Mo Sos Business Entity Search

Mo Sos Business Entity Search – The Missouri Charter Number is a unique identifier assigned by the Missouri Secretary of State to a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), and limited partnership (LP). The number is used by the state to track businesses and their filings. The charter number is also sometimes referred to as “Certificate of Authority Number”, “Corporate Charter Number”, “Corporate Registration Number” or “Ownership Number”.

Yes, if you incorporate or form an LLC or LP in Missouri, the Secretary of State will automatically register a charter number for your entity.

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

You can find your Missouri charter number by calling the Missouri Secretary of State’s office or doing a Missouri business name search.

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A charter number is assigned by the state of Missouri and used to identify a business entity.

A Tax Identification Number, (commonly called an Employer Identification Number or EIN) is a unique number assigned to a business by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). EIN numbers are not only used to identify a business when filing a tax return, but are also required before hiring employees or opening a business bank account.

Missouri charter numbers are between 7 and 9 digits long and may begin with letters depending on the type of filing (LC for LLC, N for nonprofit, X for fictitious name, F for foreign entity).

Here is an example of what a Missouri charter number might look like: City Taco Shack LLC – LLC00162088412345678.

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If you have more questions about the Missouri statute number, you can contact the Missouri Secretary of State by phone at (573) 751-4153 or by email at [email protected]. You can visit their website at for more information.

Welcome! My name is Greg Bouhl, and I have over 21 years as an entrepreneur, educator, and business consultant, where I’ve helped over 1,600 entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

As a small business consultant, I was fed up with finding inaccurate and outdated information when clients were researching how to start a business online, so I launched to be a trusted resource.

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

I’m constantly adding and revising this site, but if you have a question about starting a business or need help figuring something out, please ask!

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The rules for starting a business change frequently. While we do our best to keep this information fully up to date, please note that this website is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice.

The rules for starting a business change frequently. While we do our best to keep this information completely up-to-date, it is very difficult to stay on top of changes for each state. Also, this website is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice. If you’re looking to research and make sure your corporation or limited liability company has a business name in Missouri, you’re in the right place.

The Missouri Secretary of State’s Business Services Division provides an online database of the state’s registered business names, and best of all, it costs nothing to use.

In addition to searching for existing names, you can also look up information about the owner of a particular business. This can be a useful search when trying to find a business in the state of Missouri.

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Businesses that register with the Missouri Secretary of State will appear in the database. These business entities include:

Sole proprietorships and partnerships are only shown if they register a fictitious name (also known as a DBA, Doing Business As, or Trade Name). A fictitious business name is only required if the sole proprietorship or partnership operates under the owner’s full first and last name, and their business does not show up in a search.

The Missouri Secretary of State makes it very easy to do a business name search. They allow you to search by business name, registered agent or charter number.

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

If you are using the database to search for available names for new business, the database can search these too!

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Step 2.Select the search criteria by clicking the radio button. You can select from business name, registered agent, name availability and charter number. The screenshot also illustrates the same.

Assuming this search is for a business name, let’s look for landscaping and more. If you only know the business’s initial name, keep the dropdown as “Started”. You can also search by “all words” or “any words” if you only know part of the name, or “exact match” if you know the exact name of the business you’re looking for.

The results page will appear quickly with a list of results with the searched name. Check out the screenshot below.

Additionally, if your business requires an official certificate of good standing, you can order copies for a small fee.

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A less commonly used search for finding a business in Missouri is through a registered agent name search. Every type of entity (not sole proprietorships and partnerships) that must be registered with the Secretary of State must have a registered agent.

A registered agent can be an individual living in Missouri or a company with a physical address in the state. The agent’s job is to be a single point of contact during normal business hours to receive important legal notices.

If you are looking for a name for your new business, you can use this search to see if the Missouri business name you need is available. If the results show “No records to display”, it probably has your name. In this search, we searched returned no results !

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

If you find an available name, but are not ready to start the business, you can reserve the name with the Secretary of State. A name reservation can hold a business name for up to 60 days and costs $25.

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If you need to have the charter number from the Secretary of State’s office, you can also search through that.

No – Name registration is different from business licensing in Missouri. The Missouri Department of Revenue has more information about Missouri business licenses. Starting an LLC in Missouri is a great step for new business owners, as long as they understand the exact requirements and costs of setting up this type of business entity.

An LLC is a business structure that combines limited liability with the flexibility of a partnership or sole proprietorship. Federal and state pass-through tax treatment makes business entities an attractive choice for many Missouri business owners.

Additionally, forming an LLC is an easy setup process and comes with low annual maintenance costs. It is therefore an attractive option for cash-strapped startups and small business owners.

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Whether you plan to physically operate from this state or register a legal entity, here are step-by-step instructions for forming an LLC in Missouri.

Setting up your LLC is a check box to check. Easy, fast and hassle-free. We reviewed the 13 most popular LLC formation services to find out who really understands what new founders need. Our recommendation:

You should first check if the Missouri LLC name you want is available. Remember, your LLC name must:

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

You can conduct a business name retrieval search on the Missouri Secretary of State website using their name search tool. Found an unregistered name? Great, you may want to reserve the name, to prevent others from registering it.

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Note: Foreign LLCs will also need to search to see if the name they use is available in Missouri. Otherwise, they must register an assumed name and include it in the company’s formation documents.

“If the foreign corporation’s real name must be used in conjunction with its assumed name in documents filed with the Secretary of State.” See § 351.584, RSMo.

Domestic LLCs may need to register a fictitious name if they intend to conduct a Missouri business under a name other than its official corporate name.

It is also known as “Doing Business As” or DBA name. To register a fictitious name, you must submit a filing and pay a $7 state filing fee.

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You can reserve a business name for up to 60 days by filing a name reservation form online or by mail. The filing fee is $25.

It allows business owners to reserve the LLC business name before completing and filing the other documents required to form an LLC in Missouri.

The business name can be allocated for two additional 60-day periods, up to a maximum of 180 days. But if the business name reservation expires, your LLC can still use the name unless it is later used by another business entity.

Mo Sos Business Entity Search

All Missouri LLCs must appoint a registered agent as part of the LLC registration process. A registered agent’s job is to obtain service of process on behalf of the LLC. Thus, they must be available during normal business hours.

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Your registered agent must be a resident of Missouri (or authorized to do business in the state of Missouri), have a physical street address in the state,

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