Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search – Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug La Follette listens to Assistant Attorney General Maria Lazar during her opening arguments before Dane County Circuit Judge Marian Sumey at the Dane County Courthouse in Madison, Wis., March 29, 2011.

With the race still too close to call, Wisconsin Secretary of State Democrat Doug LaFollette has declared victory in his bid for re-election.

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

La Follette said Thursday’s release of Waukesha County campaign results gave him enough confidence to declare victory. According to his campaign, only three counties have yet to verify their unofficial vote totals. Those counties are Milwaukee, Monroe and Washington.

U.s. Secretary Of State

“There’s no chance in those counties to overturn the 7,000 vote lead I have,” La Follette told Wisconsin Public Radio. “I decided before the weekend, to go ahead and say, ‘I think I’m a winner and I want to go ahead.'”

The remaining counties have until Tuesday to complete their canvass, and the Wisconsin Elections Commission has until Dec. 1 to certify the results.

La Follette’s victory announcement came Thursday after his campaign released a statement, in which La Follette described his lead as a victory for “those who chose to keep election oversight out of the hands of corrupting partisan influences.”

“I am excited to continue working with Gov. (Tony) Evers and Republicans in the state legislature to secure the resources and staffing the office needs to provide the services we are responsible for to the people of Wisconsin,” the statement continued. “We need to move this office out of the basement and let it work for the people.”

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“It is just another attempt to misrepresent this race by making my platform his own, while masking corrupt influences and making completely unfounded accusations,” the statement said. “My team and I will continue to await the final results of the canvas.”

A Laudenbach campaign spokeswoman said she is not doing interviews while the canvass is still underway.

La Follette said he doesn’t believe declaring victory before a full canvass — or an official call from The Associated Press — undermines his earlier comments about protecting elections.

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

“I’m not worried about that,” he said. “The big ones are almost all there. There’s no way that’s going to change now.”

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Election

Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Megan Wolf detailed the recount process in an interview with “The Morning Show” after the election.

“If the margin is between 1 percent and 0.26 percent, the candidate has to pay for that recount,” Wolff said. “If the margin is a quarter of a percent or less, the recount is free at least for the candidate — not necessarily for the state.”

La Follette added that he hopes to work with Republicans to bolster the secretary of state’s office, which has one full-time employee. He said the office needs two additional employees to adequately serve Wisconsin.

“I hope Republicans stop thinking about Doug La Follette and start thinking about the people of Wisconsin,” La Follette said. “Fifty or more (people) come to the office every day and they need services, which we can’t provide. I have one person and if he gets sick, it’s a problem.”

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Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2023, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. Longtime Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug LaFollette has announced he will seek re-election this year, saying he intends to contest his efforts. Power to conduct elections.

The secretary of state’s office is largely powerless in Wisconsin, where over the years its duties have been carved up by legislatures and governors and delegated to other state agencies. These days, La Follette works out of an office in the state Capitol basement, where her job is mostly administrative.

In other states, the secretary of state has broad control over elections, and for years, La Follette’s opponents have pushed for that in Wisconsin. This year, Republicans running for secretary of state want to hand over the duties of the office that are currently handled by the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

During a Capitol press conference Thursday that lasted less than 5 minutes, La Follette said pressure was a factor in her decision to run again.

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“Two years ago, I might have made a different decision,” La Follette said. “But now, with the integrity of this office at stake, many have urged me to consider running for re-election.”

La Follette Robert M. announced it in front of a statue of La Follette, a progressive icon known as “Fighting Bob” who is a distant relative of Doug La Follette.

While he keeps a low profile and has few official responsibilities, 81-year-old Doug La Follette has a long track record of winning statewide elections.

He was first elected as Secretary of State in 1974. He left office for an unsuccessful bid for lieutenant governor in 1978 before running for secretary of state again in 1982. La Follette won that year and has since won re-election. La Follette was the only Democrat to win statewide in the 2010 Republican wave, a year that otherwise saw his party suffer losses up and down the polls in Wisconsin.

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While this isn’t the first time La Follette has run against putting the Secretary of State’s office on the ballot, the issue has been front and center this election cycle, especially among Republicans. That’s partly because former President Donald Trump continues to falsely claim he won battleground states like Wisconsin.

La Follette said it would be a mistake to follow the lead of other states that put elections in the hands of elected office.

“Recently, think of all the secretaries of states from Georgia to Arizona to Michigan who have pressured people to change elections,” LaFollette said.

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

State Rep. Clinton among Republicans running for secretary of state. Amy Laudenbach, Justin D. of Green Bay. Schmidtka is Jay Schroeder of Neenah and Dimitri Stefan Baker of New Berlin.

Pbs Wisconsin Public Affairs

Laudenbach, who wants the secretary of state to handle the elections, issued a statement Thursday criticizing La Follette for protecting the status quo.

“Regardless of how one feels about the results of the 2020 election, enough questions have been raised about the process and gridlock at the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to warrant a hard look at involving the Secretary of State in election oversight as this constitutional office. Voters are directly responsible,” Laudenbach said.

Republicans will choose their nominee for secretary of state in August. La Follette does not currently face a Democratic primary opponent.

Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2023, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. In the Nov. 8 election for secretary of state, incumbent Doug LaFollette and Rep. Amy Laudenbach faces off.

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Wisconsin’s Secretary of State lacks many powers. But this year, the office is under fire for expanding its powers to administer elections.

On Nov. 8, voters will choose whether to elect incumbent Secretary of State Doug LaFollette or challenger state Rep. Amy Laudenbach, R-Clinton. The two recently appeared on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “The Morning Show” to discuss their campaigns and the possibility of getting involved in election administration.

Wisconsin elections are currently overseen by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, which is administered by a group of bipartisan appointees. The Secretary of State’s office has one full-time employee. Many of the office’s past duties have shifted to other agencies.

Wisconsin Secretary Of State Search

LaFollette, a Democrat, said Republicans across the country — from Georgia to Arizona to Michigan — want the power to overturn elections they’ve lost. He said Wisconsin should keep its secretary of state out of election administration.

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“We have an independent election board and commission, and we should be proud of that,” he said. “They’re talking about bringing an election for secretary of state for the first time. Why? Because they want to be able to change the results of an election. We don’t want that in Wisconsin. I’m against it.”

In other states, secretaries of state are feeling pressure from Republicans and former President Donald Trump to refute claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

La Follette has been Wisconsin’s Secretary of State for 44 years. He said the office has less power today on issues like business corporations and trademarks because Republicans in state legislatures have lost power over time.

Discussing her campaign, Laudenbach emphasized that other secretaries of state around the country have some role in the election. She said it’s appropriate, if the state legislature chooses a new way to conduct elections, that an office “directly accountable to voters” be part of that process.

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Clinton’s Republicans said it was premature to talk about giving the secretary of state’s office unilateral control over elections. She called the move “unlikely.”

“There are numerous duties that this office can perform to compliment the work of others to assist in the oversight and administration of elections,” Laudenbach said. “If we want to have some checks and balances and a hybrid model in Wisconsin, we can look at using that.

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