List Of Small Business In Usa

List Of Small Business In Usa – Our US business database is a powerful tool to help you meet your marketing needs. Our business database is an aggregated list of businesses from the United States in every US state. Our business listing can be used in a variety of ways such as lead generation, business directory building, market research, telemarketing, job search, business analysis and other B2B purposes. You can now get our database of US companies. We have compiled these business listings so that you can easily contact businesses in the United States. Below is an actual screenshot of our US company databases:

The screenshot below is from our US BUSINESS DATABASE with over 65 million business listings from every US state.

List Of Small Business In Usa

List Of Small Business In Usa

Our goal is to provide our clients with a quality business database with full company contact information. Our B2B databases will also provide access to a US business directory of over 95 million business records sorted by employee size, revenue, industry, phone, fax, number of employees, SIC code, NAICS code, website, etc. the database can be opened using Microsoft Excel to help you search, sort, print and export information easily and conveniently. All leads and business listings were compiled and collated by a team of programmers and data miners.

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Companies that buy B2B leads have been proven to have a higher return on income compared to those that don’t. Imagine having access to millions of businesses with detailed business contact information. The potential in attracting customers and building B2B partnerships is vast and limitless. Why bother manually searching for business listings in online directories? We have already collected the companies and separated them by industry and country!

The reason we have over 65 million records in our business data is because each business has multiple contacts. For example, a company named “DATA SALES” will have a record for its CEO, CFO, Manager, Managers, etc. (This is just an example. Not all companies list these contact names).

The difference between the two databases is the source from which it was obtained. Both databases had data from different sources, so the fields are different. The US company database is more detailed and comprehensive and will contain more records as it has contacts from different positions within the company.

Our business databases are much cheaper than other listing providers you can find on the web today. Our business databases are no different from our competitors’ databases as we all sourced these listings from the same sources such as the yellow pages directory, choice sites, business portals and various online B2B directories. Creating a business database is extremely beneficial for your business as you will have access to millions of business listings with contact information. We offer our company information databases at a very cost-effective price because our target audience is small businesses and most of them cannot afford the price of our competitors. Why would you pay thousands of dollars when you can purchase our business databases for a one time price of only $499!

Sanctions Programs And Country Information

Use of Data: Leads, Telephone Marketing, Sales Prospecting, Calling, Obtaining Contact Lists, Business Research, Business Events, Information Search, and Other Business-Related Purposes.

Note: This data is also combined with our US email databases. That means you’ll also get both US email databases with a total of over 15 million records. ​IF YOU WANT TO PURCHASE USING BITCOIN PLEASE CLICK HERE

We divided the list of companies by industry so that you can easily select the type of business of your choice. We’ve collected US companies in data format and broken them down by industry with all the company contact information you need for your convenience. Below are the industries available in our company database.

List Of Small Business In Usa

The United States is one of the largest trading centers in the world. There are so many untapped opportunities for businesses like yours to gain connections and customers. Below are all

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If you’re looking for email list databases from other countries, you’ve come to the right place! Our team also acquired business directories from the United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. We made sure that the business lists we sourced were checked and verified to provide you with only a quality email database.

Our US business directory has over 95 million business listings and comes complete with detailed contact information such as phone, NAICS, SIC code, revenue, website, address, contact, business email, etc. We understand the importance of such data. can help your business grow. With our US business data, your company can fully optimize its potential after taking advantage of our product. We understand the inner workings of your business and how critical efficiency and communication are to success, which is why we offer our business listings data to help you meet your business needs.

Feel free to browse and check the databases we offer. Our database and any other type of business listings for any country you will find on our site is fully organized and detailed. We don’t just provide you with any company data. We take the time to keep it updated. This way, you will always be sure that you have accurate and up-to-date business information databases.

We also offer these business listings at affordable prices. We believe it should be easy for you to get the list of companies you need so you can focus on the rest of your business. That’s why we make our databases so easily accessible using MS Excel. No matter what business listing you need for whatever industry you’re looking for, you’ll find exactly what you need. Please take the time to give us a chance. You will be very satisfied and pleased with our work. Many people dream of starting their own business based on their ideas and dreams. They try to get rid of workplace rules, politics, and all the internal chaos that can limit their growth.

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No wonder the same people want complete control over their time and goals. Starting a business can seem overwhelming and difficult at first, but breaking down the process of starting a business into steps will help you take the first big leap of courage that will lead you on your entrepreneurial journey.

And whether it’s an e-commerce store or a brick-and-mortar business, knowing what’s going on in the small business world can help you better manage your risks and opportunities.

Whether you already have your own business or are planning to start a new one this year, these statistics will help you understand what’s new and what you should expect. These statistics will help you understand what affects small businesses, how they operate, how they affect the economy, and more.

List Of Small Business In Usa

The most recent statistics show that there are 32.5 million small businesses in the United States, accounting for 99.9 percent of all U.S. businesses (SBA, 2021).

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The Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as one with fewer than 500 employees. This means that many highly rated startups in the US fit this definition of small business.

The definition of a small business varies around the world. By comparison, in the European Union any company with fewer than 50 employees is considered a small business. In Australia, businesses with fewer than 15 employees are considered small businesses.

Small business statistics show that most businesses in America have fewer than 500 employees. Breaking it down further, we see that there are approximately 38 million businesses with fewer than 100 employees and 23 million businesses with fewer than 20 employees.

With so many small businesses in the US, it’s no surprise that small businesses create the majority of jobs there. According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses create 1.5 million jobs each year and account for 64 percent of new jobs created in the United States (Fundera, 2019).

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Last year’s statistics show that small businesses have always been an integral part of the US economy and growth. They offer job opportunities, financial growth and a range of unique products and services. So whether or not they become larger corporations, they contribute to economic growth.

More than 90 percent of the companies represent small and medium-sized enterprises, also known as SMEs (SalesForce, 2019). And as recent statistics have shown, small businesses are responsible for creating large jobs.

In the last few years, SMEs have continued to create jobs. SMEs are also key actors in promoting innovation. These investments vary widely across companies, industries and countries. However, better access to global markets and improvements in knowledge networks, as well as digitization, have played a major role in moving SMEs towards participation in the global economy. In general, SMEs make a significant contribution to the growth of the world economy by providing employment, promoting sustainable industrialization and promoting innovation.

List Of Small Business In Usa

There are many reasons why people may be motivated to start their own business. Among the most common motivations, 29 percent of respondents said they open

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