News Of The Last Week

News Of The Last Week – Almost everything Tucker Carlson said this week about Anthony Fauci was a hoax or false fact-checking of “Saint Tony,” the Fox host who announced his retirement on Monday.

Fox News political commentator Tucker Carlson has long blasted Anthony Fauci for his role in the US government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the administrations of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. But Fauci announced on August 22 that he would retire as director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical adviser to the president at the end of the year.

News Of The Last Week

News Of The Last Week

Carlson insisted that Fauci had “committed very serious crimes” and that he had “created the worst case in modern American history.” Carlson, who is famous for insulting people’s looks, also called Fauci “a miniature version of the Dalai Lama” and “a Stalinist.”

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Carlson seemed to enjoy his comments, which brought more attention to him and his show. but at risk

His criticisms of Fauci were fact-checked. In the analysis, Carlson takes the facts out of context and cites long established studies or reports to attack Fauci. He also repeatedly blamed Fauci and other scientists for changing their minds based on new evidence, a cornerstone of scientific progress. In Carlson’s calculus, Such inversions are like lies.

“Imagine the pandemonium at SoulCycle studios in the Northeast this morning when Tony Fauci announced his retirement. Ugly doesn’t describe it anymore. Picture the chaos, if you can, in the organic chaga aisle at Whole Foods in Brooklyn. Imagine the panic and hysteria that would ensue in espresso bars in Edgartown and Aspen and Santa Monica and Bethesda…”

“[I]t is possible that a thoroughly disaffected medical professional thought about what might happen in November with a Republican Congress? Does he believe this could be bad news for him? Well, of course, To some extent, Tony Fauci is actually a dangerous fraud; In most countries, Maybe because he believed he had done the most things in history. It is clearly understood to be a very serious crime. So Tony Fauci might want to resign to explain all of this to the new Congress.”

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“He wants to get out of town now.” Cambridge You might want to move, saying find a safe place to hide before the count. To be honest, I have a lot to think about. In the last 2 years, Fauci’s treatments and preventive measures for COVID not only don’t work, he suggests he knows they don’t work. He admitted.

] lied about herd immunity in order to sell more vaccines, and it wasn’t even a vaccine that didn’t work, but it hurt tens of thousands of people.”

Fact: Epidemiologists initially estimate that 60% to 70% of the population recovers from COVID-19 or that herd immunity will develop once a vaccine is available, Fauci added. He later acknowledged that “nobody knows for sure” that percentage. In a NYT article published in May 2021, Fauci emphasized that he no longer uses the phrase at all. “People are confused and think that no matter what these numbers are, you’re not going to reduce transmission until you get to this fantastic level of herd protection,” he said. “That’s why we don’t use herd immunity in the traditional sense,” he said. Forget about it for a moment. If enough people are vaccinated, the number of infections will decrease.”

News Of The Last Week

Vaccines work: Abundant data shows unvaccinated people are more likely to die from COVID-19. As unvaccinated individuals gain natural immunity, the difference in risk declines, but it still remains. And side effects from vaccines are rare. Unvaccinated people face much greater risks of SARS-CoV-2 than vaccinated people. Fauci does not sell vaccines and does not profit from their sale.

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“Then he publicly lied to the covers. ‘If you’re cycling, you should wear it for life because it improves oxygenation. What is really needed is more carbon dioxide. Be more like a tree.’

Fact: Fauci has never made these hypothetical references publicly. The private comment is from an email he sent in February 2020. Evidence about the effectiveness of masks at the start of an epidemic is limited. As Fauci explained, he changed his mind about promoting mask use when it became clear there was no shortage of masks, symptomatic COVID-19 is common and causes many infections, and the virus can spread through aerosols. “It’s really evolutionary,” Fauci said.

“Oh, He knew that. When your kids are suffocating in the gym wearing masks, Tony Fauci realizes they don’t work, and that’s probably his most obvious crime. He is not simply downplaying and obfuscating the origins of the epidemic in conjunction with the Chinese government. no Tony Fauci hid the evidence that Tony Fauci created the virus in the first place.”

FACT: Fauci allegedly helped create the virus thanks to a NIAID grant awarded to the New York City-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, which subcontracted China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to study bat coronaviruses. WIV, his team took a bat coronavirus found in China and grew it in laboratory culture for experiments. To better understand the threats other bat coronaviruses pose to humans; They engineered the virus, grown in culture, to contain surface proteins from other strains. The original virus caused lung damage in some mice, and some new viruses caused even more severe disease than the original viruses. But engineers are a distant relative of SARS-CoV-2 and cannot be manipulated to create it.

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There is no evidence that Fauci “hid” information about this trial; Some details were published in PLOS Pathogens in 2017.

After talking to several virologists, he found that ‘seven works appear to meet NIH’s [National Institute of Health’s] criteria for conducting for-profit research.’ OK, benefit research; In progress. Because it is not allowed in this country, they are Chinese government-owned laboratories, They are spread across their various laboratories, including several biolabs in Ukraine.”

Case in point: North Carolina. A team led by Ralph Baric of Chapel Hill published a similar study in 2015 that led to chimeric bat coronaviruses in that school’s labs. Some researchers consider both WIV and UNC to be “for-profits”. action,” But others cannot use a definition that requires the original virus to be a known human pathogen.

News Of The Last Week

“What’s going on there? Oh, shut up. Don’t ask. You’re working for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. Really? Well, at some point, somebody’s going to ignore the threats and just question why these biolabs are in Ukraine somewhere. Ukraine’s not like a hotbed of pharmaceutical research. What is it? We don’t know, but at some point people will find out.”

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“… [V]iologist Tony Fauci raved at the time that it would likely involve operations partially funded by the U.S. government. In the early 2020s, Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, California, told Fauci that ‘some of the features (may) appear to be engineered.'”

A paper co-authored by Andersen was published, explaining why, in all likelihood, the pandemic virus could not be fixed. As Andersen explains, his thinking began to change. “I warned them in this email that they need to look more closely at the question and that it may change in a few days based on the new data and analysis they’ve done,” Andersen told the NYT.

“At the same time, David Baltimore announced that he had found what he called the ‘smoking gun for the origin of the virus,’ the idea of ​​a natural origin for SARS-2.

Fact: The Nobel laureate and former president of the California Institute of Technology, Baltimore, later backed that statement. The “smoking gun” referred to is the so-called furin cleavage site on the surface protein of SARS-CoV-2; This makes it easier for the virus to infect cells. An email to a

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Reporter Baltimore said the term “smoking gun” should be softened because it sounds like it, even though he can’t prove the origin of the furin cleavage site. It is very difficult to determine whether the sequence is natural or by molecular manipulation, but I believe that the original origin will not be denied.” Baltimore said.

He didn’t know when he made the “smoking gun” comment that furin cleavage sites occur naturally in known bats.

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