Is Selling Herbalife Worth It

Is Selling Herbalife Worth It – We all know someone who uses or sells Herbalife. You need to watch this and share with them. This video includes:

Hello guys. Focus Foods is a Malaysian brand and obviously started from Malaysia, it’s a meal replacement but then a lot of people don’t know what liquid meal or meal replacement is because it’s not a household term.

Is Selling Herbalife Worth It

Is Selling Herbalife Worth It

So I get a lot of questions about Herbalife. Is it very similar to Herbalife or not? So, yes, Herbalife is very popular here. It was sold through, I think it’s a network marketing scheme, it’s a pyramid scheme, I really don’t know what you call it but, MLM, you get the idea. So it’s very popular and I often get this question: how does it compare?

Herbalife Puts Former Ceo Back In Charge And Withdraws Guidance; Stock Slides

In this video, I really just want to get into what Herbalife is, rather than comparing it all the time to Focus Foods, because this video doesn’t really sell, it really educates you and maybe people you know but don’t. Don’t watch this video about what Herbalife really is.

In this video, I’m going to divide it into 3 parts: #1 is a how-to that claims to help you lose weight, you’ll be surprised it’s a lot easier than you might think. #2, the ingredients that go into Herbalife and #3 let’s save the best for last: this is something I really love. It’s about their business model and as I mentioned, it’s MLM so you really need to know how it works, the psychology behind it, and why there are so many people using it even though, chances are, you’re paying a pittance. average product. Let’s get into it.

First of all, I’m going to talk about how Herbalife claims you can lose weight with this product, combined with a healthy lifestyle of course and what not. Losing or gaining weight depends a lot on how many calories you need each day and how many you eat relative to that. Let’s give a very complete example: You need 1,500 calories daily. If you consistently eat 100 calories less, e.g. 1,400 calories a day, consistently, and you’ll lose weight. If you consistently consume 100 calories, or more than 1,500 calories daily, then you will definitely gain weight. Very simple math right?

Let’s look at an example: traditional food, I mean solid food that you usually prepare or find outside. They’re usually 300 to 500, maybe 200 to 500 calories. On the high end, if you’re at a fast food restaurant, it might even be up to 700 or 800 calories. If you compare and replace it with Herbalife, each portion is 95 calories, compared to the usual 300 to 500 calories, of course you will lose weight.

Herbalife Reviewed By A Doctor

Let’s look at other numbers. Each serving is only 25 grams. I think traditional food is usually around 300-500 grams. But most traditional, mostly solid foods are made up of water, so it really depends on what you’re looking at and what you’re actually eating. Cucumber, for example, contains about 92% water. Beef steak itself can be around 70-72% water. So let’s take an average of 75% water in your diet.

If you eat 300-500 grams of solid food, and 75% of that is water, that comes down to about 75-125 grams of dehydrated nutrients, dehydrated food. So 75-125 grams for a regular meal, compare that to 25 grams. If you only eat a little, of course you will lose weight, right?

And last but not least in this section, of course not all calories are created equal. That’s what I’m going to cover in the next section, but it’s very simple, here’s how you look at it: if you’re consuming 500 calories, that’s very different than, say, if you’re eating french fries and a burger versus a very clean food, like steamed sweet potatoes for example, combined with green salad, and then also combined with steak or steamed/boiled chicken breast.

Is Selling Herbalife Worth It

These are very different, so in the following sections I will talk about the quality of the ingredients in Herbalife and what you should know.

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Part 2: Herbalife ingredients. Before I get started, what I want to point out is, when you’re reading a nutrition facts label, you should really look at the ingredient list. What many people don’t know is that the first item you see is the item with the most content in terms of weight, followed by the second, and then the third. The first item is the highest content in terms of weight, and moving on to the last, with the least.

Let’s take a look at Herbalife Formula 1’s first ingredient: soy protein isolate. In the last few years, maybe in 5-10 years, soy protein isolate really fell out of favor because more and more people discovered that most soy is genetically modified. Genetically modified or not, what I’m trying to point out here is: Soy by itself is fine. But when you denature soy, when you take something out of the soybean, away from the whole bean, in this case soy protein isolate, it’s actually quite harmful.

There’s been a lot of research done. Yes, there are benefits but the downsides actually outweigh the benefits. Example: a really big find is confusing your thyroid. When it confuses your thyroid, it throws your hormone balance out of whack. This means that if you are a man, your body will produce more estrogen. If you are a woman, you will probably produce more testosterone.

What are the side effects? There are 3 parts to side effects: how you feel, how you look, and what’s going on in your body.

Living My Best Herbalife

How do you feel: Hormonal imbalance, as we all know can lead to depression. Very true. I think I’ll just move on to the 2nd side effect because of the depression, that’s enough.

The 2nd: how do you look. You may get a rounder face, you may have a hump, and for men, you may develop bust. Gynecomastia is its scientific name. People call it male boobs, etc.

And most importantly, what’s going on inside. Again, as we all know, hormonal imbalance can lead to many complications: your thyroid can get confused, your liver can also be damaged from processing soy and heart disease, blood sugar levels, and all that.

Is Selling Herbalife Worth It

Looking at the 2nd ingredient, oat fiber, I have no problem with oat fiber. But ingredient #3, it’s just… wow. Fructose! Do you know what fructose is? Fructose is one of the simplest forms of sugar, the simplest form of carbohydrates. What does it mean? That means if you get a very simple form of sugar into your body, it’s best to make sure you use it for energy, as soon as possible. Are you going out for a run, or lifting heavy weights or something. Vigorous physical activity. Because otherwise your body will break it down first and you won’t use it, it will be stored as fat. So fat is only one thing. Maybe you look fat, your sugar levels up and so on.

Peyton’s Mom Is Selling Herbalife ๐Ÿ™„

But here’s the thing: there’s a lot more going on when you consume such high amounts of simple sugars. What will happen? For example: You will have this insulin spike. What is an insulin spike? A spike in insulin means your pancreas may suddenly have to secrete so much insulin just to break down the sugar. But insulin stays in your body for a while, so what happens? Your body will get used to lots of circulating insulin. This means that even though insulin is coming in, it’s not telling the body: “Hey, I want to metabolize sugar.” It is also called prediabetes. Your body becomes more efficient at metabolizing sugar. That one.

And when there is a spike in sugar, there is also a dip in sugar. We’re all familiar with sugar crashes: we have food coma, post-lunch coma. You feel tired, your brain is foggy, and guess what guys? You will be hungry again when the sugar falls. And guess what you will crave when you are hungry? Sugar. Sugar begets sugar, and that’s how it happened.

Switching to ingredient #4, after the fructose: again, you have soy lecithin. Soy lecithin, great, it’s an emulsifier – it makes it a little more gummy, gives it a little more texture. But then again, soy has recently been genetically modified. If it was non-GMO they would usually state it there, but I don’t think so because it doesn’t say so. It’s sometimes marketed as brain food, because soy lecithin has some brain benefits, but if [it wasn’t] non-GMO, I wouldn’t be using it to supplement my brain.

Ok, so you mean you’ve taken Herbalife but haven’t experienced any side effects? That’s because you’re only using 25 grams of it. In that case, if you don’t feel any of the side effects I’ve been talking about, then you shouldn’t use it.

Herbalife Ceo: Sales Are Growing As People Realize ‘health Is Wealth’

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