Interior Basement Drain Tile System

Interior Basement Drain Tile System – Water damage is a common problem for non-waterproof Knoxville basements. But you can protect your basement from water damage and keep your home dry with the Tile Drain Multi-Flow system from American Foundation & Waterproofing.

Homes throughout Tennessee, northern Georgia, and western North Carolina have trusted our team with basic and waterproofing needs since 2007. We’re the leading Knoxville drain tile installation and waterproofing company serving Knoxville and committed to providing quality service to every customer. Contact our team today to request an inspection for a Multi-Flow Drain Tile system installation for your Knoxville-area home!

Interior Basement Drain Tile System

Interior Basement Drain Tile System

Before we recommend waterproofing for a Knoxville home, or a perimeter drain solution, we determine the root cause of the problem and determine how water is getting into the space. Some basements are wet because of cracks in the floor or walls, while others can be affected by a failed sump pump. One of the most common causes is hydrostatic pressure, which is caused by moisture in the soil. Water weighs about 60 lbs. per cubic foot and this can increase the pressure on the basement walls. As the pressure increases, water will flow through the smallest cracks or crevices in the basement, even through solid concrete. If you see water in your basement, don’t wait to contact American Foundation & Waterproofing to have your basement inspected. We can identify the cause and recommend the best solution to protect your home.

Interior Basement Drainage Services

Knoxville waterproofing experts provide a variety of waterproofing solutions including sump pumps and perimeter drains. We partner with SafeBasements® to provide our customers with the highest quality duct systems available. Tile Drain Multi-Flow is renowned for its efficiency and reliability.

The Multi-Flow Drain Tile is a drain system that is installed around the perimeter of the basement and connects to the sump pump. This system uses perforated pipes that allow a steady, slow draining process that prevents excessive pressure on the foundation. Water is directed safely away from your home, protecting your basement walls and foundation from hydrostatic pressure.

The Multi-Flow Tile Drain System provides reliable protection against water damage in the basement. Call us today for a free inspection and protect your home from future water damage! Count on the experts at Flood Pros Disaster Restoration Services to provide professional mold remediation and restoration services. We will detect the source and isolate the area to solve the problem. Since mold spores depend on moisture to spread, exposure to indoor water can promote growth and cause damage as well as harmful allergens and irritants.

While mold cannot be removed from the indoor environment, it is believed to reduce its numbers naturally. We have the knowledge and equipment to properly address these issues.

Installation Of An Interior Drain Tile System

This option is usually the best and most effective way to install drain tiles. Process: Deep Trough – Designed for high water seepage in the basement. going to cut concrete to dig trenches. Assessment of where the water outlet for the system will be determined, the sump pump will divert water to an outside location. Concrete is cut and trenches are dug approximately 12-16 inches on the footer side of the basement wall. . This is where the drain box will be installed. The concrete is taken out of the basement and poured by our team. Perforated pipes are installed in trenches. Gravel is then brought down to be placed in and around the pipes. This is an important part of the project as the gravel allows water to seep into the perforated pipe which will divert the water to the sump pump. Before filling the trench, testing has been conducted to ensure the system has flowed correctly. Concrete is then poured back into the basement. Drying time is required for new concrete.

This option requires less digging and less concrete removal, it is more cost effective but unfortunately cannot be used in every basement. There are limitations in the system depending on where the footer is and it may not be effective if you have heavy seepage into the basement. Process – Install Above Footer The perimeter of the basement has been inspected and tested to ensure that there are no water lines or pipes where they will cut through the concrete to dig the trench. Assessment where the water outlet for the system will be determined, the sump pump will divert the water to an external location. Concrete is cut and a trench is dug at the TOP of the footer of the basement wall. This is where the drain box will be installed.Less Concrete Cut and taken out because you can install the system on the TOP footer. In some basements, the footer is not deep enough into the basement floor to allow the system to be installed. There are limitations in this system but it cannot be very effective for the right waterproofing problem. Perforated pipes are installed in trenches. Gravel is then brought down to be placed in and around the piping. This is an important part of the project as the gravel allows water to seep into the perforated pipe which will divert the water to the sump pump. Before filling the trench, testing has been conducted to ensure the system has flowed correctly. Concrete is then poured back into the basement. Drying time is required for new concrete.

Interior drains for above-floor applications. Drain water from walls and cove joints. This system keeps your basement dry and is more effective than drain tile, but it does not prevent water from coming through your foundation. It collects the water after it enters the house and diverts the water to the floor drain or sump pump. This will keep the basement dry but again does not prevent water from seeping in the front. Process – Install Around Basement Perimeter You must have an existing sump pump or a new one must be installed. The perimeter drainage system goes to the sump pump to an external location away from the home.The area around the perimeter of the basement has been prepped, any missing paint is removed, and the drainage system has been adhered to the floor.This system is good for a block foundation that allows any water to enter in the wall can be diverted to the channel system.

Interior Basement Drain Tile System

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Interior Vs. Exterior Water Drainage: Comparing The Pros & Cons Of Each

© 2023 The content on this website is owned by us and our licensors. Please do not copy any content (including images) without our permission. Dry basements start with a foundation repair team that has over 3 decades of wet basement repair. We are not a franchise company. We are a family owned and operated Chicago business since 1986. We provide waterproofing services with NO COMMISSION FEE and NO FRANCHISE FEE, DREAM MONEY NOW. This fee is hidden and will not be shown to you. Our competitors pass commissions and franchise fees on you. We don’t use advertising gimmicks, just talk directly with Chicago’s most trusted waterproofing team. American Foundation Repair offers a transferable warranty on all of our work.

Our quality products and superior service set us apart from our competitors. Don’t wait weeks to get an estimate. Get your basement waterproofing done today. Settling for inferior service perpetuates the underlying problem. “Big Box” waterproofing companies keep you waiting because they can’t handle your basic repair needs efficiently. Every job they get puts pressure on their workers to work faster and pay attention to detail. Do you want to be on the waiting list for inefficient work. Make a decision today to get the best service and the best work in a reasonable time. In most cases, we can assess your seepage problem within days of your call and complete the work within 1-3 weeks of receiving a signed contract and deposit. Only American Foundation Repair can solve your water problem fast because we are efficient and won’t wait. Get the best basement waterproofing services and experience the best foundation repair company Chicago has to offer.

Most homeowners know that there is a water problem in their basement or crawlspace. Identifying where water seepage is coming from doesn’t come naturally to homeowners. Don’t worry, just show us your seepage problem and we’ll find a solution to your leaky damp basement. We can always send the basement dry every time, and we have since 1986. Water can seep through cracks, or joint cove (90 degree angle where the floor meets the wall), around pipes, porous concrete, window wells and other places. Having a dry basement is just a phone call away. Get a free inspection today and have a dry basement tomorrow.

The purpose of a drain tile system is to collect water around your foundation

Wallseal™ Vapor Barrier

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