List Of Good Business Names

List Of Good Business Names – Thinking of naming or renaming your business? Understanding the types of brand names available makes the process so much easier.

And anything that makes the often difficult task of finding the perfect name for your brand a little easier will come as a welcome relief.

List Of Good Business Names

List Of Good Business Names

In what follows, we’ll take a look at each type of brand name, as well as answer some other important questions about naming in general.

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You’ve seen each type of brand name before—from Apple to IBM, Google to Calvin Klein—now it’s time to share the pros and cons of each. But first, let’s start with the beginning.

A brand name identifies a specific company, product or service and distinguishes it from similar brands within a category.

Brand names are usually registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect equity, and is often accompanied by a logo.

If you have multiple products or services, the type of brand name you choose for each offering will also help define your brand architecture. The type of brand name you choose can also determine the type of logo that best suits your brand.

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There are 7 types of brand names. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each type, as well as some brand name examples for each.

Descriptive names are those that simply convey the product or service offered by a company. Because of this, they tend to be imperceptible.

Although functional and utilitarian, descriptive names leave little room for creativity or interpretation. They often rely on a clever tagline to do the job of telling or conveying personality.

List Of Good Business Names

The advantage of descriptive names is that they clearly communicate the company’s core competence. The potential downside is that they hoard your brand as it grows and looks to diversify.

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Descriptive names are also notoriously difficult to trademark as they by definition rely on common words or phrases.

At the other end of the creative spectrum from descriptive names are evocative names. Evocative names use suggestions and metaphors to evoke brand experience and/or brand positioning.

Emotional names are often creative and unique, and can be the starting point for a powerful brand voice. Because they leave some room for interpretation, evocative names allow you to tell a strong brand story, creating a brand that’s bigger than just the products or services you offer.

Their originality means that evocative names are generally easier to trademark than descriptive names. It can sometimes be challenging to get corporate buy-in for an abstract evocative name that requires unpacking.

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That’s why it’s so important to define expectations at the beginning of a naming project. See the last part of this article for more on that.

The best thing about brand names is that if you can’t find the perfect word, you can always make one up. Invented names are etymological fabrications that are nothing if not distinctive.

Coined names offer the most creative latitude for a brand, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to conjure up. Many invented names are built from Latin, Greek or other foreign root words and modified to best incorporate the brand’s personality.

List Of Good Business Names

Deliberately misspelling a word so you can exploit its original meaning while avoiding trademark issues is another approach to made-up names that has been used to great effect by brands like Flickr and Tumblr.

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Each of the above brands has managed to build monumental brand equity with their invented name over the years.

The challenge with invented names, however, is that they often have no inherent meaning when they are first invented. Although they are a breeze to trademark, invented names can require significant time and marketing costs to build a meaningful brand story around them.

Lexical names rely on puns for their memorability. Puns, phrases, compound words, alliteration, onomatopoeia, intentional misspellings, and foreign words are all styles of this popular name type.

The risk with this type of name is that they can come across as a bit cute. Corporate branding is undoubtedly at a disadvantage when it starts with a name that sounds like a children’s book.

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Modern audiences have also been exposed to decades of clever wordplay and are not as easily impressed as they once may have been.

Just remember that in branding, as in everyday life, there’s nothing worse than a pun that makes your eyes roll out of their sockets.

Acronyms have been used for names since branding first crawled out of the primordial soup. A long history does not mean that this type of name is effective. Although functional and utilitarian, acronyms are sorely lacking in meaning and emotion.

List Of Good Business Names

Brands like IBM, AARP, BP and UPS have not been hampered in the least by the fact that their names are nothing more than a series of unrelated capital letters.

List Of 432 Available Business Names

They have used brand design and positioning to create unforgettable brand experiences. KFC’s switch to an acronym even allowed the brand to distance itself from consumer backlash against trans fats.

However, a startup these days would be hard-pressed to come up with a good reason to name its company with an acronym. As a rule, acronyms are difficult for the public to remember and even more difficult for lawyers to trademark.

New York Life, Nantucket Nectars, Arizona Tile—sometimes brands are inextricably linked to the regions that gave birth to them. Geographical names imbue a brand with all the cultural and historical associations of its namesake – for better or for worse.

You will most often find geographic names associated with companies that once catered to a geographically limited audience but have since made it big.

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Obviously, naming or renaming the brand after its home region has inherent limitations. Growing out of the region where you started is one of the most common signs that it’s time to rebrand.

A geographic name in your industry has also probably already been done. Put a city or state name in front of a product or service and you’re almost certain to find an existing entity. California Tan? Already exists. Portland Automotive? Been done. Miami subs? Yep.

Whether it’s due to heritage or hubris, there will always be brands named after the people who started them.

List Of Good Business Names

This tradition also extends back to the earliest brands. The time when Fords tooled every street and Kellogg’s sat on top of every breakfast table was one where few brands

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These days, founder-based names are a little less common, but brands like Ben & Jerry’s, Martha Stewart, and Ralph Lauren have certainly made them work.

Aside from feeding the egos of their principals, founder names are definitely easy to trademark. They can be distinctive if positioned correctly, but require some marketing efforts to build equity (unless, of course, the founder is already famous).

As an agency, naming is one of the toughest things we do. There are thousands of great names out there, but almost all of them are already trademarked. Naming (and renaming) is a demanding process, but one that is well worth it when done right.

The reality is that there are challenges and limitations inherent in any name type. First, a name can only realistically embody one facet of a brand. Maybe two if you’re lucky. And other important criteria both inform and limit the search for names.

Finding The Perfect Business Name

Easier said than done, trust us. The most important expectation to keep in mind is simply this: the perfect name doesn’t exist (or if it does, it’s already trademarked).

The Harvard Law Review recently did a study titled Are We Running Out of Trademarks? which found that more than 70% of common English words are already trademarked.

When you consider how many words there are in the English language and how few of them actually qualify as brand names, that number becomes even more frightening.

List Of Good Business Names

The good news is that name itself is never the end result of a strong brand. A brand audit of some of the world’s best brands will reveal that there is much more to a strong brand than just a name.

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We always say that a great name can never make a lousy company better, but a great company can make even the worst name seem brilliant.

Google, Slack, and Lululemon are all pretty silly names taken out of context, but that clearly didn’t stop these companies from building remarkably successful brands around them.

Finally, the full potential of any name is difficult, if not impossible, to envision out of context. After all, names don’t exist in a vacuum. They require a comprehensive brand experience to come to life.

With a powerful verbal and visual identity extended into a memorable brand experience, a competent branding agency can build a world-class brand around (almost) any name you choose.

How To Choose Your Brand Name In 5 Simple Steps

There is no shortage of reasons to rename your business. And while the types of brand names are limited, the list of possible names is endless. If you haven’t yet realized this, you will when you get to the brainstorming session.

Each type of name has its own advantages and disadvantages, and some will always be more effective than others. No matter what type of name you decide on, it’s important to set expectations at the beginning of your name.

After all, naming or renaming a company is more challenging than many realise. It is often best to leave it inside

List Of Good Business Names

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