Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search – The former Marine beat up Mark Fincham, a former member of the Oath Keepers militia, who was at the Capitol on January 6.

The victory of Adrian Fontes, the Democratic candidate for Secretary of State in Arizona, can be considered one of the most important results of the 2022 election in terms of the future of American democracy.

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Fontes, a former Marine, managed to fend off one of the most controversial challengers in the Republican primary in a fiercely contested and very close race. His opponent, Mark Fincham, is a state representative who was a member of the far-right Oath Keepers militia and was in the US Capitol on the day of the January 6, 2021 riot.

Secretary Of State Of Arizona

Fincham repeatedly tried to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 Arizona election in favor of his idol Donald Trump.

Frustrated in Fincham’s efforts to secure the secretary of state post, Fontes prevented both local and federal election administration in Arizona from falling into the hands of an ardent opponent of democratic norms. If Fincham were to come out on top, as some polls suggest he might in the final stretch of the campaign, he would dramatically change the way Arizona’s election is run and could even overturn the outcome of the 2024 presidential race.

In an interview with the Guardian shortly before Election Day, Fontes said a Fincham victory would threaten “the fate of the republic and the free world if you accept that America is still its leader.”

As Arizona’s secretary of state-elect, Fontes will now become the second in line to serve as governor. It will have a strong impact on how elections are played in the state, including the presidential race in two years, in which Trump has said he plans to run again.

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In an address to voters, Fontes pledged that if he won, he would preserve voting by mail, a popular voting method in Arizona that Fincham had threatened to curtail without claiming it was rigged.

Fontes is no stranger to election disputes. In 2020, he was the recorder of Maricopa, Arizona’s most populous county, which put him at the center of a storm over an election count in which Republicans called for a ridiculous “audit” of the count. Fontes beat Trump-backed Finchem. Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State narrowly defeated Republican Mark Fincham, who falsely called the 2020 election “irreparably compromised.”

Democrat Adrian Fontes, who previously ran in Arizona’s largest district, was narrowly elected to oversee the statewide vote for secretary of state, according to an Associated Press report in the race.

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Fontes defeated Republican Mark Fincham, a far-right candidate linked to the extremist group Oath Keepers, in the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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Democrats, current and former election officials and democracy experts made clear before the election that a Fincham win could send the state down a dark path.

“Democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona,” former President Barack Obama warned during a campaign rally for the state’s Democratic branch.

The racially-charged call, released late Friday, makes Finchem the latest election reject to lose a competitive state secretary of state race this cycle, following losses to Republican candidates in Michigan, Minnesota and New Mexico.

Fincham was part of a coalition of GOP Secretary of State candidates across the country who ran under the false premise that the current election system is corrupt. Fincham, who has the support of former President Donald Trump, has called for Arizona’s ballot overhaul to limit access.

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Finch criticized the state election administration for allowing the count to continue past election day and hinted at some sort of collusion with Fonte.

Now, as the state’s top voting official, he will be faced with how to combat election denials in one of the nation’s epicenters.

Shortly after the 2020 election ended and Fontes’ term as county recorder ended, one of the most notorious vote-counting conspiracies, dubbed “SharpieGate,” flourished in Maricopa.

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Half a year later, cyber ninjas began a widely discredited “audit” of votes there (which also confirmed that Biden had won).

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In an interview before the vote ended, Fontes said he would not shy away from calling out voting misinformation.

“We’re going to take the gloves off,” Fontes said. “I am not afraid to call for the rejection of the elections because they are liars… and I am also not afraid to inform people that there are not two sides in this conflict. There is one side, there is the American side. The other side is illegitimate.” Mark Fincham, the Republican candidate for Arizona Secretary of State, attends a conference promoting conspiracy theories about voting machines and discredited claims about the 2020 presidential election in West Palm Beach, Florida, on September 10. Jim Russol/AP

Republican Mark Fincham, a prominent election snub, lost to Democrat Adrian Fonte in the Arizona Secretary of State race, NBC News projects.

Fontes, a former top Maricopa County elections official, will replace Arizona Secretary of State Kathy Hobbs, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate.

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Fincham was among a number of GOP candidates in the state who have repeatedly cast doubt on Joe Biden’s presidential victory or falsely claimed to have stolen the 2020 election from former President Donald Trump in Arizona.

Last year, Trump endorsed Fincham’s candidacy, stressing that he was defending stolen election claims. “Mark was willing to say what few had the courage to say” about the 2020 election, Trump said in a public offering of support.

As a state legislator, Finchem has introduced several resolutions aimed at certifying the results of the 2020 elections in Arizona’s three key districts, as well as a bill that would give the Legislature the power to override the election results. He also supported a partisan review of the Maricopa County election results, even though the review reaffirmed Biden’s victory.

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

With his loss, Fincham joins a number of other naysayers who fell behind on Election Day. In Michigan, rejectionists lost bids for governor, secretary of state and attorney general. Republican Doug Mastriano, a well-known denialist from Pennsylvania who was on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, lost his gubernatorial bid along with similar gubernatorial candidates in Minnesota and New Mexico.

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Other prominent rejects in Arizona, including attorney general candidate Abraham Hamadeh and Kari Lake, the party’s pick for governor, are still locked in tight races with opponents just days after the election. Arizona County Republican officials declined to testify Monday. The results of the 2022 midterm elections, although there is no evidence of anything wrong with the counting earlier this month.

Some officials who embraced theories of voter fraud held out, challenging the state term and setting the stage for a legal battle.

The move came amid pressure from prominent Republicans to throw out results that had Democrats winning top races and the country extended into the afternoon, which was the deadline for several counties to certify results.

In a lawsuit Monday, Secretary of State Kathy Hobbs, a Democrat who narrowly won the governor’s race, asked a judge to order county officials to hold the election, which she said was required by Arizona law. Lawyers representing Kochi district voters and a group of pensioners filed a similar suit on Monday, the deadline for counties to approve the official vote count, known as canvass.

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Two Republican county supervisors delayed canvass voting until they heard again about concerns about the certification of ballot tabulators, although election officials have repeatedly said the equipment is properly approved.

State Elections Director Corey Lorick wrote in a letter last week that Hobbs was required by law to approve the statewide canvass next week and would have to disqualify Cochise County votes if they were not received in time.

That would threaten the winner of at least two close races, a U.S. House seat and state school superintendent, from Republican to Democrat.

Secretary Of State Arizona Business Search

Hobbs’ lawsuit asks Cochise County Superior Court to order officials to certify the results by Thursday. Failure to certify them would undermine the will of the county’s voters “and sow further confusion and doubt about the integrity of Arizona’s election system,” Hobbs’ lawyers wrote.

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“The Board of Supervisors had all the information they needed to confirm this election and failed to fulfill their responsibility to Kochi voters,” Sophia Solis, a spokeswoman for Hobbs, said in an email.

Elsewhere, Republican supervisors in Mohave County postponed a certification vote until later Monday after hearing comments from residents angry about problems with ballot printers in Maricopa County.

In Maricopa County, the state’s largest and home to the state capital, Phoenix, officials said everyone had a chance to vote and all legal ballots were counted.

The election results were largely certified unchallenged in jurisdictions across the country, despite a campaign by the right-wing to undermine public faith in US democracy. Many of the most extreme candidates lost.

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