Importance Of Social Work Research

Importance Of Social Work Research – According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary research is, “investigation study or examination; especially: investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or the practical application of such new or review.” In simple words, research is a way of acquiring and sharing knowledge. Social workers conduct research to gather the information they collect to determine what choices would be best for the client(s) and also to help give the client(s) more than one option when determining what they want to do.

Social workers use research to look at a client as a whole, including the client’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, environment, and social circle. They use this information to see how it affects their customers’ daily lives and if any of the things listed are a factor in what happens to their customer(s). Social workers need research to be competent enough to help their client(s) because without knowing they can provide services to their client(s) then the client(s) would miss progress or growth in their situation need assistance in

Importance Of Social Work Research

Importance Of Social Work Research

In the United States of America, the minority is the great uprising of the majority. According to research by Noor Wazwaz (2015), in 2014, the US Census Bureau found that ‘there are more than 20 million children (under the age of five) in the United States and 50.2% of them are minorities.’ This means that these children are now in primary school or preschool and will soon be the next generation leading the country and will need assistance at some point in their lives.

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“Ok, let me say I am very satisfied with the result while it was something last minute. I really like the effort made.”

In the field of social work according to Nancy Boyd Webb (2011) on page 17 under number 4 ‘Providing culturally relevant practice.’, most social work practitioners are of Caucasian or Anglo-European heritage. For social workers of the majority race to fully understand and help their clients and their situation, the social worker must not only be competent in the situation the client(s) are facing, but must also be culturally aware and culturally competent. According to Earl Babbie and Allen Rubin (2016), cultural competence is “being aware of how cultural factors and cultural differences should influence what we investigate, how we investigate, and how we interpret our findings and respond accordingly. 102).”

Social workers need to be culturally competent because it helps them to be able to help their clients by understanding the depth of the problem or situation that their client(s) face every day. For example, how a Caucasian male would feel would not be the same as how an African American male would feel when approached by a police officer, especially with everything that is happening in today’s society. To be a social worker, you must also be culturally competent when it comes to the environment in which you work. For example, if you worked in the area surrounding Washington D.C., but then you transferred to Farmville, Virginia, you wouldn’t have the same demographics of people contributing to why you wouldn’t have the same resources available to provide to clients. ) nor the client(s) would be able to maintain the necessary resources for their situation.

Research and cultural competence are intertwined because to have accurate data you need to take in all the factors that can be applied to the client’s situation. Another reason why these two things go hand in hand is how you can’t do one without the other. For example, you can’t be culturally competent without researching different cultures and you can’t do research without putting cultural competence into the mix in order to provide your client(s) with the best resources accessible to them.

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