Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business – Your customers want to see what you have. Not just what to sell, but who you are, what you think, and what advice you need to give. In other words, they want to make a video.

If you’re a small business marketer, you might think that video has no limits. Not this one. Video is perfect for any size business in any industry. And its advantages are huge.

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

“There’s never been a better time to think about how to make video a bigger part of your online marketing strategy.”

Marketing Ideas For Growing Your Small Business In 2023

“Facebook is growing fast in the video space (making YouTube the best monetization platform). New live-streaming platforms such as Periscope (owned by Twitter) and Meerkat are gaining attention, allowing users to easily integrate videos into social networks. And the video tools and apps on your smartphone allow you to carry virtually an entire production studio right in your bag or pocket.”

Adding a video to your landing page increases your chances of appearing on the first page of Google results by 53%. (Source: AdWeek Social Times)

Showing a video thumbnail on a search engine results page (SERP) makes it stand out from text-based listings and is twice as likely to be clicked. In addition, YouTube is the second largest search engine and the third most trafficked site on the web.

People love to share videos on social networks. Social networks encourage people to share videos. Facebook has made clear promises to add autoplay, view counts and more mobile features to its video player. Twitter has an app that lets you record, edit, and tweet 30-second videos. Vine is ALL videos.

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About 40% of consumers say that video increases the likelihood of making a purchase on a mobile device. (Source: Adobe)

Your landing pages are very important, and videos provide metrics that help you convert. A video with a storytelling element leads to the landing page and increases the likelihood of the viewer taking the next step. Video on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%. 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.

You say that posting videos sounds great, but you’re not a professional videographer. And you can’t afford to hire one on your small business budget.

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

That doesn’t mean you should give up on the benefits of video. You can make effective marketing videos with basic equipment.

Video Marketing Guide: How To Build A Video Marketing Strategy (2023)

1. Vision—We’ll get it out of the way. Ask your boss or someone who likes the camera to explain why your company exists. It could be a snooze fest, but it could be cool. Tell your customers a story that makes sense and is exciting.

2. Expertise—Your company has a lot of subject matter experts, right? You better hope so. Expose your hobbyist to some tricks of the trade, like in a blog post.

3. Bring your team together—Take the camera around the office or department and have everyone talk briefly about a specific topic. Perhaps different answers to the same question can be combined.

5. A Day in the Life—Make a montage of a day in the life of an employee, project, department, whatever.

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6. The crowd you’re playing for—Do you have a softball team? A bowling team? Is the chili cooking? Wine tasting? Hopefully something fun will happen during or after work. It might make for a fun clip and introduce a human element to your content.

8. Live Customer Support – Do you take care of customers via calls or video chat? Recording these conversations occasionally can prove valuable to prospects and clients in many ways.

9. Thank Customers—Make a short video thanking customers for being part of the company’s journey.

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

10. Testimonials—This is a classic, but seemingly underused type of video marketing. Your client can provide you with killer video content. Don’t be afraid to ask them.

Marketing Materials For Small Businesses (print & Digital)

11. User Generated Content—You can get invaluable videos from users by running contests, polls, or what have you. Use your imagination and ask your customers to use theirs. It’s a powerful strategy for community building and customer advocacy.

12. Interview—There are experts (authors, speakers, bloggers, thought leaders, and innovators) in every industry, and your potential customers are interested in hearing their ideas. If possible, conduct interviews in person or remotely via Skype or any video chat system that can be recorded.

13. Company events or announcements—How clear is it? What’s perhaps less obvious is that you don’t need to bring a production team. Bring a smart phone. Shoot.

14. Community Activities—Are your company and its people involved in community activities? There are bound to be some compelling stories there.

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16. Exhibitions – Trade shows and conferences offer all kinds of video opportunities, even if it’s as simple as a “we’re here, what we’re doing” segment.

18. Presentation—Here’s a wide range of flexible categories that can be a webinar or any of its variations. Learn how to deliver useful content and hit the record button.

19. GIF—A GIF (or Vine) can be the video equivalent of a meme. Do something clever or funny and send it to the social sphere.

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Live Streaming – The Revolution Begins. The talk of the cyber world seems to be about live streaming in 2015. Nice tools came out. Maybe they will keep coming. Have you watched it live? I have. I do a bit of Periscope and the occasional Google Hangout, but it’s Blab that I find most interesting.

Video Content Ideas

My friend Andy Crestodina and I use Blab to record Content Matters, a podcast that launched in 2015. Try one if you want. Or two. Or three.

Don’t miss out on the special offer below: Get the complete guide to video marketing that’s truly yours with a discounted MarketingProfs membership.

Barry Feldman, founder of Feldman Creative, is a prolific writer with 25 years of experience taking his clients’ online presence to the next level through copywriting, content marketing creation and consulting. He writes and teaches clients about online marketing at The Point and many other sites on the web. Connect with Barry on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Analytics B2B content marketing blog blog content marketing conversion copywriter copywriting ebook effective online marketing email Email marketing engagement Facebook Google headline homepage HubSpot inbound marketing influencer marketing infographic Instagram keyword landing page LinkedIn marketing online marketing personal branding persuasion podcast search Search Engine Optimization SEO SlideShare Social Media Social Media Marketing Twitter Video Visual Marketing Website Website Authoring YouTube One of the biggest obstacles many small businesses around the world face is sustaining growth with limited budgets. Fortunately, in today’s digital world, growing a small business is easier than ever. But one of the best ideas for growing your small business is incorporating video into your marketing strategy.

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The recent rise in popularity of video technology has become invaluable to many small business owners. Videos are one of the most popular types of content online right now, so using them can quickly get your brand in front of millions of people. With so much potential and reach, is it any wonder that videos have become a go-to method for many marketers around the world?

According to Wyzowl’s latest research, 86% of businesses use video in their marketing efforts, and 99% plan to continue investing in video marketing in the coming years. Oh, and did you know that 88% of marketers have found excellent ROI using video? That’s right!

Unfortunately, videos are a powerful tool for small business growth, but using them can be intimidating, especially for beginners. What kind of videos do you make? How do you use them? How do they help you generate income? These are all questions you may have when it comes to video marketing. That’s why we’ve decided to give you some great video marketing ideas for small businesses to get you started!

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

In addition to the above, there are many other reasons why small businesses should use video marketing for their growth.

Video Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Did you know that 64% of small business owners say video marketing is their primary marketing channel, while 77% consider it an important part of their overall strategy? That’s right! But what is it about videos that appeal to these entrepreneurs?

It’s that simple – there are many benefits of video for small businesses. We talked about them in detail in one of our previous articles, but here are a few highlights:

Aside from all these benefits, one of the best things about video marketing is that it can be done on all budgets! Small business owners don’t have to worry about huge fees because they don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to start making videos. The same goes for getting a reliable video player. There are so many affordable video players out there that you’re sure to find one regardless of your budget.

As you can see, there is no reason not to include video content to promote your products and services. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s very beneficial, and it’s easy! So, if you think you’re ready to try your hand at video content marketing, let’s analyze some videos

Video Ideas For Your Small Business

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