Weird News Around The World This Week

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Yes, they are both French. Yes, those are their real names. No, they weren’t driving a Ford Gran Torino.

Weird News Around The World This Week

Weird News Around The World This Week

Residents near the Caribbean coast of Honduras have witnessed an unlikely, and very welcome, phenomenon: fish that seem to come from the sky. Or maybe from another place?

The Story Of A Weird World I Was Warned Never To Tell’

Police say the published novelist killed his father with a hammer and slashed his mother’s wrists to make it look like the woman killed her husband and then herself. Mother is connected to life.

It’s an economic saying that literally anything that’s scarce has to create a valuable market: diamonds, printed clothes and, in Japan, fat people.

Let’s be honest, as European capital names go, Budapest (Hungary) and Bucharest (Romania) are pretty similar. It’s a little closer in French.

Close your eyes. You have arrived in the prosperous and peaceful microstate of Andorra, known worldwide for its natural wonders. You spent the day relaxing in the 70°C thermal waters with that special someone. You probably have almost everything.

It’s Going To Be A Weird World Cup

“Heat the oven to 250°C, add three teaspoons of salt to the water, wash and clean the asparagus and wait 30 minutes before cooking…”

What happens when lightning strikes an airplane? First, thanks to innovative safety features, it takes off and lands without incident. But in Togo, airport staff confirmed last week that such a plane had been carefully *discovered and checked.

Who can safely say that they have never, in the heat of the moment, made over-the-top threats to try to accommodate unruly descendants? And who ever follows?

Weird News Around The World This Week

Rescue teams are trying to pull out people trapped under the rubble after a suicide attack on a mosque in the Pakistani city of Peshawar. The death toll from the attack, which is one of the bloodiest attacks in Pakistan in recent years, has risen to 92.

It’s Not Just You, Microsoft News Is Sending Everyone Weird Test Notifications

Welcome to Tuesday, as Russian forces are reported to be advancing in southeastern Ukraine, the death toll in yesterday’s attack on a mosque in Pakistan has risen to 92, NASA said.

This is our daily newsletter Today, a quick roundup of the day’s news from the world’s best news sources, regardless of language or geography.

• Russian forces advance in major offensive in Ukraine: A large Russian force has advanced in a major new attack on a Ukrainian stronghold in southeastern Ukraine. Russian officials claimed that the development had secured a coal mine site in the town of Vuhledar. Kyiv has admitted that there is heavy fighting there, but says that so far they have pushed back a wave and inflicted heavy losses on the Russians.

• China claims COVID wave is ending as economy recovers: China’s COVID-19 wave is “coming to an end”, health officials claimed after a Lunar New Year holiday period that saw no new surge in infections. it was the end The Chinese government released figures on Tuesday showing a big increase in tourism and hospitality activity compared to the same time last year as part of what the International Monetary Fund says is part of a broader economic recovery that will be good for the global economy. .

Weird News This Week Vol. 15: 18 24 October

• Death toll rises in Pakistan mosque blast: Death toll rises to 92 after Monday’s suicide bombing at a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. Rescue operations are continuing, so far 9 people have been pulled out alive from the ruins.

• Bolsonaro seeks US tourist visa: Former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has applied for a six-month tourist visa to stay in the United States despite calls for any US visas Bolsonaro holds to be revoked after violent protests this week. finally in Brazil. The former president will remain in the United States while his appeal is pending.

• US suspends export licenses for China’s Huawei: The Biden administration has suspended approval of licenses for US companies to export most goods to China’s tech giant Huawei. Although it has faced US export restrictions in the past few years, the US Commerce Department has allowed some US companies to sell some goods to the company, which is now expected to stop.

Weird News Around The World This Week

• France hits second strike: A second nationwide strike disrupted French power generation, public transport and schools as workers protested government plans to raise the retirement age.

Weird News & Oddities

• A bear on Mars: A camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a picture of a formation shaped like the face of a bear. Two beady eyes are formed by two craters and a hill with a “V-shaped collapse structure” resembling a bug while a “circular fracture pattern” defines the top.

Reports on Peru’s Congress that on Tuesday resumed the debate on the proposal to advance the elections after lawmakers failed to reach an agreement. The move is aimed at ending ongoing anti-government protests that have left at least a dozen people dead and resolving Peru’s political crisis that began when President Pedro Castillo was arrested and removed from office last December. The newspaper also carried a picture of the country’s army and national police who liberated the Panamericana road in Sur, ending the 11-day blockade.

Independent Russian news site Meduza reports that a leak of the source code repository of Yandex Search, Russia’s largest search engine, has revealed that the company is censoring image and video results that include Russian President Vladimir Putin and Z symbols next to inappropriate words or phrases. . One of the most censored nicknames for Putin is “bunker grandfather” (бункерный дед, “

At the diplomatic and political level, no world leader talks to Vladimir Putin as regularly as his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But the closeness of Russia and Turkey can also be measured in economic data. Aytug Özçolak in Turkish independent online news site Diken reports that the numbers for 2022 are surprising.

Odd, Bizarre, And Incredibly Weird News Stories From Around The World

🇷🇺🇹🇷 Ankara has spent billions of dollars to buy the Russian S-400 missile system and signed an agreement with Russia to build Turkey’s first nuclear power plant. The foreign policies of the countries are also increasingly in agreement. But the depth of this relationship goes much further. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks with Russian President Vladimir Putin more than any other president: 16 times in 2022, 11 times in 2021.

⛴️💰 But no less important is the way in which the two countries are increasingly connected by trade. In 2015, China was the number one source of Turkey’s exports, sending 24.8 billion dollars worth of goods to Turkey, followed by Germany with 21.3 billion dollars and Russia with 20.3 billion dollars. This ranking remained unchanged for the next three years, until Russia held a narrow lead in 2018 and 2019. China returned to the top in 2020 and 2021, but in 2022, Russia came out on top by a long margin: $54.3 billion.

🏠 Finally, let’s check the real estate market. In the past, people from Middle Eastern countries – especially Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran – bought the most houses in Turkey. But that changed in 2022, when there were twice as many Russian buyers as Iranians. Russians bought three times more Turkish properties in Turkey in 2022 than last year. After years of holding first or second place, the Iraqis are now third, while the Iranians, in the top five since 2015, are second behind Russia.

Weird News Around The World This Week

The number of endangered species poached in Namibia reached an all-time high last year, with 87 animals (61 black and 26 white-tailed deer) compared to 45 in 2021 – a 93 percent increase. Most of the rhinos were found in Etosha, Namibia’s largest national park. A group of strange sea creatures washed ashore on beaches around the world, a video showing Bigfoot hiding in an Ohio forest, and an upcoming quest for a legendary treasure. Lost at sea are among the strange, unusual and interesting stories that have appeared on our radar this past week.

This Week’s Weird News

In an interesting story that should unfold more later this year, maritime archaeologists from Spain and Mexico announced this week that they have formed a joint venture to search for a legendary lost ship that is believed to contain a great treasure. The Nuestra Senora del Juncal sank off the coast of Mexico nearly four centuries ago while en route to Spain with a large cache of gold, silver and other riches. In the years since, no one has been able to find the sunken ship, but an expedition that will take place in May may finally find the ship and the 120-150 tons of treasure that went underground with it.

Speaking of mysterious sea monsters, for some strange reason this past week saw three incidents of the creatures washing up on different beaches around the world. First, in South Carolina, a woman walking her dog came across a gruesome corpse that she suspects may be a monkey that escaped from a nearby testing facility. Later, in Scotland, large remains of an as-yet-unidentified animal appeared on the beach after a storm. And, in

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