s intentions (as they judge it themselves), but you never know if it reflects neither is their attitude, and if so, that does not mean they will behave in accordance with their stated preferences, intentions, or attitudes. as many questions as possible to get valid results but 1. are these results valid or can these results be generalized to a certain group of people. In addition, qualitative data analysis can also be biased, this is not the case when we talk about quantitative data analysis, where you can deal with facts and figures… So there is nothing more difficult in social research than to assess intentions , attitude and behavior!! Measuring intentions, attitudes is indirect, aimed at making propositions about human behavior or inferring about human behavior ©Think 21 © The NYT © MBA Data Guru Mystery shopping Election polls Persuasive campaign Expert interviews without bias Actual behavior Intentions Attitudes

TAM Deduction (Davis, 1989) H: Perceived usefulness of e-commerce has a positive effect on attitudes toward online shopping. A mix of qualitative (preliminary research) and quantitative research (main research) Causal relationship between perceived usefulness of e-commerce and positive attitudes toward online shopping for non-shoppers but not for people with prior online shopping experience. ¹ Induction: Theory Building: When there are multiple theories or explanations. An example hypothesis is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Inductive reasoning works in the other direction, moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. It is a bottom-up approach that begins with specific observations and measurements, begins to identify patterns and patterns, formulates some preliminary hypotheses, and finally develops some general conclusions or theories. Induction is more open-ended, you don’t know the concepts and constructs yet, and you don’t know the relationships between them. Deduction: Testing a Theory: When there are many competing theories about the same phenomenon and you want to know which theory works best Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. This is sometimes informally referred to as a “top-down” approach. Start by coming up with a theory about what we are interested in. We then narrow it down to more specific hypotheses that we can test. We narrow the circle even further when we collect observations to test hypotheses. Ultimately, this gives us the opportunity to test our hypotheses with concrete data – confirming (or not) our initial theories. Deduction is more closed, you test a theory or hypothesis and can (hopefully) provide an answer to it [Dav1989] Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly, 13 (3), 319–340. We don’t know yet… Q: What app features do participants consider important when choosing and installing an app on their mobile phones? Induction #[Cre2009] Crespo, B. H., del Bosque, I. R., & García de los Salmones Sánchez, M. M. (2009). The effect of perceived risk on online shopping behavior: A multivariate perspective. Journal of Risk Studies, 12 (2), DOI: / PDF

Exploratory Descriptive Interpretive Research Objectives For new areas of research to (1) investigate the extent of a phenomenon, problem, or behavior, (2) generate initial ideas about the phenomenon, or (3) test the possibility of expanding research on the problem For careful observations and detailed documenting the phenomenon (when, where and how). Explain why events occur in order to build, develop, extend, or test a theory/hypothesis. Research methods e.g. in-depth interviews, focus groups, expert/pilot surveys, e.g. secondary data, surveys, observations, e.g. case study experiment Example Generate ideas about what cybercrime is defined by interviewing victims of cybercrime. View the CBS database in the Netherlands to understand the statistics of crimes committed and identify the most common profile of cybercrimes. Test your theory about cybercrime by examining the following scenario: If we don’t allow guests to log on to the campus WLAN, are passwords stolen at the same rate as if guests were allowed to use the campus WLAN? Inductive e.g. expert interviews on privacy and security Inductive and deductive e.g. mystery shopping, election polls Deductive e.g. implications of a persuasive campaign My research is a cross between exploratory and descriptive research  to prepare for explanatory research BUT most research tends to be explanatory

The Significance Of Science

10 Summarizing: Research studies: open, inductive, sensitive to bias, e.g. expert interviews Interpretive: closed, deductive, less susceptible to bias, e.g. effectiveness of persuasive campaign Descriptive research: inductive/deductive, somewhere between open and closed, less susceptible to bias, e.g. mystery shopping, polls

Person (e.g. human attitudes towards cybercrime) Collective (e.g. working together in CCS course groups) Object (e.g. web page security standards) Once you have identified the phenomenon you are interested in, you should think about type of research (deductive or inductive) and type of research (explanatory, exploratory or descriptive), the next step is to determine your unit of analysis. Person: Remember the experts I interviewed Collective: Voters during the US election: e.g. which group of people will vote or have voted for Trump eg for personalized advertising Object: Which persuasive campaign works best for a specific group of people

Already have an idea? What type of research will you be doing? inductive or deductive? Is it exploratory, explanatory or descriptive? How can you research your problem or question? Who is your unit of analysis?

Importance Of Social Science Research Pdf

From idea to research question: What are you interested in? Do you see a research problem? Do you see a solution to the research problem? Already have an idea?

Paradigms Of Evaluation Research: The Development Of An Important Policymaking Component

Define your research question(s) Inductive OR: Formulate hypotheses Deductive Research Question: A research question is a question that a research project seeks to answer. The methodology used for this research and the tools used to conduct the research all depend on the research questions asked.  E.g. What app features do participants consider important when choosing and installing an app on their mobile phones? Hypothesis: is empirically testable using observational data and can be rejected or confirmed by empirical observation  If you have enough literature, you can rely on…

E.g. usability of Construct mobile apps e.g. demographics Build e.g. user experience concept: an abstract explanation or description of observed phenomena. It cannot be measured. Construct: A construct is an abstract definition or description that explains a concept in more detail. It refers to the characteristic to be measured. Here, user experience can be measured not directly, but with the help of variables. Variables: Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are defined as user experience variables. These variables can be measured using a scale. So, to describe your research problem and/or research question, you’ll start by defining a concept… maybe you can already think of the construct and variables? But it’s also for the coming weeks and writing your research proposal, age, gender, etc. Perceived usefulness Perceived ease of use, etc., etc., etc.

Effect of variable A on B Perceived usefulness Intention to download the app Going back to my research, you are involved in… Independent variable Dependent variable

Effect of variables A and B on C. Perceived utility. Attitude towards shopping. Returning to our e-commerce example, researchers believe that perceived usefulness influences purchase attitudes, then perceived usefulness is the independent variable, while attitude (influence via perceived usefulness) is the dependent variable. Thus, attitudes toward online shopping depend on the perceived usefulness of e-commerce in general. In addition, the researchers expect that a positive attitude toward online shopping has a positive effect on the intention to actually use a website for online shopping. Thus, perceived usefulness remains an independent variable apart from shopping attitudes

Social Science Research

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