What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

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What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

Eyelid dermatitis is a common condition that causes the skin on or around the eyelid to become dry, itchy and irritated.

Atopic Dermatitis On The Eyelids| Atopic Skin

The term can refer to eczema, psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis on the eyelids. When the cause is an allergen or irritant, the condition is called eyelid contact dermatitis.

This article discusses how to manage eyelid dermatitis using treatments and home remedies. It also looks at the symptoms and causes of the condition.

For all types of eyelid dermatitis, people should keep the eye area clean and avoid touching or scratching it. This helps prevent further irritation or infection.

Where possible, it is helpful to identify and avoid contact irritants and allergens that may cause flare-ups. These may include:

Periocular (periorbital) Dermatitis

To treat eyelid dermatitis caused by atopic dermatitis (eczema) or psoriasis, and for immediate relief of symptoms, a person may:

People should use corticosteroid creams with caution, as they may lose some of their effectiveness if used for too long. When used close to the eye, there is a risk of glaucoma if used for longer periods.

These creams can also cause certain short-term side effects, such as acne, hair growth on the treated areas and thinning of the skin.

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

Corticosteroid tablets are reserved for the most severe symptoms, as their side effects can be serious. Possible effects include high blood pressure, diabetes and osteoporosis.

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Dermatitis on the eyelids causes inflammation of the thin, sensitive skin around the eyes. The eyelids become irritated, swollen, dry and red. It can affect one or both eyes.

When caused by an irritant or allergen, symptoms typically appear within a few hours or days of contact with a triggering substance. Symptoms should subside when the trigger substance is removed.

It is unclear what causes conditions such as atopic dermatitis, although there appears to be a genetic component and it can run in families.

The causes, types, and triggers of eyelid dermatitis vary. You may need to try several of these actions before you find the most effective ones.

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The skin around the eyes is thin and delicate, and therefore the eyes are particularly sensitive to irritation.

Although it is difficult to predict who will develop eyelid dermatitis, certain factors can increase the likelihood of developing the condition. These include:

It is possible to self-diagnose eyelid dermatitis if the cause is obvious. Through trial and error, it is possible to identify and avoid triggers without the need for medical attention.

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

A doctor can often diagnose the form of dermatitis through a physical examination. They may ask about risk factors, such as hay fever.

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When an allergic reaction is suspected as the cause, a doctor may recommend a patch test. Here, a common allergen is placed on the skin to test for an allergic reaction.

If an irritant is the suspected cause, a repeated open application test (ROAT) can be used. This involves exposing the skin to the irritant over several days to test for problematic skin reactions.

Eyelid dermatitis poses no serious health risks, although it can be uncomfortable and can interfere with daily life.

In most cases, the symptoms are easily managed with treatment and by avoiding triggers. However, it can become a long-term and recurring condition.

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When triggers cannot be identified or avoided, treatment will be used to manage the symptoms as best as possible.

The effectiveness of treatments may depend on the extent of exposure to triggers and the sensitivity of the skin.

Using strategies to prevent symptoms, such as avoiding itching or rubbing the eyes, will help improve and reduce the severity or onset of symptoms. A doctor or skin specialist can recommend actions that are most suitable for each person.

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We avoid using tertiary references. We link primary sources – including studies, scientific references and statistics – within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.1. Eye makeup: Eye makeup has been attributed to only 4% of cases of eyelid dermatitis according to the North American Contact Dermatitis Society. See below for a list of many other commonly implicated chemicals

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2. Preservatives in eye care products: In contact lens solution (bezalkonium chloride) can cause eyelid dermatitis. Other preservatives (especially formaldehyde) are common culprits. Formaldehyde often cross-reacts (meaning you may be allergic to it and other chemicals it cross-reacts with) with many formaldehyde releasers. Formaldehyde releasers include the following chemicals:

3. Metals: Nickel (the most common), gold, cobalt and others. These metals are transferred to the eyelid on the hands. For some reason, the eyelid skin is particularly sensitive to small amounts of these metals, resulting in dermatitis.

4. Preservatives in skin care and hair care products: including formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasing agents (see above), MCI/MI, parabens and others.

5. Hair dye: A chemical called paraphenylenediamine, which is in most hair dyes and is highly carcinogenic, has also been implicated in eyelid dermatitis.

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6. Soaps: A chemical in most soaps called cocamidolpropyl betaine has been implicated in eyelid dermatitis. This is often seen when using a baby shampoo as an eyelid wash. Most baby shampoos contain fragrance, sulfates, cocamidopropyl betaine and other potential irritants and allergens.

7. Fragrances: Many different chemicals are considered “fragrances” on ingredient lists of products. A few scents include sandalwood, balsam of Peru, and masking scent. It is important to understand that essential oils also contain many of the fragrance chemicals in them and are therefore also a common culprit. Many other fragrance compounds have been implicated in many cases of eyelid dermatitis.

8. Eyelash glue and artificial nail glue: There are several reported cases of allergic reaction of the eyelids to acrylic glue present in eyelash glue and artificial nails.

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

9. Topical antibiotics: Bacitracin, Neomycin and Polymyxin B, which are found in topical triple antibiotics, are extremely allergenic. Neomycin, for example, was found to be the fifth most common skin allergen with ten percent of people who have a suspected allergic skin condition actually having an allergy to neomycin. Neomycin can actually be so allergenic that it can cause anaphylaxis in some people. The American Contact Dermatitis Society even nominated neomycin as “Allergen of the Year” in 2010.

Eyelid Dermatitis|causes|symptoms|treatments|diagnosis|how Long Does It Last?

A common presentation of neomycin allergy is an eczematous rash (this can be anywhere the neomycin is applied, including the eyelids). Often people can develop a rash from an allergy to one of the above chemicals and will treat it with one of the topical antibiotics only to then develop a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotic. This allergic reaction is often mistaken for an infection and prompts a doctor’s visit and an oral antibiotic prescribed. Meanwhile, the rash will persist or continue to worsen, sometimes triggering an even stronger antibiotic….where the problem was actually an allergic reaction to the neomycin in a triple antibiotic in the first place.

Doctors traditionally recommend lotions and creams layered on oils to treat the side effects, but do nothing for the underlying condition. They tell patients to moisturize their dry skin and the problem will go away – although the results almost always show that this is not true.

Medical professionals prescribe drugs loaded with steroids that work for a while but come with serious side effects such as thinning skin, folliculitis and even addiction. We realized we needed a long-term solution. We approached the problem from a different angle. We took a step back and compared the pH of healthy skin with the pH of skin with eczema, psoriasis and atopic skin diseases. What we found changed everything we thought we knew about skin care. And it all starts with the naturally occurring acids on your skin.

We discovered that healthy skin has a pH that is moderately acidic – between 4.6 – 5.6. This moderately acidic pH naturally protects your skin from harmful bacteria and viruses and supports a healthy skin barrier that keeps moisture in and other harmful elements out.

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But when you wash your skin with traditional soaps, you scrub away the skin’s natural acidity and make it alkaline. Even using clean water washes away the skin’s natural acids. Most lotions and moisture replacement therapies are also very alkaline, which makes the problem worse.

Our research showed that helping the skin regain its natural acidic pH was critical to treating the worst skin condition.

Healthy skin has a delicate balance of ceramides, very long chain fatty acids, cholesterol and cholesterol esters. Too much of one or the other is what leads to more skin diseases. Too little of these important lipids and your skin dries out and cracks.

What Does Eczema On Eyelids Look Like

Many of the treatments doctors recommend today are made with just one

Periorbital Allergic Contact Dermatitis

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