What Can Make Asthma Worse

What Can Make Asthma Worse – As spring approaches, many asthma sufferers struggle to keep their asthma under control. There may be some key triggers and unexpected culprits to look out for…and try to avoid.

Asthma is an extremely common chronic and potentially life-threatening disease that causes difficulty breathing. Although it usually starts in childhood, it can affect people of all ages and can develop suddenly for the first time in adulthood. It affects almost one in ten children and there are more than 25,000 hospital admissions due to asthma in the UK each year. This figure is much higher if adult asthmatics are also included. There is currently no cure, but there are simple treatments that can help keep the symptoms under control, so it shouldn’t have a big impact on your life.

What Can Make Asthma Worse

What Can Make Asthma Worse

There are different triggers for asthma attacks, and many asthmatics will know exactly what their trigger points are, although they may not always be able to avoid them. Some of the triggers include:

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Spring is a particularly difficult time for many asthmatics. People are outside more often, but the weather can still be cold. This can be problematic because if a person has asthma, a cold can mean their airways go into spasm, causing chest tightness. The lining of their airways becomes inflamed and produces phlegm, making it difficult to breathe.

Exercise (especially in cold weather) has been shown to trigger asthma attacks in some people. Exercise should not be avoided, but it is important to always have medication with you. Read this article, written for asthma sufferers, for top tips to help you improve your exercise performance.

Both pollen and pollution are asthma triggers, and many people’s symptoms worsen as spring approaches. Some trees start shedding pollen as early as January, and many reach peak pollen production in March and April, so be sure to know what to look out for this spring. About 20% of people with hay fever are allergic to birch pollen, and this, along with oak and sycamore pollen, causes many unpleasant symptoms and can exacerbate asthma. The Met Office issue very useful pollen advice and there are now apps you can use to chart pollen counts. This will help you know (and therefore prepare for) when the pollen count should be particularly high.

If you know that pollen is a trigger for your asthma, talk to your GP or asthma nurse, because keeping hay fever under control can also help you manage your asthma. Hay fever can often be relieved with over-the-counter medications, such as nasal steroids, antihistamines, or anti-inflammatory eye drops. Ask your pharmacist or GP which one may be right for you. If the one they suggest doesn’t seem to work, go back and ask for an alternative. A study found that if you are able to control your hay fever symptoms, you are less likely to end up in the emergency room with a severe asthma attack.

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The holidays are also a time when many of us like to drink. Alcohol, however, contains histamine, which is also released as a result of the body’s reaction to allergies. Therefore, it is believed that alcohol increases the body’s sensitivity to pollen and other allergens. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid alcohol if you are prone to allergic reactions or suffer from allergy-induced asthma.

NOTE: Encouraging someone to sit upright is usually helpful for breathing problems. Sitting in the wrong chair can be a good position for them.

DO NOT take them outside when it is cold – cold air makes symptoms worse.

What Can Make Asthma Worse

The following recommendations are suitable for both children and adults. Always follow the prescribed instructions for the victim’s medication. However, in the absence of this information, the following recommendations may be useful:

Supported Self Management For Asthma

Be calm and reassuring, as reducing stress and keeping the victim calm can really help them control their symptoms, and panicking can make the attack worse. Immediately take one puff of the inhaler (usually blue) using the spacer if you have one.

They should make an appointment with their doctor or asthma nurse for an asthma review, ideally within 48 hours of the attack.

We really hope you have a wonderful asthma-free spring break now that you know what to look out for!

First Aid for Life is a leading provider of first aid training for carers, families, older people, schools, parents, carers and healthcare professionals. Our team are experienced healthcare and emergency care professionals. They tailor the training to your needs.

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It is highly recommended that you take a first aid course to understand what to do in the event of a medical emergency. First Aid for Life runs special courses that cover in detail how to help someone with an asthma attack.

Please visit www.firstaidforlife.org.uk, [email protected] or telephone: 0208 675 4036 for more information on our courses. First Aid for Life provides this information as a guideline and is in no way a substitute for medical advice. In conclusion, First Aid for Life is not responsible for any diagnosis or action taken based on this information.

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What Can Make Asthma Worse

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Breathing Exercises For Severe Asthma

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What Can Make Asthma Worse

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My Child’s Asthma Is Getting Worse. What Do I Do?

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Does Your Child Feel Breathing Difficulty At Night: It Can Be A Symptom Of Asthma?

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Other uncategorized cookies are files that are being analyzed and have not yet been categorized. Asthma is a very common respiratory problem that occurs in children, teenagers and young adults. Asthma leads to swelling and mucus formation in the child’s airways. Asthma also causes the muscles around the airways to tighten, causing bronchospasm. Asthma can be aggravated by a variety of allergens and triggers. In the people of Manu, asthma worsens in winter.

What Can Make Asthma Worse

Cold weather can be a difficult time for children and young adults with asthma. For many children and young adults, asthma is more severe

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