Kids Joke Of The Week

Kids Joke Of The Week – Telling a classic (and terrible) dad joke and making your kid laugh can be one of the best feelings ever. Seeing their faces light up and break out into wide grins will make you do the same – even if your joke is pretty sad. The best jokes for kids will ease your five-year-old’s anxiety about the first day of school and bond with your 10-year-old with a hilarious one-liner. These funny jokes (with answers) are great for all ages and cover a wide range of topics from math puns to animal jokes to adorable knock knock jokes.

April Fools’ Day isn’t the only time to tell a funny joke. Add some humor to you and your child’s life every day with these timeless jokes (plus some themed to your favorite fall holidays). These clever explosions might be for little kids, but trust us, adults will be scratching their heads too. Write your favorite one-liner on a sticky note and place it in your child’s lunchbox or pin some of these Halloween-themed jokes to share for a fun scare on October 31st. With these funny jokes for kids, the whole family will double over. In laughter, whether they’re shared at the dinner table or exchanged over email.

Kids Joke Of The Week

Kids Joke Of The Week

Alessandra Dubin Contributing Writer Alessandra is a Los Angeles-based digital travel and lifestyle journalist whose work has appeared in Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Prevention, Intention, Glamor, Shondaland, AFAR, Parents, Today, and countless other online and print outlets.

Joke Of The Week

Elizabeth Perry Updates Editor Elizabeth Perry (she/her) is the Updates Editor at Good Housekeeping Institute, where she develops the lifestyle content vertical. We swap ideas and stories in our Lucky 2nd Grade Teachers Facebook group – and every once in a while, 2nd grade jokes and riddles pop up!

Having a great joke on hand isn’t just a cool party trick—it works wonders in a classroom, too. Jokes and riddles have a place in the classroom – kids love them! We thought we’d compile all these kid-approved jokes and riddles into one blog post!

Some teachers do “Bad Joke Wednesday” to boost morale. Others hide their favorites in parenting newsletters or the morning news. These days, jokes and riddles have a new purpose – as a way to break up virtual lessons and re-engage in class! Download 20 Ideas to Increase Engagement During Online Lessons for even more ideas.

If you want to use humor in your classroom, here are some awesome new 2nd grade jokes and riddles you can try, thanks to the awesome teachers in our Facebook group!

Math Jokes For Kids Guaranteed To Get A Laugh

Mr. Blue lives in the Blue House. Mrs. who lives in yellow house. Mr. Orange lives in Orange House. Who lives in the White House?

Practice letter formation in a new and fun way and develop writing stamina! These papers are perfect for older students who think handwriting papers are childish.

Join the Lucky 2nd Grade Teachers Facebook Group for more 2nd grade jokes and riddles, great ideas, and genuine camaraderie with some amazing teachers.

Kids Joke Of The Week

We also have a fantastic group of lucky 1st grade teachers where creative ideas never stop. Join us today!

Jokes For Kids That Help Spread Laughs And Raise Cash

If you want more tips and tricks for your 2nd grade classroom, here are some teacher recommended blog posts for you:

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