Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It – When I was 16, I took my mom’s bankbook to set up an eBay account. Despite my stealth tactics, I had innocent intentions: I wanted to buy anime videos that were only sold through one eBay seller. I received money orders from CVS and mailed them to the merchant, waiting over a week for this cute soft envelope to arrive.

EBay has changed a lot since then. First, instant payments with my credit card is the way I go now. Plus, new competitors are popping up all the time, offering sexier features like free kit shipping and the ease of listing in “less than 60 seconds.” There is no shortage of ways to sell your stuff online these days: Poshmark, Tradesy, The Real Real, Let Go and the list goes on. And when all the new sites tout simplicity, eBay, with its clunky, outdated interface, can seem like a dinosaur.

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

But if you sell on eBay, you’ll be able to keep more of your profit than on many other sites. That’s why I choose a platform to sell branded clothes.

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I’ve sold clothes, shoes, and bags on eBay, Etsy, Instagram, and my other site. The same selling principles I cover in this post will apply regardless of platform.

We live in a world where everything is cheap and fast, so even the strongest cannot avoid impulse purchases. This is how we end up with closets filled to the brim with unworn clothes and feel like we have nothing to wear. But times are changing. Thanks to the KonMari method, we no longer want things that do not bring joy. The Minimalists have inspired a cult following, and every day there’s a new article on how buying experiences, not things, makes us happier.

You need to learn how to sell your clothes online because the market is more crowded than ever. Unless you want to face sunk costs and donate everything for free. Which is quite normal. But I think most of us would feel better if we got at least some of our money back, right? Then you can use the profits to focus on a better wardrobe that you love.

Other platforms don’t have enough volume or users to be worth it. You know that saying, go where the fish go? It’s the same with selling online: go where your target audience shops.

Ebay Pricing Strategies

Real time example. A few years ago I bought a used Delvaux Givry bag on eBay for $500.

It was absolutely gorgeous, but it’s made of suede, which requires a lot of care, so I was afraid to use it. Instead, it sat in its dust bag on the top shelf of my closet for months. In other words, I had no business owning this bag. So I decided to return it to eBay.

. The pictures didn’t do it justice, the description was riddled with typos, and I had to ask the seller a million more questions because there wasn’t enough information. Being the imaginative shopper that I was, I had very little competition and got the bag for a steal.

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

For my ad, I used very specific tactics to make it attractive to buyers, and I’ll show you my exact strategies below.

How To Sell Clothes On Ebay? Ultimate Guide

Tactically, this means that in a crowded market, you need to stand out by doing something other people aren’t doing. But wait, isn’t it enough to take a few photos and provide a brief description? Well, if everyone else is doing it, how can you stand out?

You can get away with being lazy with a $15 item, but the higher your price point, the more important the details.

I believe that selling online is one of those things where the work you put in is proportional to what you get out of it. If you do lazy work, you get lazy results. And lazy results = lower profits.

So, if you want to be really successful at selling your stuff online, get ready to actually do the work. so,

How To Sell Clothes On Ebay And Actually Make Money

The first part is the hardest. Being honest about whether your product is worth selling is a critical key to success.

It is clear that many people are wrong here. I see a lot of people just buy clothes they like, put them on eBay, and then get upset that none of them sell. After all, if they liked it, wouldn’t it be different?

You see, people are bad at estimating the value of their things. This is called the vesting effect. The idea that something increases in value just because we own it. This is an irrational way of thinking that causes us to accumulate things that no one else values.

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

One day my roommate brought 20 of his Calvin Klein shirts to sell at our neighborhood thrift store. They paid him $6 for all 20 shirts. He was insulted. “They were branded by T.J. Max, he argued.

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I can tell dozens of such stories. The shirts he bought weren’t really designer. You see, Calvin Klein IS a designer. He does have fashion shows. But he has, like, a dozen fashion lines, and the only one that is truly designer is called Calvin Klein Collection. Everything else (Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Sport) is the usual mass market product. My roommate’s clothes looked designer, but they weren’t.

If you think about it objectively, regular Calvin Klein is not a sought-after brand that people are looking for online.

And I don’t care what a cute dress you brought back from Hong Kong. If it’s not a brand that people recognize, it probably won’t sell.

To determine if your item is worth selling, do your research by looking for similar items on different platforms. Is there a market for your product?

How To Sell On Ebay

In my experience, dresses are the easiest to sell, and pants are the hardest. I would think twice about selling the pants. Pants are so specific that many people are afraid to buy them online when they can’t return them. Shoes will need to be slightly worn. Training clothes and swimwear must be brand new.

The price you set is important. I think most people value their stuff too high, probably because of the app effect! Pay attention to the market and price your product about the same or slightly higher than similar products. You can rate it higher if it’s in great condition, but lower if there are flaws or wear.

In your research, you may see that some items are selling for $3. My personal selling threshold is a minimum of $15. If I don’t think the item will sell for more, it’s not worth my time. The work involved in a successful listing is not insignificant, so this is also something to consider if you want to sell online.

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

Pay attention to the seasons. If it’s 90 degrees outside, most people won’t be looking for a wool sweater. It is better to wait until the appropriate season arrives. A good guide is to look at what stores sell when. If the stores are currently selling bathing suits, then you also have the green light to put yours on display.

Selling On Poshmark Review: Is It Worth It?

As I said before, your success depends on how well you get your customers to trust you. Remember: By default, online products are missing a key component of how people shop:

And as someone who buys almost everything exclusively online, I still have a ton of fears. Let’s take a look at the obstacles you face. I am afraid that:

If you want to increase your chances of success, every aspect of your listing needs to remove these obstacles.

So you’ve figured out there’s a market for your product and you think you’ll get at least $15 or so. Now it’s time for a photo shoot.

How To Make Money: Guide To Reselling Clothes In 2021

Chances are your item was packed in a box, so 9 times out of 10 it will be creased and not photo ready. It won’t help, so throw away the iron or steamer. Keep a pair of scissors handy in case you see any loose threads. Loose threads are a sign of wear and tear, and you want people to feel like your product is in mint condition.

As a reminder, I’m going to drop buyer barriers if necessary because you should always put yourself in their shoes when creating content for your listings.

If you’re selling something on Etsy, to increase your chances of success, you need to show it in person. On this platform, people

Selling Clothes On Ebay Worth It

People look down on flat clothes and connect them with themselves. So if you put an item on a real model and show the full look, it’s much easier for a potential buyer to imagine how it might look on them. For example, check out this pair of striped chambray pants I picked up at a thrift store:

How To Sell Clothing On Ebay


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