What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence – Implements Agent Function, performs sensing to action mapping Computer Running Agent Program, with sensors and actuators Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

4 Agent Programs function Table-Driven-Agent (sense) returns static function : sense, row, initially empty table, action table, indexed by sense order, initially fully specified add sense to end of sense function  Lookup ( sense, table ) return function The challenge is to create small code that demonstrates sensible behavior, rather than having an excessively large table that implements the desired behavior. For P perception, T Life time, Lookup table will have Σt|P|t entries. Large board size Need small programs implement intelligent behavior Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

6 Simple Reflex Agents Only considers current sensing, ignores rest of sensing history Conditional action rules coded If car in front-brakes then brake action triggers Reflex-Vacuum-Agent ([location, status]) return action If status=Dirty then return Suction else if location= A then return Right else if position=B return Left function Simple-Response-Agent (sense) return function static: rules, set of condition-actions rules state  Interpret-Input (sense) rule  Rule-Match (state, rules) function  Rule-Action [rule] return action Vimal EA C461- Artificial intelligence

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7 Simple Reflex Agents rectangles  current internal state; Ovals  background information Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

Monitor the part of the world that the agent can’t see right now. Handle parts of an observation. Maintaining an internal state depends on the perceptual history. Updating the internal state of the agent needs some information about how the world evolves. The agent’s own action affects the world Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

Function Reflex-Agent-With-State(sense) returns action state: rules, set of state-action rules state, description of current action world state, latest action, initially no state  Update-Input (state , action, sense) rule  Rule- Match (state, rules) action  Rule-Action [rule] return action Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

11 Goal-Oriented Actors Having a goal, along with current situational information can help select a possible next course of action. Potentially, an agent may have to consider all other action sequences that lead to the goal  search for a sequence that leads to the goal Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

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12 Goal-Oriented Agents Rectangle  current internal state; Ovals  background information Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

13 Utility-based goals provide a rough dichotomy between “happy” and “unhappy” If one state is chosen over another, then it has greater utility for the proxy utility function (state) = real number (level of happiness) A complete definition of a utility function makes rational decisions under the following circumstances. Making a decision when there are conflicting goals When there are several goals that the agent can pursue. Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

14 Database rectangles  current internal state; Ovals  background information Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

Learning media has the following components. Learning component Suggests a change to an existing rule to a reviewer. Performance component Gathering knowledge and procedures for choosing driving actions The choice depends on Learning components Critic Looks at the world and communicates information to the learning component Problem maker Knows certain areas behavior needs improvement and suggests experiments Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

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16 Learning Agents rectangles  current internal state; Ovals  background information Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

Problem solver A kind of goal-oriented agent Decides what to do by finding a sequence of actions that lead to a desired state Formulate goals, formulate problem-finding Execute Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

Initial state Possible actions uses Successor action Returns pair State Space Path Goal Test Path cost Step cost Problem formulation is the process of deciding which actions and states to consider, given a goal Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

19 Solutions A solution to the problem is the path from the initial state to the final state The quality of a solution is measured by a path cost function The best solution has the lowest path cost among other solutions. An agent with several options immediately of unknown value can decide what to do by first looking at different possible sequences of actions that lead to a state of known value, and then choosing the best sequence  Search process Input to search : Problem output from search : Solution in the form of Action Sequence Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

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20 Problem medium Problem solution, assuming the environment is statically visible. Discrete Deterministic Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

On holiday in Romania; currently in Arad Flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest Set up a goal: stay in Bucharest Formulate a problem: matrix: various cities actions: drive between cities Find a solution: a series of cities, e.g. Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

Problem Formulation States 2 x 22 = 8 states Initial state Any of 8 states Following Activity Legal states resulting from three actions (Left, Right, Suction) Goal test All squares are clean. Travel Cost Number of Steps (Each step costs the value of 1) Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

State Space for the Vacuum World. Markings on arcs represent L: Left, R: Right, S: Sug Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

How Many Types Of Agents Are There In Artificial Intelligence?

A typical example of a kingdom with eight puzzles? Country of origin? Successor surgery? Target test? Cost of URL? Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

A typical example of a state with 8 puzzles: Tile placement Initial state: One of the states Following action: Move blank Left, Right, Up, Down Target test: Shown in fig. Above Path Cost: 1 per step Vimal EA C461- Artificial Intelligence

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AI applications can also be referred to as “intelligent agents” that interact with different types of environments. Agents interact with the environment in two main ways: perception and action.

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In artificial intelligence, perception is the process of transforming something from the environment into an internal representation while action, when performed by an agent, changes the environment. If we use the example of artificial intelligence in finance, we could say that a trader perceives the environmental aspects of a market such as the stock market or a brand in the form of exchange rate news. Give news in terms of AI is what we call “sensors”. Sensors are what agents use to get things from their environment to perform their sensing. The trading agent can use this information to make trades based on the information they sense from their sensors to influence the market to their advantage. The trade is what we call an “operator” because the trade is the action the agent takes to influence the market.

Of course, what we would consider an environment would be entirely relevant to the agent’s boundaries. Although knowing where the environment ends and the agent begins is sometimes complicated, we can classify environments to predict how difficult the AI ​​task will be.

When it is possible to determine the overall state of the environment every time your agent needs to make the best decision. For example, a checker can be classified as fully visible, because the agent can observe the entire state of the game (how many pieces the opponent has, how many pieces we have, etc.)

What Is Agent Program In Artificial Intelligence

In contrast to a fully observable environment, agents may remember a previous decision to make the optimal choice in their environment. An example of this could be a game of poker. The agent may not know what cards the opponent has and must make the best decision based on what cards the opponent has played.

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A deterministic environment is where your agent’s actions uniquely determine the outcome. So for example, if we had a pawn when we played chess and we moved that piece from A2 to A3, it would always work. There is no uncertainty about the outcome of that measure.

Unlike a deterministic environment, there is a certain amount of randomness involved. Using our poker game example, when a card is dealt there is a certain amount of randomness involved in which card will be drawn.

In a discrete environment, we have a limited amount of action options and a limited amount of things that we can perceive. If we use our counter example again, there is a limited amount of table positions and a limited amount of things we can do within the counter environment.

In a continuous environment, our agents can detect multiple actions. To apply this to a medical context, a patient’s temperature and blood pressure are constant variables and can be sensed by medical devices designed to capture vital signs from patients and then recommend diagnostic actions to healthcare professionals.

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In a benign environment, the environment has no goal in itself that would conflict with your own object. For example, when it rains it might ruin your plans to play cricket (great game, I promise) but it doesn’t just rain because Thor (God of Thunder) doesn’t want you to play cricket. It does so through factors unrelated to your goal.

A hostile environment, however, finds its way into

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