What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like – Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition that interferes with the flow of information in the central nervous system. It causes a variety of symptoms and can affect women differently than men.

Researchers don’t know what triggers MS. Once it develops, the condition causes the immune system to destroy a type of tissue called myelin, which insulates nerve fibers.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

MS randomly affects the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. It can cause a wide range of unpredictable physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that vary from person to person.

Multiple Sclerosis Signs And Symptoms

This article will discuss some of the most common symptoms of MS and explain why women may experience slightly different symptoms than men. It will also cover diagnosis and treatment.

Sex and gender exist on a spectrum. This article will use the terms “male,” “female,” or both to refer to sex assigned at birth. Click here to learn more.

Symptoms of MS in women are similar to those in men, but may include additional problems due to hormonal changes. MS can also affect sexual health and bladder function differently in women.

People with MS develop vision problems either because their optic nerves become inflamed or because of nerve damage in the pathways that control visual coordination and eye movement.

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Numbness in the face, body, arms or legs is another common symptom of MS. This is often one of the early symptoms of the condition.

Numbness can range from mild and barely noticeable to severe enough to interfere with daily activities, such as holding things and walking.

Sometimes, the cause of fatigue is related to another symptom of MS. For example, people with bladder dysfunction may not get enough sleep because they have to wake up to go to the bathroom throughout the night.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

People with MS who experience muscle spasms at night also cannot sleep well, leaving them feeling tired during the day. MS can also increase the risk of depression, which can cause fatigue.

Multiple Sclerosis (ms)

Another type of fatigue that seems to be unique to MS is called lethargy. A person may experience lethargy if their fatigue:

Bladder problems affect at least 80% of people with MS. These issues occur when scarring of the nerves disrupts nerve signals that are essential for urinary sphincters and bladder function.

MS can make it harder for the bladder to hold urine and reduce the amount it can store, which can cause symptoms such as:

Bowel problems can make other symptoms of MS worse — especially bladder problems, muscle stiffness, and involuntary muscle spasms.

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Some researchers believe that people with MS have problems controlling their bowels because of the neurological damage that causes the condition. People with MS may also have difficulty controlling their bowels when constipated.

Some research suggests that 55% of people with MS experience clinically significant pain, while 48% live with chronic pain.

According to a 2020 study, men are more likely to experience pain as a symptom of this condition. The authors of the study suggest a link between this and the higher risk of depression in women with MS compared to men.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

Acute MS pain appears to be caused by problems with the nerves that help transmit sensations to the central nervous system.

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Many people with MS experience chronic pain as a secondary effect of the condition. For example, this could be due to:

More than 50% of people with MS experience changes in cognition, which means they may sometimes have difficulty:

Cognitive symptoms of MS are usually mild to moderate and affect only certain aspects of cognition.

Clinical depression is one of the most common symptoms of MS. Depression is more common in people with MS than in people with other chronic health conditions. About half of people with MS will experience depression at some point.

How Doctors Treat Spasticity In Multiple Sclerosis

Although almost everyone experiences periods of sadness or grief, clinical depression refers to depressive symptoms that last for at least 2 weeks.

Many people with MS experience muscle weakness. This symptom is caused by damage to the nerves that help control the muscles.

People with MS may also experience muscle weakness as their muscles deteriorate over time due to lack of use.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

MS-related muscle weakness can affect any part of the body. Walking and staying mobile can be especially challenging for people with MS when muscle weakness affects their legs, ankles and feet.

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MS can cause spasticity, which refers to muscle stiffness and involuntary muscle spasms in the extremities, especially the legs. It affects 40-80% of people with MS at some point.

Some people with MS experience dizziness and light-headedness, fainting, weakness, or fainting. Less commonly, they may experience vertigo, which makes it feel as if they or their surroundings are spinning.

MS can cause vertigo by damaging the pathways that coordinate spatial, visual, and sensory input that the brain needs to maintain balance in the body.

People with MS often experience sexual problems and may have difficulty getting aroused or having an orgasm. For example, MS can reduce natural vaginal lubrication, potentially making intercourse painful for women.

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The condition can cause sexual problems by damaging nerves in the sexual response pathways that connect the brain and sexual organs.

People with MS may experience problems with sex as a result of other symptoms of MS, such as:

According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), sexual problems can affect 91% of men and 72% of women with MS. in one

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

, 61% of men and 63% of women said they had experienced sexual problems because of the condition.

Hip And Knee Pain In Multiple Sclerosis

The condition is unpredictable, often has fluctuating symptoms, and can be disabling, all of which can be frightening.

MS can also cause emotional changes by damaging neurons in the brain. Some medications that people take to manage MS can cause mood changes.

According to the National MS Society, about 10% of people with MS experience pseudobulbar affect, which involves uncontrollable bouts of laughing or crying. It is a treatable neurological condition unrelated to depression. Few people experience ecstasy, an extreme type of happiness that is unrelated to one’s real-life situation.

Rarely, a person may exhibit inappropriate behavior, such as sexual dysfunction. It most likely stems from damage to parts of the brain related to inhibition.

Bladder Spasms And Ms: Understanding The Connection

People with MS can develop problems with gait or how they walk due to a number of factors. Some MS symptoms that can affect how a person walks include:

There is some evidence to suggest that MS may affect women differently than men because of hormonal changes, including those that occur later in life.

More research is needed to draw firm conclusions, but the NMSS states that some studies have found that women with MS have worse symptoms within a week of menarche.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

Studies using MRI scans have also shown that MS disease activity can change according to different hormonal levels during menstruation.

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Menstrual patterns were observed in 181 people with MS and 202 people without the condition. After starting to experience MS, the odds of having irregular periods increased from 21% to 40.3%. For comparison, 24.7% reported irregular periods among those without MS. People with MS also reported more premenstrual symptoms than those without.

During pregnancy, there may be a lower risk of flare-ups of MS symptoms, especially during the second and third trimesters.

Researchers believe that pregnancy may have a protective effect against MS by increasing levels of compounds that help reduce inflammation and the effects of the condition.

Although pregnancy can temporarily reduce some symptoms of MS, flare-ups are likely in the first 3-6 months after birth. However, there is no clear link between pregnancy and a higher risk of disability in the long term.

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Although being pregnant can temporarily reduce the risk of flare-ups, pregnancy also puts a lot of physical stress on the body, which can make some MS symptoms worse.

In addition, some medications that people use for MS are not safe to take during pregnancy and can worsen symptoms.

Anyone with MS who is pregnant or planning to become pregnant should discuss their medications with a doctor.

What Do Ms Spasms Look Like

Suggests that about 10% of women with MS may have difficulty conceiving. However, assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization, also known as IVF, can have a success rate of up to 39% in women under the age of 35.

What Do Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Feel Like?

However, it is difficult to tell whether MS symptoms worsen due to menopause or simply as a natural result of aging or because the condition progresses. Further research is needed to understand the relationship.

There is little evidence to show how menopause affects the course of MS and its symptoms. The MS Trust of the United Kingdom reviewed three studies, but they were small, and one was from 1992. Overall, three studies did not provide conclusive evidence.

A 1992 study involved 30 women with MS. Of these, 54% said their symptoms worsened around menopause, 8% said they improved, and 38% said they did not change. In 2016, a study involving 124 women concluded that disability rates may accelerate after menopause.

However, a 2018 study of 37 women concluded

Surprising Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

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